Tom Hiddleston {Requested} (fluff)

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dystopia!au where people aren't allowed to listen to music accept one day of the year (you can pick which genre. in this case it's piano)


You sighed comfortably and let the music take in your entire being. It was quiet, the notes flowing out of the piano at a steady pace with no room for mistakes. You were tempted to smile, but there were people around and they would judge. 

You seem to be enjoying the music.

The note was slipped onto the white clothed table. There were several people in the room, all sitting at separate tables, small and round. Since the music was quiet and careful, notes were passed by ushers. Young men who had been born into the work of the Musical Day. 

You looked over the note, finding no signature, and called the usher back. He pointed across the room to a table hidden in the shadows. You nodded in understanding, writing a short note to the mysterious person across the room. Everyone else in the room was either very old or very famous for their interest in the mathematics. The piece playing was based off the mathematics. You were just there because you enjoyed the piano.

I do enjoy it. Not that many others do. Name? - (Y/N)

The music continued softly, coming from behind a sheer, black curtain. Just because the music could be heard, didn't mean that it could be seen. That might give the people... ideas. A reply for the note arrived just moments after.

Can't give one. Too many people in the room. You might get kicked out for telling someone. I believe you and I are the youngest people here, besides the maths. 

You tried to think of someone who would cause such a panic that you would tell someone about him being here. You assumed it was a him, based by the handwriting. It was signed at the very bottom with a T.

Can't imagine who you'd be, but I'll call you T. What are you? I'm a bio. Too many people thing it's easy. So many got booted to the other side. 

The music continued and you looked down at yourself. Your best clothes were a frayed skirt and a tucked in button up. You were a bio, but the Overall's got the best clothes. The best things. You frowned, the music suddenly turning somber. A note returned to you from an usher.

I know people can see me, but meet me, outside by the blue fence. You may know my name, but not my face. Not long (Y/N). I promise not long now.

You inaudibly sighed and turned to look at the black curtain. The music was coming to a quiet end and you were escorted out to the streets. All the people who had gone to a music in the building had exited at the same time, leaving you to find your own way back to your workplace. Someone grabbed onto your arm in the crowd and you just let them, not being able to see the face of the person ahead of you. The blue fence was an unpainted fence on the edge of the square. No one knew why it was called the blue fence, it just was. Finally you were pulled out of the crowd and into a small corner of the fence. The man was your age, tall, and very handsome. Of course the first thing you noticed was he wasn't wearing a uniform or a badge. He seemed to be a no one and you almost slipped back into the crowd, had it not been for the look in his blue eyes.

"I'm Tom, but you mustn't tell anyone. I can't be outed. We leave tomorrow night. You and me. I was told to find you. You're on the list. You're on the list of soulmates. My soulmate." He rapidly explained. The government had hidden the list on account of the mates being too powerful together. As the square began to empty, a few soldiers became curious, but before they could do anything, Tom kissed you strongly and disappeared into the crowds departing from the area. A soldier came over to lead you back to your building and you followed blindingly, only thinking of all the things Tom said. Of course it could be a test, some government run thing that check on people's loyalty to the system. Or it was the truth. 

You decided to chase Tom down and did just as he said. He met you by the blue fence with a bag full of clothes and food.

"Ready?" You shook your head in disagreement and he nodded.

"Good, if you were I'd be scared." 

Two Months Later

"Tom, there are hovers coming from the north and south. We're either running into an ambush or being shot down," you said, silently counting the children around you. Seven. Just the right amount.

"Thinking, thinking." There was a few seconds of silence, aside from the hover drones moving in closer. 

"Run south, slowly." You followed Tom's directions, but quickly understood his plan. If you and the group moved slow enough, the hover coming from the north would collide with the one going south, since they were cloaked and couldn't change directions from their targets.

You and Tom got all the kids to safety and to their soulmates. Although they were young and didn't understand the concept, they were grateful. Over two months, 126 kids had been taken out of their homes, seven at a time, and taken to their mates, who were out of the city limits and safely in the world of freedom. 

"You good?" Tom asked, as you filled your backpack again. You nodded, pointing to the groups of kids who were lounging in the common area. You and Tom had created a whole canyon of safety for the new generation to grow up in. 

"Always happy to see them together," you reminded. Tom laughed, kissing you.

"Next batch?" you asked, pulling away from his warmth. He grabbed your hand.

"What else?" 


I am so sorry it took me so long to update. My school schedule is literally all over the place and every time i tried to update something got in the way. I think I should get back into the swing of things by next month and everything will be fine. Any requests? Also follow my tumblrs. You're welcome to place your requests in the ask box

Peace, Love, Spock



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