Thomas Brodie-Sangster {Requested} (fluff)

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Two things!!!!

Number one I'm really sorry if I've been missing your requests because for whatever reason my phone is being weird and if i put a draft there with who its for and who its about it doesn't show up on my phone. I'm trying to get them all back right now

Number two I'm sorry if the dedications are weird. I've been trying to figure out how to use the new thing, but its been taking me a little while. I swear I'm trying to fix it


"Hey, baby doll. We're just about to leave LA for Boston then back home. I'll be asleep when you hear this, but I love you and I'll see you soon." The line clicked out and you stared at the phone for a while, thinking about what you could say to make what you were supposed to say sound better. Your phone vibrated again, signaling two minutes. The second one had the same result. You weighed your options for a little while then picked up the phone. He couldn't hear what you had to say till he landed in Boston.

"Hey Tommy, have fun in Boston. Don't wear anything that says Yankees on it. We don't want them breaking that pretty face of yours. Call my phone when you land. We have lot's to tell you. Love you, bye." You stared at your phone for a long time, like you expected him to answer right away, but realized he wouldn't answer for a while. You went about your morning routine daily, skipping the coffee. You felt more awake than you would ever feel. The news was playing in the background and somehow you had caught onto a channel playing US news.

"The Red Sox win the World Series by a mile, beating the Yankees by six runs!" You changed the channel. Your phone rang and you dove across the room to get it.


"Would you like to buy a-" You hung up, groaning. Your best friend, (Y/B/F/N), called once to see if you were still hanging in. She was the only person besides you that knew. You were drifting back to sleep when Thomas called.


"Hey, baby doll. You sounded nervous in your message. What's wrong?" You thought about waiting to tell him, but you decided to reply.

"I-uh. I'm pregnant." There was a stunned silence on the other side of the phone and then Thomas replied weakly.

"That's great." The dead silence from the phone was killing you and you cringed on the inside.

"I'm sorry," you said quietly, "I'll see what we can do."

"No! No, no, no!" Thomas exclaimed, "I'm just surprised that's all. We can talk about it when I'm home. For now I want you to relax, I'll be with you soon, baby doll."

"Okay, I love you?"

"Stop sounding so nervous, it's only me! I love you too, (Y/N)." You slept the night on the couch. When you woke up there was a message from Thomas.

"Morning, baby doll. I'm getting the next flight, so assuming you hear this in the morning, I'll be there this afternoon." You smiled and cleaned the house a little, leaving him a message saying you'd pick him up from the airport.

"Flight 832 from Boston Logan has arrived." You got up from where you were staring into space and walked towards the gate exit, waiting for Thomas to walk out. The second the media found out that Thomas was coming in, there were paparazzi everywhere. The door opened and the first person out was Thomas, a security guard with him.

"(Y/N)!" he called, jogging as best he could with his suitcase and hugging you. He didn't say anything, just kissed you and then you walked to the car. The security guard left as soon as you'd gotten in the car safely and Thomas held your hand while you drove.

"So..." you said quietly once you were safely on the highway.

"I want to talk to you about it when you're not driving okay?" he said. He sounded soft and slightly angry. You shut your mouth tight, your hand slipping out of his.

"Pull over."


"Pull over." You did, stopping in a roadside parking lot. When the car was stopped Thomas got out of the car and you followed his example, sitting on the hood of the car. No one else was in the rest stop besides you.

"I'm not angry, I promise, but with both of us working, I think it would be best to keep off having kids."

"I don't mind not working," you said quietly. You'd wanted kids for a long time and now that Thomas was saying this, it made you nervous. He stepped in front of you and looked right into your eyes.

"(Y/N), I know how much you love kids. I never wonder why you're a teacher, but that's just it. You love teaching. Would you be willing to give that up?" You nodded, "I've wanted kids forever, Tommy."

"I know."

"If you don't want kids then we don't have to have them together," you said, averting your eyes to the trees in front of you.

"Not want kids?" Thomas sounded surprised and you looked back up. His eyes were tearing up.

"Baby doll, I would go to the end of the universe for you. If you want kids then we can have ten." You giggled, brushing a stray tear from his cheek.

"I love you," you said quietly.

"I love you as well," he said, kissing you hard. After a short make out session on the hood of the car you went home to start planning for the new addition into your family.


I am so sorry for not posting. School is going over my head right now, plus softball, so I've been so busy. I'm going away when school ends, but if I'm not posting at least once a week in July you're allowed to yell at me!

Thank you so so much for the 200k reads! My birthday was yesterday and it meant the world to see that!

Thank you guys again, you're the best and I love you

Peace, Love, Spock



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