Jake Gyllenhaal {Requested} (fluff)

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For harleykwinn


You stared at your front door, looked down at the mail in your hand, and your stomach constricted.

"Shit, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit shitshitshitshit." You paced down the path to the street and then went back, going in circles trying to think of what you should do. The damn house was going to burn down if you didn't get inside. As you reached the sidewalk again, someone ran into you, sending you into the thin layer of snow on the ground.

"What the hell!" You exclaimed, looking up. 

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you because of the bush, I didn't mean to hit you," the man said, "Are you alright?" You stood up and started to hear something inside your house.

"Oh, fuck!" You sprinted to the front door and pounded, like anyone was going to open in.

"I'm so fucked." 

"Hey miss, do you live there?" 

"Yeah, what's it to you?" 

"Well I live next door." You froze, slowly turning to the sidewalk. You'd remembered the moving trucks and paparazzi. Someone else on the street had to be the one to tell you that Jake Gyllenhaal moved in next door and shared your backyard fence. You'd never seen him in person, of course, but right now you had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Can I use your backyard? My back door is always unlocked, but I'm stupid I went to get the mail and-"

"Yeah, of course." You dropped your mail on the doorstep and followed him into the blue house next to yours. He unlocked it, letting go of the dog who's leash he'd been holding in the street. 

"It's just that way," he pointed. All of the houses on the block were identical, so you didn't really need someone to lead you. You unlocked his back door and ran over to the fence that connected your back gardens. There was a small gate in the back, which led into a forest, right next to an identical one in your yard, and you went into your yard, swearing when you saw the state of the kitchen. 

"It doesn't look safe to go in there." You jumped, hearing Jake's voice behind you. You ignored him, opening the back door. A billow of black smoke hit you in the face and you coughed, stepping inside and feeling your way to the stove. You turned it off and crawled to the sink, trying to get to your fire extinguisher. A blast of cool chemicals brushed by you and you followed it back to where Jake was holding his own fire extinguisher. Once the actual fire was out Jake turned to you.

"You should call the fire department."

"No, it's fine it's out." 

"You shouldn't stay here till they say it's safe." You rubbed your face and called 911. Jake was sitting at your dining room table when you were done on the phone with them.

"I didn't catch your name either." You sat down heavily and blew some hair out of your face.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), the one who put cookies in everyone's mailboxes during all the holidays." He nodded in recognition.

"They're some good cookies, I do have to say." You smiled a little bit and looked at your burnt oven. 

"Well the gingerbread snowmen might not come this year, sorry to disappoint." 

"That doesn't have to be true. What do you need to bake them?" Your eyebrows furrowed and you looked at the famous man standing in your burnt kitchen, his hand out towards you.

"We can bake them at my house, come on." 

"I don't know you." 

"Yeah, you do. You bake me cookies at all the holidays. It's the least I can do. Plus I pushed you into the snow." You took his hand and started towards your cupboard, which had every baking material under the sun in it.

"That was an accident." There was silence from behind you and you turned to see Jake rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Actually... I did it because I wanted to talk to you." His face was slightly red and you laughed, shaking your head. 


"You have a net worth of like seventy million and have dated Taylor Swift, and you 'accidentally' pushed me so you could talk to me?" He nodded with a little nervous smile on his face.

"I know you're the one who hands out the cookies and I just... I didn't know how else to talk to you because you were in such a riled up state." You laughed again.

"Here, hold these." You put flour, brown sugar, and two sticks of butter in his arms, pulling out a little basket with containers of nutmeg, cinnamon, and various other things needed to bake. 

"Let's put these at my house and we can come back when the firemen show up." You put everything in Jake's kitchen, admiring how little baking equipment he owned.

"Come on you have to at least have a measuring spoon!" He shook his head and you rolled your eyes with a grin, tugging him along through his backyard to yours. While you were getting all of your supplies, someone rang the doorbell.

"I got it. It's probably the firemen." You waved, putting the stuff you needed into a box. Jake and two men in uniform walked in.

"Wooh, that looks rough. Could you tell us what happened, sir?" 

"Actually, I don't live here. It's her." They turned to you and you smiled a little bit.

"So I went out to get the mail and the door locked behind me and I left my oven on and... well as you can see." The two men looked at your stove, checked your gas main, and wrote some things.

"Insurance should cover part of this. Your house is perfectly safe, but don't try to use the stove or oven till you get a new one." You led them to the door, thanking them again. Jake was standing by your back door when you walked into the kitchen.

"How about we make sure the neighborhood gets their cookies before Christmas." 


I hope y'all liked it. Send me more holiday prompts! It's a snow day (the first real snow of the winter I'm so pumped) and I want to write more! I'm really really close to 300K reads and I would love you guys so much if you shared and commented and voted because its hard to write without people supporting you, but I know all of you are supporting me! I would love to see 300K reads before February, it would be a dream come true. You guys are truly the best.

Peace, Love, Cookies



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