Luke Hemmings (fluff) {Requested}

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You hummed quietly, carrying a laundry basket full of toys from the yard into the garage. Luke's hardly used Mercedes was sitting in the huge space, your car in the driveway. Once you'd put the toys in their proper baskets , you walked back into the house, your son asleep in his playpen. You picked him up and as you walked up to put him his crib, the doorbell rang. You opened it, smiling at Luke, who was about to yell something. You shushed him and he cooed at Miles, who opened his eyes angrily.

"You've woken up the beast," you sighed, starting to bounce the one year old so he wouldn't cry. Luke wheeled in his two suitcases, closing the door while you went to find something to feed Miles.

"(Y/N), where's my ATL shirt?" He called to you. You glanced down at your two day old outfit and sighed.

"I'm wearing it, sorry." You heard the shower turn on so you assumed he didn't care and you turned to the cabinet.

"What do you feel like having today?" you asked. Miles chewed at Luke's shirt and you pulled some blueberries out of the fridge. You picked out all the small ones and sat him in his baby chair, putting the blueberries on the tray. Miles made faces at the fruit until you popped one in your mouth. His eyes went wide and he started quickly eating them. You watched him carefully while you pulled dishes out of the dishwasher. While you kept your eyes intently on Miles you failed to notice a knife sticking out of the washer, but as you reached down Luke's hand wrapped around your wrist. 

"I'll watch Miles now," he said, kissing your cheek. You nodded, turning back to the washer. You heard a chair pull out and Luke start talking to Miles. Once you'd finished with the dishes, you picked up Miles to put him to bed, but Luke waved you off and took him upstairs. You followed a few minutes later, watching Luke hum Miles to sleep. When he was asleep, Luke watched him over the railing of the cot and you walked over. Luke wrapped an arm around you, pulling you tight to him. You led him out of the room back downstairs so the two of you could eat and talk. You hadn't seen Luke in months. Before Miles happened, you would go out and meet the boys when they were in the UK so you could visit your siblings, who were living in the UK now. You were the youngest of four and had just escaped your parents when you found out you were having Miles. At first you were terrified, but it didn't take you long to figure out that Luke would always take care of you, no matter how far away he was. 

"How was the tour?" you asked. Luke went on about the boys and the fans, telling you stories about things that had happened and then he remembered something.

"Hold on, lemme just go get something." He ran upstairs and you could hear him shuffling through his suitcases. He came back down with a bag full of things.

"A few fans caught a glimpse of everything going on here," Luke gestured to Miles' toys, "And it spread, so a lot of them brought toys." You were amazed at the amounts of things that people bought. There were baby clothes, toys, some other things, and a shirt that said 'Mini Luke Hemmings'. Luke bounced some more about the fans and you laughed when he talked about them trying to catch the boys. Eventually, long after you'd finished eating, he got tired of talking. As you cleaned up the kitchen, he kept trying to drag you away and eventually you agreed, cuddling on the couch with him.

"What about you? What have I missed?" You shrugged, half asleep. He started singing again and you drifted in and out of sleep as he sang. 

You woke up to the baby monitor. You were still on the couch, but Luke was gone. You walked tiredly upstairs, thinking maybe all that had just been a dream, but Luke was rocking Miles. The wailing subsided and you went back to your bedroom, pulling the covers over yourself. You heard Luke come in and crawl into bed with you.

"I missed you," he said. You don't think he knew you were still up, but you replied all the same.

"I missed you too." 


Sorry for it being so short. Ill try to update twice tomorrow, but keep sending in requests. MAKE SURE YOU MESSAGE THEM TO ME! 

Peace, Love, Spock



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