Chris Evans (fluff)

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In honor of my team winning the Super Bowl (if you're not from the U.S. The Patriots won and they deserved that win with that catch by Butler and.... I'm rambling... Enjoy!)


"You're amazing!" You'd repeated the same sentence for the last week and a half. Chris smiled at you and grabbed your hand as the plane took off. He'd never really enjoyed the whole taking off process.

"I know I'm amazing," he said, once the plane was safely at cruising altitude. You made a face and shoved headphones into your ears. A five hour trip was long enough for you to finish a book.

"Pratt!" Chris Pratt and his family were walking in the back entrance at the same time you and Chris were. The two actors hugged and you smiled at Anna, who was busy keeping Jack out of trouble to say much. The five of you were escorted inside, up a few flights of stairs and then in an elevator to a box. There were a few other celebrities, most notable of whom was Mark Whalberg, one of your all time favorite actors. Chris introduced the two of you and you fangirlled before he went back to his kids and you went back to Chris. The game started a few minutes later.

You were basically at the edge of your seat the entire game, while Chris socialized like he should. Every pass, every interception. You attracted the attention of baby Jack, who seemed more interested in your curly hair than anything. Anna made sure you were okay with holding him, which you were, before going to be Anna Faris and not Anna Pratt. Jack was happy enough just sitting in your lap and you made sure he couldn't go to far while watching the game.

Around the middle of the second quarter Chris sat down next to you, making silly faces at the infant in your lap while you interested yourself in the game again. By half time Chris was holding Jack while you had a heated debate about who would win with Pratt. Anna took Jack for a walk while Chris and Chris made a bet about who would win. After pictures were taken, and Chris finally got you to eat something aside from chips, you sat back down, half watching Katy Perry and mostly watching Chris. 

"You know, you'd make a great dad. The way you were taking care of Jack just then," you said. Chris shrugged.

"I dunno. I kinda always wanted kids. I think their wicked cute." You laughed at 'wicked'. He rarely ever slipped back into New England habits. (A/N: In MA we saw wicked like a diluted version of very. 'That's wicked cool' means 'thats very cool)

"Oh, c'mon you always say it," he smirked, leaning across the armrest to kiss you.

"PDA," Pratt called from behind you. The two of you laughed and then Chris turned back to you.

"Why'd you mention the thing about kids?" He knew you too well. He'd also noticed you'd avoided wine at the hotel and beer at the game.

"You're not..." You blushed and turned away. You'd been planning to tell him a week before, but got too caught up in the tickets.

"Wait, when did you find out?" he asked, trying to keep it down for everyone else's sake.

"Um... a week ago. I was going to tell you, but-"

"The tickets!" he realized. He kissed you again, but you pushed him away as the game started again. The Patriots were down 24-21 and Chris (Pratt) was practically dancing with joy. It took most of your strength not to punch him. There was a requested time out. You were standing up against the glass. There was no way the Pats could make a comeback. They did.

24-28. The Patriots were up.

The ball was almost on top of the Seahawks touchdown. 2:02. Another time out. You were bouncing on your toes. There was no way that the Seahawks wouldn't make the play. Easy run into the touchdown zone. They all lined up and Pratt was leaning over your shoulder. Everyone in the box was buzzing. Your arm was shaking.

The play started and you watched the ball. Someone passed the ball. There was someone in the touchdown zone to receive it. A white jersey came out of the masses and Butler caught the ball. He'd intercepted it. You almost screamed. Pratt yelped. The ball was in New England's possession. They lined up again, the Patriots were beaming and everyone on the Seahawks side seemed to have lost any energy. New England was not letting go of that ball. There was another line up, but then a penalty and another. The game was over. The Patriots were partying. Gronkowski and a few others were throwing punches at people before, but they were fist pumping the air after.

You turned to Pratt and smirked.

"I guess I'll be seeing you in Boston soon, huh?" Next you hugged Chris, who was still freaking out over the fact that you were pregnant. He did talk to you about it later, but all you could do was talk about the game. Eventually he gave up, but at night, as you were drifting to sleep, you could hear him talking to your belly.

"Hopefully you'll know what your mama is talking about 'cause god knows I don't." 


Sorry about last week. Our bus got stuck and it was just a disaster. Hopefully I'll be back to a normal schedule soon. If  you are a Seahawks fan, sorry, but between Brady, Butler, The Gronk, and Edelmen, you were no match. If you have no idea what was going on, I'm sorry. I have no friends who engage in football. i tried, but not really.

Peace, Love, Pats

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