Tom Hiddelston (smut)

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"That's not helping!" Tom called from the couch, his face getting visibly upset. I just smiled and walked away, shaking my arse as much as I could while I went. I slipped back into our bedroom and slid the short dress off exchanging it for the long white ball gown that was lying to the bed. I walked back out, my feet instantly getting cold from touching the marble floor. 

"Better," Tom said, looking me up and down. I'd been trying on dresses for an hour now and he'd been getting restless because of how 'exposing' the outfits were.

"Don't worry you're going to hate me for the next one," I smiled, kissing his cheek before gliding back to our room. Finally I pulled out the last dress I had to try on. I already knew that this was the one I was using I'd just been teasing him for all the rest. I slid into the wedding dress and smiled at my reflection before walking out into the living room. Tom was looking down at his phone, but when he looked up his face was in awe.

"It's amazing!" He squeaked.

"Very manly," I laughed, "I've got one more then we can be done okay?" He nodded and let me walk away.

Tom's PoV

I sighed, waiting for the last dress. it was painful enough waiting this long, but every time she walked out here I just wanted to pounce on her. I hadn't been home in almost 2 months and the tension I had to deal with at the moment was getting stronger. Finally she walked out again, but this time in booty shorts and a bra.

"Don't have anymore, sorry love!" she smirked, watching my face turn an angry shade of red.

"You're not helping," I hissed, standing up. I could feel my pants straining against mini me and she knew too.

"I've gotta cook dinner," she said, suppressing a smug smile, "After."


Finally dinner was over and (Y/N) was cleaning the dishes when I walked over to her. I was still having... issues down below my belt, but she took no notice.

"You said after dinner."

"When I'm done with the dishes, quit you're whining," she said, pushing me away. I frowned, biting my lip, and walked back to our bedroom.

I'd just finished unpacking when (Y/N) walked past the bedroom to the bathroom.

"You said--"

"I just need to brush my teeth!" she called. Now my anger got the best of me and I stomped into the bathroom. (Y/N) watched me in the mirror before I grabbed her by the waist and turned her around.

"I did my waiting, 2 months of it," I hissed, holding her hands behind her back with one of mine while pushing her up onto the counter with the other. She made a face, her face that said now I'm turned on, so I kissed her quickly on the lips and then shrugged.

"So I'm done waiting and I'm going to bed," I said, leaving her sitting flustered on the counter. I heard her footsteps behind me and finally when I sat down on the bed she attacked. after a moment I found myself under her, my grey suit pants giving away my pleasure.

"Don't talk about waiting because I sat here in the apartment waiting for you for /months/," she hissed, undoing my tie.

"Then enough with the waiting," I said, slamming my lips into hers. She straddled my hips, her hands unbuttoning my shirt swiftly while mine undid her bra. Our kisses stopped being passionate and went to outright sexual after a minute. (Y/N)'s hands were undoing my belt buckle, not so subtly rubbing against my hard on. When she finally got them undone her hands got shocked against my briefs and she cursed quietly.

"Fuck me..." she hissed, bringing her hand up to inspect it.

"I might just," I chuckled, moving my lips to her neck. I nibbled at her collarbone, making her moan. Her finger tangled with my hair as I made my way down to her belly button then back up again, my hands running over her bare breasts once again. Her lips met mine before she let go of me and moved her head down, her nose nudging my member. She pulled down my briefs and rubbed a finger against the head teasing me.

"Stop teasing..." I mumbled as her tongue licked all the way down my member. Her hot breath didn't make it any better until her mouth wrapped around me, taking it all in. I let out a gasp and couldn't resist bucking my hips against her mouth. She laughed, causing me to moan and pull at her hair. Her tongue rolled against my skin and I gasped, trying not to cum, which really didn't work. She swallowed it all and brought her head back up to mine, kissing my lips.

"Ready?" I whispered. She nodded, leaning her head against my shoulder as I pushed into her. I felt her shudder in pleasure and pain and her teeth bit at my skin, no doubt leaving a mark that Chris could make fun of later. I pulled out again before thrusting in again then continued the routine until her quiet voice mumbled incoherent words, but I knew what they said. With one last thrust we both came cussing and moaning softly. I took to the bed next to her and crawled under the blankets, wrapping (Y/N) along with me under the sheets.

"You're really not helping," she laughed.

"Goodnight, I love you," I smiled, kissing her nose.

"Love you too."

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