Thomas Brodie-Sangster {Requested} (fluff)

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This is a kinda little different. It's written from the PoV of a boy. I'm still not doing names, cause I'm kinda against that just cause. Hope you guys like!


"Anyone home?" You called, toeing off your shoes. There was a patter of feet along the ground and a golden retriever appeared around the corner, charging full force at you. You grinned kneeling down to let her lick your face and pat her head. 

"Hello, pretty girl, how was your day?" She barked twice, turning around when she heard footsteps.

"What 'bout me?" You glanced up and watched Thomas come around the corner. He was wearing a cooking apron, which was hilarious, but to add to it he had flour all on his face and hands. 

"Less pretty," you smirked, patting Rosie's head before standing up. Thomas pouted dramatically and you smiled. 

"Why do you need me to tell you you're pretty? Don't you have hundreds of fangirls to do that for you?" you asked, tossing your bag onto the chair, Thomas and Rosie followed before you felt a hand on your shoulder, spinning you around.

"Your opinion is the only one that matters to me." You rolled your eyes, but let Thomas steal a kiss before disappearing back to the kitchen. Rosie climbed onto the couch and you followed, running your hands through her fur. 

"What's he doing in there, huh Rose?" 


You found out about an hour later when you started smelling cake baking, which was one of the two things attracting you to the kitchen, the other being Thomas singing. He was humming while cleaning the kitchen table off, his pink apron hanging loosely around his waist now. 

"Cake for..?" you asked, leaning your elbows onto the cold stone surface.

"Halloween tomorrow silly! We at least need cake!" Sometimes you forgot how much Thomas loved halloween. His favorite part by far was the sweets, you personally liked the dressing up more. He finished putting things in the sink and washing his hands, turning to you.

"Come on, time for cuddling." He said it in such a way that you just followed him without thinking about the fact that he basically ordered you to cuddle with him. Of course, he wanted to change out of his jeans, so when he went up to change, you flopped onto the couch and stared at Rosie, who was panting and wagging her tail at you. 

"Are you going to keep staring the dog down?" You stuck out your tongue at Thomas, but he just leaned over the back of the couch and kissed you softly. His hands found their way to your hair and you pulled him over the back of the couch. He landed in your lap with a heavy thump and pulled away only to laugh at your expression. He still took it as an invitation to pressing his face into your chest and effectively pushing you against the back of the couch. 

"Movie?" you asked softly, letting your eyes run across his face. 

"Addams Family!" Thomas exclaimed too quickly, like he'd been waiting for the question. You ignored it and pushed him by the shoulders to go and turn the TV on. He did, taking his spot again, back pressed against your chest. You pulled him closer, holding him with your arm across his chest. 

"Honestly, (Y/N), where do you think I'm going?" he huffed, trying to claw your arm away from him. You pressed your lips, stopping all of his movements completely.

"Absolutely no where."

"I love you." You could hear the smile in his voice, and looked at the screen where Gomez and Morticia Addams were. 

"Love you too." 


Wow sorry for how short my recent imagines have been. Im just trying to update as much as possible! I will have a halloween update on sunday, which i will write saturday night. Me and my friends are all starting our nanowrimo novels after we get back from trick or treating. 

Have a great halloween and if you don't celebrate halloween i hope you get loads of candy and sweets anyway!

Pumpkins, Love, and Spock



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