Lucifer [Supernatural] {Requested} (sad)

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For @lucifers_wife666

I'm sorry for the not smut. I didn't want to write smut, but I promise ill write some more in the future. Also sorry if this is depressing

Possible trigger warning


You avoided the gaze of everyone in the room and took a seat in the corner of the coffee shop. You were almost there every day now. The door opened and you hoped it wasn't who it was. You dropped your head against the table, preparing for the yelling that was evident. Instead a chair was pulled out and a heavy thump occurred. You looked up and saw Lucifer. He was sober, for a change. 

"What do you want?" you asked. You were in a public place, which wouldn't have stopped him if he was drunk, but he wasn't this time. For once you could just talk. He leaned back, his head against the wall. 

"I'm sorry." He sounded tired. You weren't surprised.

"(Y/N), what the hell do you think you're doing?" You pulled the door shut behind you and kept running. Your house slippers weren't adequate for the ice and snow, but you kept going. 

"You come the fuck back, you ungrateful bitch!" A glass bottle broke behind you. You kept going, your entire body already freezing. You were barely wearing adequate clothes for indoors, much less the harshest winter of the year. A hand reached out towards you and you tripped into the snow, twisting to fend off any attacks. None came.

"Fine, bitch," Lucifer spat, "Just don't think about coming back." You tried to hold your tongue, but you couldn't anymore. You were going to die of the cold anyway, it could be a quicker death.

"Why the fuck would I do that." He spun around, fire blazing in his blue eyes.

"What did you say to me, whore?" 

"Why. The. Fuck. Would. I. Do. That." With every word you stood up a little bit more, struggling in the powdery white. 

"Don't talk to me like that!" he screamed, slapping you with the glass in his hand. The shattered pieces lodged themselves in your skin and you hit the asphalt at a dizzying speed. You saw two feet walking away from you and though, "Good riddance." Headlights faded out of your vision and someone's warm arms around you. The voice was familiar and soft. Like Lucifer's, but more like home. Like he used to be.

"Gabe told me he picked you up." You turned your face away from him, hiding the stitches and bruising. 

"Please, (Y/N)." You couldn't count how many times you'd given into that voice.

"No, not again. I'm sorry, Luci." Your chair hit the ground hard as you made for the door. The entire shop went quiet.

"Please!" he yelled, "Please, I love you." 

"I've given up on the hope of that," you said, refusing to look into those blue eyes. You'd melt back into his arms again if you did.

"Where will you go?" he asked.

"If you come looking I'll already be gone, if that's what you want to know." The happy bell chimed above your head as you left and turned the corner. You broke down there, crying and sliding down to your knees.

"C'mon, babe. One dance. I promise," you laughed, putting out your hand. Lucifer laughed and shook his head.

"Awe, dance with her. It's my wedding, Luci," Cas called, pushing his brother towards you. 

"Alright fine," Lucifer sighed, rolling his eyes. He took both your hands and followed your steps, laughing and smiling at you. His eyes sparkled at the sight of you and you threw your head back, singing along to the words.

She was like, oh my God, this is my song

I've been listenin' to the radio all night long

Sittin' 'round waitin' for it to come on and here it is

She was like, come here boy, I wanna dance

'Fore I said a word, she was takin' my hand

Spinnin' me around 'til it faded out

And she gave me a kiss

And she said, play it again, play it again, play it again

And I said, play it again, play it again, play it again

Lucifer dipped you backwards, your laughing becoming quickly contagious. He pulled you forward and kissed you. The song kept playing and you kept dancing, the rest of his twelve brothers and sisters joining in.

Someone squatted next to you and spoke quietly, "Let's go back to the house." You nodded, carefully wiping the tears off your stinging cheek. Dean and Gabe were waiting in the black pickup and you sat down in the front, Cas sitting in the back with his husband. Gabe grabbed your hand reassuringly and you smiled weakly back at him.

"It's gonna be fine, (Y/N)." You let out a small breath as you drove past the house.

"Don't worry about it. Michael and I are going back to get your stuff," Dean said. You shook your head violently. You didn't want anyone else to get hurt. 

"Don't hurt yourself because of my mistakes, Dean," you said. Cas touched your shoulder again.

"(Y/N), Lucifer isn't your problem. It's a family problem," he said. Tears started falling again and you shook your head, twisting your engagement ring around your finger.

"So? Will you marry me?" The diamond ring was floating in the middle of the kitchen and Lucifer dropped onto one knee, letting the ring drop into his hand. You'd almost walked into it. You rolled your eyes and nodded. 

"That was rather sarcastic," he said, making a stupid face.

"Alright, I guess I can say yes, Mr. Magic Man," you said, laughing and kissing him.

"I love you." 

"Yeah, yeah." 

You stared at the snow flying by outside and you wrapped your knees to your chest.

"Anna's making pie," Gabe commented, trying to make conversation. You could almost hear Dean's mouth start watering.

"Me too, Dean. Me too." 

"Instead of pie can we have cake?" you asked. Lucifer was half asleep on the couch. 

"I guess." 

"I can go plan somewhere else," you said angrily. It was his wedding too after all. You started to walk away and he grabbed your wrist.

"I was trying to sleep," he growled.  

"Luci, stop. That's hurting my wrist." 

You stared down at the faint bruising on your wrist and looked back out at the asphalt.


Sorry about the depressing imagine and the huge gap. I was going to write this smut last week, but I had a random attack of anxiety and depression and thought it best not to. soory about that. also sorry to lucifers_wife666 for not writing the smut.I promise ill write it again, but not right now. 

The song is 'Play it Again' by Luke Bryant and I wrote the imagine listening to 'Highway Don't Care' by Tim Mcgraw and Taylor Swift

Peace, Love, Spock


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