Tom Hiddelston (sad)

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Holy shit the last time I posted I had a few below 300 and that was on Saturday now I have 400! I Love love love you guys!!



"Thomas?" You finally gave up on calling out and dropped your bag onto the floor to go take a look around your boyfriend's apartment. He was supposed to be back from his photo-shoot by now. You sighed and picked up the home phone, typing in Tom's number by heart.

"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I'm sorry, but the number you wished to call is not available now. Please leave your message after the tone. Beep."

"Hey, Tommy. Just wondering if you were alright. I guess your still in the photo shoot. Um... I'm at your flat. See you later, love you. Bye." You hung up and sighed again, flipping down onto the couch. Suddenly the phone rang and you turned to pick it up. Ben's worried voice came through the receiver.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?"

"Tom... oh.... Chris didn't... oh... I'm going to get you from Tom's right now okay? Grab some clothes, both yours and Tom's."

"Okay, but wh--" He hung up. You quickly picked up your cell and flicked to the latest news. Nothing was on there. Next you checked Twitter. Nothing yet. You picked up the bag you'd been carrying before and shoved some of Tom's clothes inside, rushing out the door and locking it behind you. Ben pulled up a moment later, ushering you into the car and telling you to be quiet as he explained.

"Some crazy guy was on the street. He was buying you flowers. H-he got shot." You heart plummeted.

"H-he what?"

"I'm sorry." You shut your mouth and leaned your head back, trying not to scream.

"Is he okay? Oh god, please tell me he's okay." Ben didn't say anything, kept his face straight and kept his eyes on the road. You kick of your shoes and curl up in your seat, biting at your skin to keep from sobbing. Your tears were soaking into your jeans and you went to call Tom so he could comfort you, but you couldn't.

"Where is he?"

"Hospital. Alive... but..." You finally let out a wail, clutching Ben's hand and sobbing. The salty tears ran into your mouth and your nose started running.

"But I didn't get to tell him..." You cry.

"Tell him?" Ben asked, pulling a sharp corner. You shake your head and stare out the window. It was sunny out. Sunny out in London. You laugh bitterly, "It's sunny on the one day that it shouldn't be." Ben drops you off at the front of the hospital and you run in.

"Thomas William Hiddelston."

"Room 314. Sorry, no one is allowed to see him but family."

"Please!" You cry, "Please I need to see him!" The nurse shakes her head.

"Please, there has to be something." She shakes her head again. As you take a seat at the waiting room more tears fall down your cheeks. The woman next to you smiles.

"Get ready to go." You look at her questionably.

"I'll create a distraction. Go in."


"Of course. Go on now."

"What's you're name?"

"Sally Jackson."

"Thank you, Sally." She yelled something and the nurses came over as you slipped into the hall and ran up the stairs two at a time. When you got to the third floor you found the room and walked in, preparing yourself. The door opens and inside Tom is laying on a bed. His skin is deathly pale and his eyes are closed, but when you walk in they open and look at you. Their usual intense blue color is dull and he smiles a little bit. He can't seem to say any words, but you walk over and sit down next to him. His barely warm hand grips onto yours in one last attempt of love.

"Hey, Tommy. I have something to show you." You slowly pull out the sonogram and put it in his hand. He slowly moves it to his face and when he does his eyes brighten, but only a little bit.

"M-mine?" His voice sounds gravelly and tired. You nod and kiss his hand, then rub your cheek against it. He smiles again, more fondly this time and gives you the picture.

"Take care of them okay?"

"Well you're gonna help."

"No, I'm not."

"Don't say that..."

"The doctors said that..." You look at him sadly and he kisses your hand.

"I love you, (Y/N). You're going to make an amazing mother. I love you." His heart monitor dropped to a flat and you pulled out of the room, where Ben welcomed you into warm arms and let you cry.

Five Years Later

"Sophie, Annalise, I'm home!" The two girls came running at you and you caught them in your arms. Heavy footsteps followed and you smiled at Benedict over your daughters' heads.

"Go wash up for supper. I'll be down in moment." Both of them ran off, pushing eachother into walls and laughing.

"Thank you, Ben," you smile.

"Its no problem really," he answers, taking his coat off the rack.

"You can go have a life tomorrow, Tom's sister is in town for a bit." He smiles again and waved goodbye, walking out to his car. You shut the door behind him and go to make the girls dinner.

"Mummy, is Benny our daddy?" You almost choke.


"Is Benny our daddy?" another voice asks. The two girls look up at you expectantly and you shake your head.

"I showed you daddy remember?" The both nod.

"But Benny is always here. The girl at school always ask if Benny is our daddy."

"Girls Ben's not your father. Tom is you father."

"I know daddy's our dad, but could Benny be our daddy?" You smile down at them both and sigh.


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