Chapter 62🏇🏾

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu •

Here u go guys. No more guess works for u...;)

Daarim stood at a scene which was heartbreaking and horrifying. His brothers were bravely facing the danger for the ease of their other brothers. This plan had been perfected a long time ago. But they had never anticipated that the battle will stretch for so long or that Ajdaan wouldn't arrive. Yet, as he stood upon such a scene where his brothers were being martyred, he realised that the working of the plans was actually something that none could guarantee. Muntaha had been right. Sidra was in extreme danger.

He swallowed as he looked downwards towards the woman who had become so important to his friend. Sidra was like Nazlee for him. Her safety was very much important to him and yet as he stood there and watched her bleed, he couldn't decide if he should grab her and rush to a healer or he should let her wait for a bit and join his brothers in battle. The very next second though, the decision was taken out of his hand and thrusted to his fate, as the dark forces swarmed near him to get to Sidra. His battle was going to be fierce and he needed all his wits so he could protect not just himself but Sidra too.

Vareesha was scared when she saw Sidra fall and was unable to move towards her but the sight of Daarim had just filled her with a renewed determination. She was not going to let Sidra down. Sidra had done everything that she could and Vareesha wasn't going to let that be ruined. They needed some more time to make the sacrifices of all her companions fruitful and she intended to give them that.

"Audhubillahi minasshaytaanirrajeem•

Qul a'uzu birabbin naas
Malikin naas
Ilaahin naas
Min sharril was waasil khannaas
Al lazee yuwas wisu fee sudoorin naas
Minal jinnati wan naas (End Juz 30)."

Vareesha began to recite loudly urging her people in her own way. They had to be inspired. Vareesha began to fight with a renewed vigor and started moving towards Sidra, where Daarim had already began his own battle.

Daarim was one of their strongest warrior and he didn't care for the number of the sorcerers and men that swarmed him, but the time was flying by and each second he lost here was a second too late for Sidra. He looked down once more as he pushed away a demon and watched Sidra's bloody clothes. His throat constricted and heart pounded harder. Muntaha had given him this grave responsibility and he had failed even before he had arrived here. He remembered the demand Muntaha had made of him, when he had informed Muntaha about Sidra's whereabouts.

One month ago-

"Can you handle everything here Ya Daarim? I need to go to the Sorcerers land." Muntaha declared.

Daarim simply watched him for some moments before shaking his head at his own naïveté. How did he even think that Muntaha would let this go? He trusted his Rabb in the matter but he also believed in struggling for it. He hadn't expected Muntaha to take such a decision though.

"No. I can't handle everything here. You need to be here to close your discussions here and then make sure that Ismayeel and his family, along with Layla bint Ismayeel understands what they are up against. Jibreel you need to be smart about this." Daarim told him apprehensively. Muntaha sighed deeply.

"I cannot leave her in such trouble either Daarim. You know this. She is my responsibility." Muntaha replied.

"Yes I do know that. So we need to think about this carefully. Okay?" Daarim asked him. Muntaha nodded slowly after some seconds of pondering. "You know there is something wrong here. Something is a bit off. You have to stay here. So do not take hasty decisions."

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