Gabriel [Supernatural] {Requested} (fluff)

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For autumn_is_an_angel


You stared at Gabe's shoulder blades, watching him as he threw off his shirt and moved around by the end of your bed. He glanced at you in the mirror and you looked down to where your book lay unopened on your lap.

"You okay?" You nodded and flipped to a random page, pretending to get into the book. You heard fluttering and looked up. Gabe was gone and you sighed, tossing the book to his side of the bed and slumping. All you wanted was to see his wings. That was it. It wasn't a big deal. You could ask him. He was your boyfriend. You can ask him. 

"So what's up?" You nearly jumped out of the bed when Gabriel spoke right next to your ear. He grabbed your shoulder to keep you from hitting him.

"What the hell, Gabe." 

"I think you mean what the heaven?" 

"And when was the last time you were there?" He laughed, pulling you closer to him. 

"You're diverting my attention. What was it that you were so focused that I could sneak up on the most famous hunter ever." You laughed. Famous hunters were Dean and Sam Winchester. You weren't even a name, which was good. That meant people weren't trying to kill you as often.

"Uhm... well I was wondering... if maybe... I could." 

"Come on, (Y/N), spit it out." You sighed and buried your face in Gabe's neck. He hugged you and then pulled you away from him.

"What has the most famous hunter ever tongue tied?" You sighed and then looked him in the eyes. 

"Can I see your wings?" He blinked at you and then you blinked and suddenly there was a golden feathered wing wrapping you up along with Gabe's arm. Your jaw dropped and you stared at it.


"Obnoxious. Like come on. Cas got navy ones, Lucifer got red-brown ones, Michael got grey ones, and everyone irrelevant got white ones, but gold? Come on, dad." You shook your head, extracting your arm from Gabe's grip and reaching out to touch them, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled it down into his hug. The next time you blinked they were gone.

"Wait, I wanna touch them!" He shook his head and you pouted.

"Come oooon," you whined. Gabe wrapped his arms tighter around you so you couldn't shift and shook his head.

"No, you can't." 

"Why? You let me see them, why can't I touch?" 

"No touching the masterpieces." You rolled your eyes and poked his stomach with your finger. He whined a little bit and moved away, letting you go.

"Please, Gabe? I really want to just touch them!" He shook his head.

"You can look but no touching." He sat up and you did too, staring at his shoulders. Nothing happened.

"Blink, idiot." You huffed and blinked. The left one expanded out all the way and almost touched the other wall while the right one was tucked in a little bit. They were huge and all you wanted to do was reach out and touch the soft feathers. You tried to shift your hands, but it didn't work. 

"Hey, that's unfair!" He laughed.

"I knew you would try to touch th-" You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. His arms pulled you closer and you pushed for the kiss to go deeper. As it did the grip on your hands began to loosen and while he got lost in the kiss you pulled away. Your hands immediately went to the gold. They were soft, gold on the top with white-tan layers underneath. Your fingers were running through the softness before he yelped and rolled away.

"Are your wings ticklish?" you asked, reaching to touch them again. 

"No!" You blinked and they were gone. You laughed and fell on top of the angel. 

"Gabe, they're gorgeous." He looked you in the eyes, like he was trying to figure out if you were being honest.

"Really? I always thought they were obnoxious. That's what Balthazar and Michael always said." You shook your head and rested your chin on his chest. 

"I think they're perfect." He smiled widely and leaned forward to kiss you again.

"I love you, (Y/F/N)"

"Love you too, Gabriel." 


Hope you liked this :) I spent a solid twenty minutes just looking through google at gabe with wings. I'm obsessed with the idea of wings in supernatural. Anyway, share, comment, vote etc. Based off the idea that Gabe's wings are fucking huge.

Peace, Love, Spock



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