Sebastian Stan {Requested} (smut)

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Warnings: Smut, daddy kink, Professor!Seb


You looked at yourself in your mirror, turned to make sure your ass looked good, and got fully dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a shirt that left just enough to the imagination. All you grabbed was your phone and you stepped out of your dorm. 

"Going somewhere nice?" your roommate asked. You shrugged with a grin and jogged down the stairs and onto campus. It was a five minute walk to where you were going and you knew you had time since Sebastian had a class. You smiled at a few of your friends passing and a professor before swiping your card and getting into the building you wanted. One flight of stairs and two turns later you were in front of the door of the professor you needed to speak to. The door was locked and you took a seat, opening your phone to flip through it. 

"Miss (Y/N), you don't have Professor Stan in class do you?" You looked up to smile at one of your science professors.

"No, actually I was hoping to talk to him about one of his theatre clubs. I was hoping to join." 

"An actress?" 

"No, as tech or orchestra. I played a few instruments as a high schooler." 

"Well it was nice to see you, (Y/N)."

"Nice to see you too, sir." He walked away and someone cleared their throat. You looked up and immediately bit your lip.

"Joining drama, huh?" Sebastian asked, "You know lying is bad." 

"Yes, sir." He stepped past you and unlocked his door, he stepped inside and turned on the light, tossing his bag onto the armchair in the corner.

"Come in." You stood and stepped into the room, listening to the door shut behind you. 

"Sit." You sat down in the chair across from his desk, pulling your legs up under you. 

"I have work to do. You can play on your phone." 

"Okay." He kept your gaze.

"Okay, daddy." He nodded and you watched him open his bag and pull out a folder full of essays. You let out a little huff and pulled out your phone.

"Do you have something to say, princess?" You shook your head and he went back to the essays. He'd barely gotten through the first one when you huffed again.

"What do you want to say?" You pouted and looked at Seb through your eyelashes. 

"I came to see you... I didn't want to just sit here." 

"Is that whining, princess?" 


"It sounds like whining." You huffed again and pulled your knees to your chin and went back to playing with your phone. Sebastian stood up and stepped around behind you. His fingers ran through your hair and then tugged on it. You could nearly hear the smirk on his face when you let out a little moan. 

"Tell my why you're here, princess." 

"I wanted to see you, daddy." 

"Why did you want to see me?" He pulled you to your feet and turned you around, pushing you back to sit on his desk. He watched you carefully with clear, blue eyes. 


"Did you want me to touch you, princess?" You nodded and Sebastian smiled, running his knuckle along your jawline. 


"Everywhere." He smirked, leaning down and kissing you slowly. He knew exactly how you wanted it, and he wasn't about to give it to you outright. You felt one of his hands slid up your thigh and run along your center with too little friction to satisfy you, but enough to tell you were hot. Sebastian's lips pulled away from yours and sucked a mark on the column of your throat. You let out a moan and he pulled you closer to him, his hard length pressed against your leg. 

"Have you been a good girl, princess?"

"Yes, daddy." His eyebrows shot up and you bit your lip, wondering what you'd done. 

"You lied just before I let you in here." You nodded and he waited for your explanation. You waited for permission and he smiled at your obedience.

"Speak up, princess."

"I did it so we wouldn't get in trouble, daddy." 

"Good girl. But you still lied. Hands up." You did as he said and he pulled your shirt over your head, admiring the maroon lace you had on. It didn't last long when he unsnapped it and tossed it onto the ground with your shirt. 

"Eyes closed." You did so and listened as he took three steps to the door, locked it, three back and then went back around his desk. He unlocked a drawer and, from the other side of the desk, he grabbed your wrists, locking them behind your back into a cold set of handcuffs. 

"You have rules, princess." You nodded waiting for the rules he would give.

"Eyes shut, stay quiet, no cumming till I tell you. Do you understand?" 

"Yes, daddy." You listened as Sebastian walked around his desk and stood back in front of you.

"Stand." You stood up and Sebastian's hands expertly rid you of your jeans and underwear. His hands ran across your ass and down your thighs before he pushed you back to sit on the desk. He lifted one of your legs and it settled on his shoulder. Evidently at some point he had kneeled down. 

"Quiet, but not silent, princess." You nodded, leaning back and waiting. Sebastian's tongue ran along your slit and you let out a breathy moan, trying your best to stay silent. 

"You taste like heaven, princess." His mouth closed around your clit and a finger slid into you, another following just behind. He pulled them out for a second, releasing his mouth and licked another line up your slit.

"You are so damn tight." You let out a little groan when his fingers slid back into your heat, thrusting hard.

"So tight and warm. So ready for me. I can't wait to get home." The thought of Sebastian's soft bed under you and his cock in you contrasted his hard desk and two fingers till he added a third finger and crooked his knuckles. You nearly yelled when he hit your spot.


"Be quiet, princess." A hand rested against your stomach and his fingers moved faster, your thighs trying to clench around his head when his mouth returned to your clit. You could feel yourself slipping towards your orgasm as you moved your hips in time with Sebastian's hands, but you bit your lip hard, trying not to cum.

"Please, please, daddy. Let me cum, pleasepleaseplease."

"Since you're asking so nicely. Cum for me princess." With quiet cursing and moaning, you came against Sebastian's fingers. You stayed on the desk as Sebastian moved, breathing heavily. 

"Sit up, babe." You did, opening your eyes, and Seb cleaned you up, undoing your cuffs. He helped you get dressed, leaving soft kisses along your collarbone before kissing your mouth.

"You feel okay, (Y/N)?" You nodded wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him again. 

"How was your day?"

"It was okay. I hate freshman drama." You smiled and hugged him.

"I love you." 

"I love you too, Seb." He pulled away and put his daddy expression back on.

"Go to my apartment and wait on the bed. I'll be there in twenty minutes." 


"And princess, no touching."


I'm sorry this took so long. I really am. It's been really difficult for me to find time with varsity season and whenever I do I find it difficult to write smuts. Hopefully, as soon as my finals are over at the end of june, I'll get all my requests out and open them up again. Again I'm so sorry.


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