Orlando Bloom {Requested} (fluff)

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For Supernialler2918 (btw I love your username)



Tick. Tock.

478 days, 18 hours, 9 minutes, 8...7...6...5...

"The longer you stare at it the worse it's going to be," your best friend, (F/N), said. You rolled your eyes.

"Easy for you to say, you've already got Mr. Perfect," you groaned, your eyes glancing to her clock. 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds.

"I'm late though. Well, later than usual," you reminded, glaring at your left ring finger.

Tick. Tock.

The bus was late again and you were about to stand up to hail a cab for you and (F/N) when a car drove through a puddle and soaked you through. You felt like your body temperature dropped to 0 and then back to 90. (F/N) grabbed your hand and dragged you to the store next door, insisting that you buy other clothes. It was freezing out and being wet wouldn't help you.

"I don't need other clothes! We'll be going home soon. Come on..." You sighed. She refused and bought you jeans and a sweater, as well as a jacket. She forced you to change and you complied, pulling off your wet sneakers and socks. It took a little more effort to get your jeans off, as some of the water had already frozen on your legs and you tried to wiggle out of them, in the process you noticed your finger. The numbers... the numbers had reduced drastically.

0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes, 5...4...3...2...1

Tick. Tock.

You didn't say anything, knowing if you tried to change your fate, it would be ruined again. You changed at a pace that your body told you and you refused to go faster, even when (F/N) urged you too.

"(Y/N), the bus drove by," she groaned. You remembered how important it was for her to get home on time, but she would understand. You'd gotten grounded the night you stayed out with her to find her soulmate, which was a funny story.

"It doesn't matter," you said, stepping out of the changing room. She gave you a weird look and when you moved your hand to fix your hair, her eyes widened. It was only polite to not say anything. If she did it could throw the whole balance. The two of you walked to the front counter and paid for the clothes you'd put on.

0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes, 52...51...50

Tick. Tock.

Your head started spinning and you put the money on the counter, leaving (Y/F) to pick it up. She just watched you go. It was freezing outside, but you didn't notice and you started walking backwards on the sidewalk, turning and trying to see him. The person you were supposed to fall in love with.

0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 31...30...29...

Tick. tock.

You knew it as you fell. The numbers were counting down, but someone's foot stopped you from hitting the cement. A hand reached out to help you up. His clock and your clock hit zero at the same time, but neither of you noticed, too caught up in each other.

"S-Sorry," you stuttered. You were a rather outgoing person, but you were tongue tied. How had you not noticed. You'd only watched him on TV a couple billion times.

"S'alright. It's not every day you meet your soulmate is it?" he asked, helping to your feet. The people around you were courteous and walked around the two of you. The number of people that met their soulmate in the street like that was overly obnoxious when you were trying to get somewhere in a hurry.

"So, what took you so long?" You asked, finally getting your wit back. You received a text from (F/N), saying that she went home and she'd have your money for the next time you saw her.

"Well the number was a lot shorter at one point in time, but I had a bit of a fan girl problem," he explained, directing the two of you to the nearest coffee shop. His body guard sat two tables away, watching everyone around suspiciously. You were too focused on Orlando's brown eyes to notice.

"So... you said you had a fan girl problem?"

"Yeah, she said she was my soulmate. That her clock stopped when she met me, but it was actually that guy over there," he said, pointing out the tall man.

"Hmm, I guess you shouldn't have a problem with me then?" You asked. He shook his head, latching his fingers with yours. The color that the number stopped on 0,0,0,0 was specific to your fingers and you were perfectly fine with that.


I'm so totally using this AU for another actor I legit have the best idea!! Anyway hope you enjoyed this one. My new bedsheets make my room smell weird (shit about Shivi no one cares about). Comment vote share

Peace, Love, Spock

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