Chapter 113

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!

My beautiful readers! How have you all been? I have had major major changes in my life. So many changes that includes everything possible that I knew were possible yet hadn't thought would come to pass. So please pray. I am fine and content though so Alhamdulillahi rabbilaalameen for His' mercies.

This chapter had had only a few hundred words typed months ago before the changes hit my life. I wrote everything else hastily in a couple of hours tonight for a special reason, my good friend and a dedicated reader who has stayed by me for years now. You know who you are. I won't name you here. Jazakallahu khairan for always being so supportive. Couldn't meet you but I have hope we will some day in sha Allah. Maybe today wasn't the day. Sudden plans disrupted my day. Jazakallahu khairan for your effort and support. Love you always. This is for you. May Allah bless you and yours. And I apologise once more.


My love for You,
My worship,
Has always been an oasis,
In the middle of the hottest sands,
In the stormy seas,
On the driest of lands,
I cry in your remembrance,
I beg for your forgiveness,
And when I open my heart to You,
I find peace...
On the hottest of days,
When I fast for You,
Each time I take the water in my mouth for ablutions,
And throw it away despite my thirst,
The strength to do this,
The patience,
Wouldn't have entered me,
If I hadn't had You with me...
On the coldest of nights,
When I wake up at night,
When I wash myself with the water thats ice,
The determination to do this,
To stand before You in prayer,
Comes from You!
You are the power behind my words,
Behind my swords,
Behind my trust and faith...
And its You I worship,
I bow down to,
In sujood...

Asad woke up at the time of Tahajjud and found Muhammad already awake, in sujood. He smiled. His brother hadn't changed, even after two whole decades, his love for their Rabb remained strong and Asad loved Muhammad because of this very love. He hoped his children, if they hadn't inherited anything from him, had inherited his love for Allah.

He stood in salah in the dark room, some feet away from his brother and turned towards Allah.

After salah, he broke down in tears, silently. This was between him and his Creator. This had been the support that had kept him standing firm in his hope of his brother's survival. If this invitation hadn't arrived each night from his Rabb then Asad would have broken down long back. But he had persevered. In the darkness of the nights he had raised his hands towards Allah and prayed.

He had prayed for his parents, his family, his friends, Salasal, Ghazdaan, he had prayed for his people, Muhammad and his family. And he had prayed for Zarrar, his little lion, who he was proud of. He had prayed for Hareem, his heart, his life and asked forgiveness for the unfairness done to her. And he had prayed for his princess, his Siham. He prayed for her safety. Wherever she was... A lost child was every parents' nightmare. And he had been living this nightmare for two decades, wondering what had happened, what had become of the little baby? What was her story?

And after he had lightened his load and handed over his matters to Allah, he stood up and turned towards his brother. It had been almost two months since the departure of the messenger that carried their message to Zuhayr. There hadn't been any news yet.

"Do you still think we should wait here for them?" Asad asked Muhammad, who had just finished praying too. Muhammad sighed.

"Traveling without even knowing where they are will just be foolishness right now. My brother has increased the patrols due to the news of rebellion. If we get caught, there will be a lot at stake." Muhammad replied. Asad looked away.

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