George Weasley [Harry Potter] (fluff)

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It's April 1st in the year after the war


"George, come on," you sighed. He just stared into space and you frowned, sitting on the edge of the bed. He turned to the side and pressed his face into your side.

"Please, I know you don't want to do this, but it's not for you. It's for the rest of your family. For your mom." You ran your fingers through his hair and could feel his tears wetting your shirt. You nudged him over and laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around you and settled his head on your chest. You rested your chin on his head. His hair was getting too long, but you knew he didn't want to cut it. He would do anything to not look like Fred.

"George, your whole family is downstairs staring at just your name on a cake and they're crying because they don't have anything to be happy for. Just go down there and let them be happy for a little while. Give them something to smile for." It felt like it had been eternity without Fred. He was your best friend, but he was so much more to George.

"I-I'm scared..." You we're sure he could hear your heart jump. He hadn't spoken a word in a month. The last thing he'd said was "Happy Birthday, Ron" before going back up to his bed.

"Of what, love?"

"I've never... I've never blown out my candles myself." You were tempted to laugh a little bit  when he said that, your fingers drawing patterns on his back.

"You don't have to, George. You'll never have to. I can do it this year and every year after that you'll have a little redhead to do it with you." That got him up, and he kissed your stomach before standing up and helping you onto your feet.

"Happy birthday, love," you said, giving him a soft kiss. He nodded and took your hand, wiping his face with the other. The two of you walked down the stairs to the kitchen of the Burrow. When you walked into the kitchen the whole family looked at you two and freckled faces lit up.

"Happy birthday!" George smiled and for once it was genuine, his hand squeezing yours.

"Thanks." Molly lit the candles and Ginny turned out the lights, the Weasley clan (including Harry, Hermione, and a few others) gathered around George. They sang happy birthday and when it came to blowing out the candles George leaned in, tugging on your arm and you blew them out together. You ate cake, George's hand never leaving yours, and after an acceptable amount of time George looked to the stairs. The family didn't say anything as you two went back up to the room that was once Fred and George's, and soon would be again.

"I have a present, for you and Fred, wherever he might be." George nodded, sitting on his bed and looking at Fred's across the room. You pulled out a slip of paper and gave it to George before walking to the empty bed and dropping a sonogram and a paper that gave a gender.

"I was thinking you'd want another little Fred in your life, regardless of if he was here or not." George was nodding when you turned around.

"I'm glad. Now, we have a few things to sort out if we want to prank your siblings."


I have a few requests in right now, but I was having trouble with what to write and I thought of this so here's a filler I'll try to get another chapter out next week. Enjoy!

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