Chapter 37💃🏻

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu


Taqdees refused to close her eyes. She wasn't a warrior but she was brave. She could face everything and even if she lost she would prefer to see her defeat than to ignore it. She silently bid adieu to her sister in her heart. Her tongue had already started uttering the shahadah. Before the sword could reach her though, it was interrupted.

'Clang!' The sound rang throughout the air, shifting the currents. Taqdees watched as another sword crossed with the one coming towards her, with an impressive surity. She watched, wide eyed, as Sidra came to stand before her. There was a calmness on Sidra's face as she faced the ten warriors. Taqdees shook her head.

"Sidra." Taqdees whispered. "You need to leave. Go! I will handle it here. Just save yourself." The warriors smiled at her in sarcasm. Sidra didn't budge though, neither did she react. She just shook her head.

"Girl." The leader spat at Sidra. "How do you intend to face a might such as ours? Go! Do as your friend say and save your puny life!"

"There is no might except Allah's!" Sidra uttered and pushed his sword away. The warriors watched her with shock as she held her sword in both her hands and faced them with a confidence that could shake the mountains.

"Such arrogance." The leader shouted angrily.

"No. Only trust. Trust that my Allah is sufficient for me." Sidra replied loudly. "Hasbunallahi wa nee'mal wakeel!" Sidra's voice rang throughout the clearing, shaking the hearts of everyone present. "I am the warrior. You will fight with me not my friend." Sidra declared and whispered a heartfelt 'Bismillah' before she began to chant 'la haula wala quwwata illah billah' and attacked.

Taqdees couldn't believe her eyes as she watched Sidra throwing herself in the fray. She hastily picked up her sword to help Sidra but the sight before her shook her heart. Sidra didn't need any help. She was fighting the warriors as she chanted the might of her Rabb and her trust hadn't failed her, her Rabb was truly sufficient for her.

Sidra chanted as she bent and attacked one man and then rotated on her spot as she kicked the one behind her aside. Somehow, her strength was taking an upper hand over these trained warriors, who were watching her with confusion and shock. They had never met a woman who could keep them at bay with a mere sword. Sidra took the support of the tree to jump over head and attacked another man with her sword and just as she landed she crouched on the ground and moved her sword in an arc. A man fell down with a scream and hastily crawled backwards, out of the fray. The remaining nine watched her with absolute shock. Sidra didn't waste any time, as she picked her bow from the satchel in a second and began to hastily fire her arrows at the men. Two were pierced in their daze before the rest seven even came out of their stupor and roared towards her. Sidra alternated between duelling with her sword and firing arrows with her bow, according to the distance of her opposition.

Taqdees had remained in her place as she watched Sidra in awe. She had seen warriors with such skills that men could be put to shame, but the warrior before her could put everyone she had seen to shame. Such grace and precision, she hadn't witnessed in her short life of twenty one. This woman was something else.

"Do your work ya Taqdees!" Sidra told her as she fought a man with her sword. "I will make sure they don't reach you In sha Allah!" Taqdees nodded her head and began to walk towards the trunk of the Jace tree. Sidra had taken her stand right in front of Taqdees as she fired arrows upon arrows. The men threw something in the air, blinding her eyes. Sidra wasn't startled though as she continued fighting them even as they tried to one up her with their tricks. She was shooting with such precision that it left the warriors in a haze. Five warriors remained uninjured.

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