Steve Rogers {Requested} (fluff)

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For becky_barnes



"Why did you even make me come to this party?" you complained, brushing some hair out of your face.

"Because it's Christmas and you would have spent it alone otherwise," your brother said, "Come on it'll be fun." 

"Sam, I don't know anyone here," you groaned, fake smiling for the people who waved. He shrugged and led you through the people to a crowd. It cleared a little bit and you caught a glimpse of blond hair.

"You're kidding me right?" you breathed. Sam, of course, walked right up and you followed.

"Steve," your brother greeted.

"Hey!" Captain freaking America said back, shaking your brother's hand.

"Cap, this is my sister, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Steve Rogers," he introduced. 

"Hi," you waved. 

"Hey, your brother's told me a lot about you."

"Not all bad I hope," you replied, shaking his hand. Sam led you around to meet some people, but got caught up talking to a couple, Natasha and Clint. You wandered off, trying to find something to eat. Of course you recognized some people,Tony Stark and Pepper Potts and a couple other famous people. In he end you were just sitting out of the way playing with the end of your dress in boredom. Everyone else you knew was spending Christmas with their family so you just watched the crowd. 

"You seem like your having fun," someone said, sitting down next to you. You glanced up to see Steve Rogers and shrugged.

"Didn't have much to do. Sam's all the family I've got. We usually spend Christmas in his apartment watching old movies and drinking cocoa." 

"Good think then," he said, handing you a Styrofoam with cocoa in it.

"Thanks. I don't usually like going to parties. Social awkward," you laughed, blowing on the hot chocolate. 

"I'm not much different. All this," he said, gesturing around the room, "Is so different from my old Christmas'."

"What did you do for your other christmas'?" you asked, sipping the cocoa and burning your tongue. 

"Well Bucky, my best friend, and I used to play a full game of every board game we could find in the house until one of us fell asleep. It was a lot of fun for me and him." He stared at the ground sadly and I nudged him. 

"Although I'm not Bucky and this isn't our house, I saw a couple board games in the other room if you want to play." He nodded and you both snuck into the next room and stole some board games before leaving the huge first floor to wander around the second. You found an empty bedroom and sat down on the floor and played board games until 12:30, when Sam texted you that he was leaving. 

"Um, Sam's leaving... I better go." Steve pouted and then grabbed your phone, fumbling to type something in and then hand it back to you.

"Call me, (Y/N)," he said, walking you out the door. 

Sure enough you did and three weeks later, after he finished with a mission near you, he picked you up for dinner. 


Side is your outfit for Tony's Christmas party. 

Hope you liked sorry for the shortness. All the smuts will be out by next tuesday the 26, which is when i start school.

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Peace, Love, Spock

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