Aidan Turner: Part 1/2 {Requested} (smut)

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dedicated to nz-taika 

This is going to be a new thing. I got two separate requests for imagines and I'm going to make it a two part one-shot

Also in the news I have a new laptop which will be named Steve so everyone welcome steve into the community of my life

Okay bye and enjoy


"Wife on set!" someone yelled. You'd just gotten out of the car when a personal assistant, Aidan's PA, rushed over and led you to Aidan's trailer. His name was written on a wet piece of paper that was poorly taped to the door's window.

"Mr. Turner will be with you shortly. They're just wrapping up a scene," he explained.

"No problem. I'll wait inside," you smiled. Obviously the PA was new, Aidan always made sure his PA's were comfortable and well paid. That was Aidan and you loved him for it . 

You let yourself into his trailer. It was like he usually had. There was one long couch and a counter with a sink. Off the side was a bathroom and on one wall was a TV. Aidan's phone was sitting on the counter, your three calls and ten texts blinking ever other minute. You toss yourself over the couch and start watching Netflix on the huge ass TV. 

Around twenty minutes later the door opens and Aidan comes in, stripping as soon as the door closes. He doesn't notice you on the couch until you make a noise of appreciation at his almost nakedness. He jumped, ready to call security, then he saw you and smiled. 

"Hello, darling," he smirked, "Enjoying the view?"

"As always," you laughed, sitting up and pausing the movie playing. You folded you legs so Aidan could fit on the couch, and then you dropped you head in his lap. He smiled down at you and bent over to kiss you. Mid-way through your kiss the door opened and Aidan's PA quickly called in, "Sir your wife was in there." Aidan laughed an called back, "Yeah, I found her. Thank you, Charlie." The door closed and you sat up, leaning against Aidan.

"What happened to Paul?" you asked, kicking off your shoes and shrugging off your jacket. 

"I take that as you're staying? And Paul finally got his big break. He got a part in the new Doctor Who series," Aidan explained. You nodded, half listening and other half admiring how perfect your husband was. You'd barley been married a year and you both were so content with each other. Sometimes you wondered if it was all just a dream. That you'd wake up in your uni flat and have to life your life all over again. You were happy that you'd known Aidan for years before he got famous. 

You two didn't talk for the twenty minute break he had. You just smiled at each other. You silently went back on your wedding. How you felt walking down that isle and seeing Aidan in a suit with tears in his eyes. 

Before you two knew it the door was opening and Charlie was ushering Aidan out the door with his costume, apologizing to you. 

Around two hours later you were just watching from the sidelines as the cast did their thing. They were all fabulous at acting, but all you could pay attention to was Aidan. In between shots he would pull faces at you and goof around with his co-workers. 

Th director called  lunch break at 2:15. Telling them all to be back in three ours for night scenes. Aidan had already ordered takeout to the set, which was a ritual of yours. Whenever you were on set for non-work related reasons you'd order Chinese take-out. Of course as soon as Aidan got back to the trailer he shucked off all his clothing and rubbed away all his makeup before pulling on old sweatpants. You just smiled at him and found cash for the take out guy. 

When the food came Aidan ate a good three quarters off it and then let you eat the rest, but you didn't mind. He'd been on set working for almost eight hours. Once you'd both finished eating you cuddled on the couch and Aidan asked you what was going on at work.

"Nothing much. I've got nothing for Dean at the moment, he's kind of taking a year off. Um... Everything else has been pretty calm. They're in set movies and are cemented in or on leave, so work ha been easy," you said, your forehead in the crook of his neck. You looked up at him and made a face after that. 

"You seem to be enjoying work," you commented. 

"Now that you're here I'm enjoying it lot more," he said. You rolled your eyes and kissed him, at first lightly and then very forcefully. As the kiss got more heated, you found yourself without a shirt and Aidan in just boxers. Your tongues battled and Aidan's hands found the buttons on your pants. 

"You're wearing more clothes than I am, now how is that fair?" he asked, before letting his lips dive down your neck and suck at your collarbones. You were yell aware that you couldn't make any marks on Aidan, but he could make as many as he wanted on you, which meant that tomorrow you're sister was going to give you hell. At the moment though, all you could think of was Aidan's finger rubbing at you through your panties. 

"Oh stop teasing!" you moaned. He obliged, pulling off his boxers and dropping your underwear. He looks at you, making sure you're ready before thrusting into you. You groan at the feeling, your lips meeting with Aidan's once again. He allows you to adjust before pulling out and pounding back in.

"Mmmm," he groaned in your ear, your nails digging into his back. 

"(Y/N), I'm gonna..." he looses his words, but you understand. You starin against the feeling in your stomach until Aidan comes and rides you out as you release. After a few more lazy thrusts he pulls out and kisses you, pulling a blanket over the two of you and giving you a t-shirt. He was always considerate of how insicure you were about your top half, but he never stopped mentioning how beautiful you were to him. You spent the rest of those three hours together talking about the house your were buying.

"I already started packing the stuff we never use. I tried packing some of Claire's toys, but she clawed through the box and hid them under the bed again. That cat is really very stubborn," you said. Aidan nodded in agreement and kissed your temple. Just minutes after that conversation Aidan kissed you goodbye and left for the rest of his filming.

You headed home for the night and fell asleep without Aidan.

You woke up wih Aidan's arms wrapped around you and his long breaths aginst your hair. You slid out of bed and went to the bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth. When you reentered the bedroom Aidan was sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"What time did you get in last night?" you asked, poking in your contacts.

"Around eleven I think... maybe it was one. I don' know, there was a one." You rolled your eyes at him and kissed him on the head.

"Sleep some more. I'm going for a run." 

You went by the rest of the week like usually, not busy, but work was often. On Sunday you'd just woken up when your phone reminded you that it was your time of the month. Like usual you found a pantie liner and woke up Aiden with a kiss before headng to the grocery store. Usually when you got halfway through the day your period would start, but it didn't. You just assumed your body was just adjusting to your new running schedule, but one week later and you still hadn't seen a drop of blood. Naturally curious you bought a pregnacy test and took it home. You took it and left it on the counter to analize before going to cook dinner. You'd completely forgotten about it until Aidan came rushing out of the bathroom with it in hand.

"When were you going to tell me you were pregnant!?" he exclaimed. You jumped and looked at it.

"I forgot I took that!" you laughed.

"Well I hope you don't forget tomorrow that you're going to have a baby in nine months!" he smiled, kissing you and then talking to your belly.

"You better not be as forgetful as your mother."


Part two will most likely b out tomorrow afternoon

Vote, comment, share all the usual stuff


Peace, Lov, Spock

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