Aramis Knight (Fluff)

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Sorry for how long this took me to write I always wanted write one of these but after a while I finally decided to write it. You probably dont really care so I'll get on with. Only thing is that this is written carefully. Nothing is revealed until after the meeting. Which includes names, appearances, and other things. Only the things that go through chats are said.

ILYSM-- Shivi


I kicked the door open and flopped down onto my bed, scaring the tabby sleeping peacefully on my sheets.

"Sorry, baby," I mumbled, rolling towards my pillow. From under it I pulled out my laptop and I opened it, sitting up and looking around my room for a second. I searched past my endless amounts of band posters to find the picture of The Wanted. My little sister always put one picture of her favorite band over mine and it always pissed me off.

"I found it!" I screamed, the second I noticed one that was out of place. It was over my All Time Low poster and half tucked under the One Direction one. She slammed open the door, grumbling and took it down.

"Hun, I know my bands," I said haughtily. She smiled at me and walked out, leaving me to my computer and my tabby, who had come to sit on my lap. My fingers quickly filled in my usual first place to go if I was sad. . My go to place, and my favorite place. My headphones were already plugged into my computer and I put them in, blasting Simple Plan off Spotify. I went to my story and started writing, not paying attention to the clock ticking away in the corner of my screen.

"GET UP! YOU HAVE TO GO TO WORK!" I yanked out my headphones and glanced at the clock, seeing it was five already. My older brother was chewing bubble gum in my ear all the way to work, just to piss me off because he knew I was in a bad mood.

After three hours of boys walking into the record shop, staring at my boobs, and walking out, I couldn't stand it so I walked home blasting My Chemical Romance as loud as it would go out of my headphones.

At home I didn't bother sitting at the table, I just took my dinner off the empty table and went up to my room. Wattpad was still open and I noticed another comment on my story. Since three weeks ago this random boy had been commenting on my story about one of my favorite books, Ender's Game. I read it and a smile took over my face since my teacher called me a slut this morning.

Invisibleboy1999: This is perfect! I'd like to talk to you sometime. This is a perfect impersonation how OSC (Orsen Scott Card) portrayed the characters! Your writing is beautiful and I'm sure you are too. Writing is the window to the soul. Message me some time, we should talk.

The rest of the night was bad lasagna and my brother swearing at his video games while my sister blasted the worst band ever through the house, but I was on cloud nine. Invisibleboy1999 and I talked till maybe three in morning and that was when I had to go because my mom got home with my dad. They were important business workers and were never home, but it was fine. We lived in a little town with almost no people, and pretty much everyone who lived here was related to us somehow so mom and dad were pretty sure we were going to be fine. Jason was in his senior year, I was in my sophomore year, and Taylor was in seventh grade. We all went to different schools, Taylor was in the middle school for gifted kids, I was in the high school for gifted kids and Jason... well he was Jason. We took turns with dinner, but Jason was always at his girlfriend, Stephanie's house so I always heated up leftovers and fed Tayor and I.

The next day was uneventful, my math teacher said I was a whore because I wore shorts, a boy in the hall called me emo for wearing a black t-shirt, and the most popular girl in the school dumped a bottle of water on my shoes. All in all it was the same as always. I took the bus home and opened the front door to find no one home. The tabby was sitting on his bowl, waiting for food, which I gave to him. After grabbing a soda from the fridge I went up to my room. When I opened my laptop and Wattpad popped up. It had all my messages with invisibleboy1999 in them. A smile popped onto my face again and then I noticed a new message.

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