Frank Iero {Requested} (smut)

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I'm so so so sorry I was supposed to update this more than month ago! Im so sorry :(


"When I was, a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see-"

"Morning!" Frank interrupted, wrapping his arms around you. You grinned, dropping a chocolate chip into your mouth before continuing your singing.

"Pancakes, again?" You nodded with a dramatic flip of your hair. He laughed, pressing his lips against the crook of your neck.

~~~The morning wasn't supposed to end with both of you naked on the kitchen floor, but it just happened to end up like that.~~~

Frank's fingers traveled around under your shirt, your pants having not been on when you woke up or due to your general aversion to sleeping with pants on during the summer.

"Wish I could always wake up to you makin' pancakes." You let yourself relax into him, watching the pancake slowly cook. It still wasn't light out, despite the fact that you were eating breakfast like it was 10 am on a Saturday. In reality you were both jet lagged from your honeymoon and it was 4:15 am on a Tuesday.

~~~ The pancake wasn't supposed to burn, but it just happened to when Frank distracted you. ~~~

Frank's hands traveled slightly higher on your body, tracing across your stomach till he was totally enveloping you. Your head invoulintarily fell back and he took it as an invitation to slid his hands around your body, on moving your shirt so it bunched up and another slid down towards your heat. You groaned and Frank breathed into your ear.

"Quiet." You shut your mouth immediately, trying in vain to keep in the moans that were threatening to spill out as Frank's lips traveled across your neck and his fingers ran along your entrance.

"Please?" Your begging was weak and feeble, as you were pretty sure your legs were going to go out from under you. Frank didn't mind, just pushed a finger into you. For a few seconds he just waited for you to react, which you did.

"I swear to god, I'm going to-" Frank started thrusting his one finger at just the right angle and you lost words, feeling the curling heat in your stomach. You could barely register the pain that came with him pushing in two more fingers, thrusting hard until you were a shaking mess below him.

"F- Fr, I'm gonna..." He pulled away his fingers.

"Not just yet, gorgeous." You groaned as he took his own sweet time undressing himself, staring at you with every sense of the word love you could think of, which wasn't much. Finally, finally, Frank pulled you in by your hips, kissing you for good measure. You let your hands travel across him, enjoying his warmth. His lips tasted nice, like coffee and toothpaste. You pulled away from his lips, smiling at his face.

"I love you."

"Love you too, (Y/N)." His expression changed quickly however, and he kisses you again, his teeth nipping at your lip. You moaned again, being able to feel Frank's hard on against your front.

"Oh, fuck this!" He finally gave up and pushed you up onto the counter, adjusting how you were sitting. One glance at you answered the question in your eyes and he lined himself up, slowly filling you up until you were flushed against him.


"Move!" He did, slowly at first, but quickly picking up pace until the mug of coffee on the table was shaking. Frank groaned suddenly, and you knew you were close too. You squeezed his shoulder, sinking your teeth into his skin. Both of you came at the same time, moaning at swearing.

Frank pulled away first, allowing himself to collapse onto the floor lazily. He tugged on your foot and you followed, pressing your head to his chest. You laid there for a minute, enjoying the contrast of tile to skin and then the fire alarm went off.

"Damn it."

I AM SO SORRY OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY. I was supposed to put this is up at least a month ago and I never did and oh god I'm sos sorry about my awful updating skills. Please please please forgive me. You'll be getting 5 updates, one of which is on Haloween. You guys are literally the greatest readers ever since I never ever ever update.

Peace, love, Spock

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