Chapter 43🤎

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

This chapter has additions that weren't there before. Read them.


The Eid of Fitar brought about a beautiful change in the mansion of Raihana. It looked refreshed and cleaned. But the most beautiful change could be observed in the kitchen. The smells of different types of food had permeated the air. The servants were too busy in making all the arrangements. There were sweets of different varieties. The breakfast was ready and the afternoon dishes were being prepared early so that the servants themselves could enjoy later. 

The air rang with laughter and chatter. The dresses were being discussed amongst everyone. The girls were comparing the color of their henna and then giggling. The atmosphere was lively and colorful.

Jehaan was running about the whole mansion, lifting her heavy gown in both her hands. Her face was pale and her eyes hopeful, as she walked hurriedly from one place to other to in search of her daughter. She had been calm and collected at first but half an hour of searching the whole mansion had proved futile and now she was worried.

Marwah wasn't a girl who could stay away from Jehaan for such a long time, especially on Eid. She was just going to practice swordfight with Saima, before returning. But that was three hours ago and now her heart was beating wildly in fear. She bit her lips to stop herself from growing tearful at the thought of something wrong happening to her daughter and then berated herself for falling weak. She was Jehaan, Umme Murtaza, and she was the younger sister of the late Queen Kulthoom. She couldn't fall weak.

Through the window Jehaan spied the men returning from the Eid Salah and her heart calmed at the though of the return of her son. Murtaza would know exactly what to do. She sighed and walked towards the recieving hall. She couldn't reveal this news to everyone in the hearing range. She had to speak to Murtaza in private. If Marwah had truly been taken for any reason, then this information if leaked could put her into more problems. There might be more people who will be looking to acquire her to gain an upperhand on their family and that would be a terrible thing for her. She might be used as a bartering chip by others and that was so dangerous. The information had to remain in their circle.

Her eyes caught Murtaza as he entered the mansion from the door and his steps stilled as he caught her at the doorway to the passage leading inside. A radiant smile rose on his face only to turn into a frown when he saw her anxiously fisting her hands. He began to walk towards her in concern. She motioned to him and turned away, walking towards her chambers. His frown deepened as he walked towards her.

Once inside her chamber, she motioned him to close the door and settled on the edge of the diwan. He walked across the room and sat at her feet on his knees, holding both her hands in his'. The control on her heart slipped once when she was in the safety of her room, in the presence of her beloved son, his face so much like her daughter. The tears began to flow soon enough.

"Ummi!" Murtaza was pained as he tried to wipe her tears away. Jehaan sobbed.

"Murtaza! Ah Murtaza!" Jehaan whispered brokenly. "Marwah..." She whispered. Murtaza stiffened. His heart was already anguished on her tears, Marwah's name broke his patience apart.

"What? What happened to Marwah? Ummi? Tell me. Please don't cry! Talk to me Ummi!" Murtaza begged. Jehaan reined in herself and enclosed her face in her palms.

"Marwah isn't in the mansion. She is nowhere. I thought she must be practicing with Saima but she isn't there. I am scared Ya Murtaza! My heart is being torn apart with doubts and fears... Allah! Murtaza my heart is too restless! I fear the worst!" Jehaan lamented.

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