Dan Howell {Requested} (fluff)

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"(Y/N), Dan is here," someone called from across the parking lot. You nodded, turning back to your destination. You were wiped of every trace of makeup and then you shed your costume, changing back into jeans and a sweater. You locked your trailer behind you and walked to the waiting car. You climbed into the passenger seat and smiled at Dan.
"Hey, love," he smiled, kissing your cheek. You rolled your eyes, he was too much of a gentleman sometimes, and kissed him hard on the lips.
"How was VidCon?" You asked, grabbing his hand while he started driving.
"It was really great. We got to see everyone again. Tyler got you a present, in fact. I'll show you at home." It was quiet for a little while as Dan drive towards the gates of the filming area. A guard glanced in the window, smiled, waved, and opened the gate.
"Have a lovely night."
"You too," Dan said, rolling up the window. As soon as the car rolled out of the gated area there was flashed, paparazzi trying to catch a glimpse of who was in the car. You ignored it, turning on the radio. You loved your fans, but you hated the media.
"So, who else did you see? Is Phil feeling better?"
"Troye, Conor, Louis, the usual people. I met Markiplier which was cool," Dan said, "Phil's a bit better. His fever's gone away, but the cough hasn't. He's gone to the doctors." It was quiet for another little while until your phone rang.
"(Y/N)!" Your agent exclaimed, "I though you were keeping you and Dan a secret!"
"I was... what's happened?"
"Go on Twitter and you'll see," she huffed, hanging up. You looked at your phone, confused, and went into twitter. Y/N and Dan was already trending. The most reposted tweet was a picture of you and Dan kissing just a few minutes before.
"Dan?" You asked weakly. He was already looking worriedly at you.
"Yeah? Is something wrong?"
"Um... someone got a picture of us kissing and now it's everywhere." The two of you were meant to stay a secret until the movie was finished so Dan wouldn't have to deal with the pre-movie fiasco.
"So you're fine then?"
"Yeah." He looked nervous and you smiled.
"It's just cameras, Dan. You can tweet out saying whatever you want when we get home, alright?" He nodded, parking next to the apartment. There was a few paparazzi standing outside and as soon as you got out of the car they were snapping pictures.
"So are you two together?"
"How long has it been?"
"How come it's been a secret all this time?" You ignored the questions, taking Dan's hand and walking into the building. You took the stairs up to your apartment and flopped onto the couch. Dan laughed and leaned over the back of the couch to kiss you.
"Alright I'm just going to tell everyone then." You nodded and flicked on the TV. The afternoon news was playing and there was a photo of you and Dan getting out of the car.
"How do they get these up so fast?" You asked. Dan laughed again, setting his phone on the counter.
"What do you want for dinner then?"
Sorry about not posting for a while, but finally school is over. Bad news I'm leaving tonight for Europe. Anyone, if you're going to the Davos EF tours Leadership Summit, see you there. okay after I get back which is the Monday after this one, I will be on vacation and once again you all are alloud to tell me to post
Peace, love, Spock

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