Author's note

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

My dearest readers,
How are you?
Accept my humble Salaam.
I have been MIA for quite a long time.
Many things happened this year and Alhamdulillah for each one. And I just encountered a block in writing this story afterwards and I didn't understand how to proceed through this block.
I knew where I want to lead this story. And yet I just couldn't get one word out. It's Allah's will regarding each and everything. And even a single letter needs to come from Him.
But Allah is the All Wise and Alhamdulillah for everything.

That being said I apologise for being silent for this long. But Alhamdulillahi rabbilaalameen I have started writing again.

And if You all are interested in joining with me again, then please do so. I have began to type again and I am planning to upload the chapter within two to three days. Your words will be welcomed.

And if by Allah's will you all decide you have had enough of me and my erratic updates then May Allah always have mercy upon you, I will understand. I am very frustrating 😂 But I would still feel really happy if you all would continue with me. Because your words of encouragement have always been a part of my inspiration and strength. I love you all for the sake of Allah. And Jazakallahu khairan to every single one of you for being with me always.

With Gratitude,
Do pray for me and mine.

Will see you soon In sha Allah✨

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