Neal Caffrey [White Collar] (fluff)

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so no ones been requesting


You groaned and leaned into your desk. Learning Latin for a case was not your ideal Friday night and, of course, Peter had taken your only entertainment and teacher for the night. Neal was off gambling away FBI money so that they could break into a scam that a local casino was running for the Italian mob. You looked down at the Latin book and sighed again, the purpose subjunctives and jussive noun clauses all jumbling together in your head. 

"'Learn Latin,' they said, 'It'll help with cases,' they said," you whined to yourself, hopping to your feet and walking over to the kitchen. Mozzie made sure there was a decent selection of wine always in Neal's apartment. 

"Ooh, Latin. Sounds fun. Can I help?" You jumped, reaching for your belt, forgetting you didn't have a gun there. Mozzie was leaning inside the door, clearly having used the key that Neal never gave him.

"Hey, Moz." 

"(Y/N), Neal said that I should come by." 

"No he didn't," you replied quickly, pulling down two wine glasses. Even though Mozzie was a conman and everything else under the sun, you'd been friends when you were very young. When you moved on to college, then the FBI, Mozzie had gone on to be an idiot, but a smart one. 

"You're right, but I keep my good wine here." You laughed and handed him a glass.

"What you learning?" he asked, peeking over at the book you had open.

"Apparently the FBI has also hijacked my weekends," you replied, "Have to learn Latin."

"What about Google Translate?" Mozzie asked, flipping through the book with minimal interest.

"Well we've gotten around ten cases with someone needing to use Latin, so Peter decided I was most apt for it." 


"Because I graduated high school with AP Latin on my certificate," you replied, "And you were there. I was not good at it." Mozzie laughed. You didn't even have to take the AP test, just pass the class, which you just barely scraped by.

"Yeah, so you want help?" 

"Yes!" The two of you settled on the couch, Mozzie explaining the difference between an indirect question and an indirect command and anything else in between. 


"Hell- Why?" Neal was pointing at Mozzie, who was passed out on the couch. 

"Latin," you replied sleepily, looking back down at your book. You listened to Neal's footsteps move around the room, taking his shoes off, changing into sweats, tossing a blanket over Mozzie, and putting the wine glass in the sink. You also heard him walk closer to you, till his arms were wrapped around your sides.

"How about you walk away from that desk for a few minutes?" Neal whispered, pressing his lips just below your ear.

"Come on, Neal. You know I have to learn this." 

"Ego vos requireris et te amo." You almost punched him.

"You knew Latin and you let Peter force me to learn it? You piece of- awe that was sweet." He grinned and kissed you, blue eyes bright. 

"Please wait until I'm out the door," Mozzie's sleepy voice called, "I'm going to Friday if you need me." Both of you nodded absently, Neal's lips running along your neck.

"Wait, Neaaaal," you whined, pushing him off you. He grinned largely and you sighed. 

"You're drunk, aren't you?" 

"Maybe, just a little bit," he replied. You rolled your eyes and shoved him towards the bed. He tried to pull you with him, but you pushed him off. 

"Neal, come on. You have to sleep. For all you know Peter's going to call you in for something tomorrow." He replied with a loud groan and got into bed, pulling the covers up to his ears and immediately falling asleep. You locked up the apartment, checking that Mozzie had actually left before closing the balcony door and securing your weapon in the mattress. 

When you finally got into bed, Neal pulled you up against him, his cold feet pressing against your legs.

"Love you," he grumbled. You kissed him on the nose and pressed your face to his chest.

"Love you too."


No one was asking for anything and I've been really into white collar lately so I did a thing 

Please start sending requests because i want to fill them

Peace, Love, Spock



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