Chapter 22🥀

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu again•

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu again•


The sun that day wasn't interested in doing it's job wholeheartedly. It somehow was almost soft and pleasantly warm. Or maybe it was Muntaha who was feeling quite peaceful that nothing was affecting him at all. He was standing near a stream that flowed behind his hut.

Daarim had dropped him here and left a while ago. He didn't want to go and visit Hudhud in his hut and instead opted to have the meeting at a place where he could breathe freely in the pure and fresh air.

Hudhud arrived some minutes later and frowned at him heavily, when he saw Muntaha out of his required bed rest. But for Muntaha the time to rest was over and he had to be on his feet now, somehow using the situation in his favor. So Hudhud could be cross with him but he actually didn't care too much regarding that.

He faced Hudhud without a trace of the fatigue he actually felt. His disposition was quite strong. He greeted Hudhud with a Salaam and went towards him without any trace of pain lurking on his face. Hudhud sighed helplessly. Muntaha had always been this way. He got what he wanted and he fulfilled what he had promised. He could see another such moment coming to pass. He was totally blind sided though when Muntaha removed a scroll of paper, from within his person and placed it in his hands. Hudhud frowned at it before watching Muntaha once more.

"What's this?" He enquired.

"I got it from Kaseh, when I raided his caravan months ago. The language though, I don't understand, neither does the master of the languages understand. I hope you can shed some light on it." Muntaha answered. Hudhud ran a cursory glance through it and nodded.

"I will discuss this with Abdul Hakeem." He replied. Then looked up towards Muntaha gravely. "What are your further plans?"

"I intend to travel to the Kingdom of Khaliber and acquire it's support." Muntaha explained.

"Khaliber is friendly with Ghazdaan. How are you going to acquire it's support?" Hudhud enquired.

"You would be surprised at what a set of rumors could do.l Muntaha smirked, unabashedly. His eyes were cold as he looked at something far away. Hudhud smiled slightly at his student.

"When do you start?" He asked.

"As soon as I get back."

"When is that?"

"As soon as I finish my work here."

"Work? Here?" Hudhud asked with a puzzled frown.

"Daarim said you escorted Sidra to her hut. And I am sure if you know Sidra, you would know the nature of my relationship with her. You would also know that I had received the word of her abduction just prior to my attack. That means... You somehow would link it to Sidra, making her my weak link. Thinking that she is just slowing me down and weakening me. And you must have said something to her to land her sick in the bed." Muntaha said easily, calmly. He was so relaxed that he might have been talking about the weather. Hudhud for his credit, wasn't much surprised. He knew Muntaha well enough to know that he was sharp and would get to the bottom. But he didn't know it would be this soon. "Women... However strong they are, have a certain limit. Sidra has been through all kind of trials and this is her limit. She has been strong and calm... But I do not think she would succeed in this. Because matters of heart are a slow burn. It would eat her bit by bit from inside and then hollow her out. It would destroy her. She might be strong but you have pushed her over her limit."

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