Thomas Brodie-Sangster {Requested} (fluff)

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Non famous AU


"Go make some friends. Here, take some money." Your dad handed you a twenty dollar bill, but quickly realized his mistake. One day settled into a new country. A completely new world.

"It's a change, pumpkin, I know, but it's new and it's good."

"Its away from my insane mother." He sighed and turned around. After the divorce your parents had fought constantly over who got custody of you. Two years till college and you were ripped away from your life, where you'd lived since the day you were born, the people you'd known. Your sister, who's escaped the three months of constant pulling by a few days just barely. Even though both your parents knew who you'd choose to live with, you'd been dragged to court cases and therapy. Three months and finally your dad, but after a few weeks you realized you two wouldn't escape that easy. every chance you took your mom would shove another reason that you should be with her at the authorities. Your dad and you were at a loss to why she kept trying, but you had to get away. To England though? You weren't sure.

"Fine." You grabbed your new house key and cell phone, sadly staring at your best friend and boyfriend... ex-boyfriend in the background. The door shut behind you and you say on the front porch for a second, staring into the screen. Eventually it went black but you kept staring.

"Hey, new girl. Are you going to keep staring at your cell or come over here?" You looked up to the voice. A scrawny boy, probably around your age, was standing with a soccer ball in his arms.

"Me?" you asked, pointing at yourself. The boy nodded, waving you over. When you got near enough he stuck out a hand.

"I'm Thomas, well Tommy. I'd prefer Tom, but everyone calls me Tommy."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Tom. I'm (Y/N)."

"My mum told me an American family was moving in next door. A dad and his kid. I thought you'd be a boy and littler."

"Sorry to disappoint," you said. You started to apologize. Your sharp tongue was meant for your mom, but it just stuck for new people.

"Sorry that you had to move at your age. Y' probably had friends and things," he said.

"I'm sorry too." For a second you both stood awkwardly, but Tommy lifted up the red, soccer ball again, shaking damp, blonde hair. It was misting, but you didn't notice. it didn't bother you, or him, as it seemed.

"So, any good at football?" He asked. You shrugged.

"Wanna play?" You ended up playing soccer with Tommy till dark. You were both muddy, wet, and laughing when Tommy's mom insisted you went into the house.

"You must be (Y/N). I spoke to your father when he came to buy the house," Mrs. Sangster explained. You were going to shake your hand, but took it back because of the dirt.

"Why don't you go home and wash up then come around with your father for dinner." You tried to object, but she insisted, making Tommy walk you back to your house and speak to your dad.

After you showered and changed, your dad and you walked over to the Sangseter's house. A pretty girl came to open the door. She looked younger than you, but she smiled when she saw you.

"Hello, you must be Mr. (Y/L/N) and (Y/N). I'm Ava." She let you in and you met Mr. Sangster, who was a happy guy and whistles until dinner was out on the table. Tommy was already sitting at the table, but stood like a proper gentleman and pulled out your chair for you.

"Your daughter plays football well," he said. Conversation sparked about sports and school, among other things. Although summer had just started, you were going to going to begin school in September. You and Tommy would be in the same school and as it turned out which you found at the beginning of August, the same first class.

Over the summer you and Tommy became something of best friends, him being slightly awkward with his skinny frame and childish face, but you met all his new friends.

"You nervous?" Tom asked. You'd been pacing your room for hours. Your uniform was neatly folded on your dresser and your bag was packed by the door.

You threw him a look and sighed. You began pacing again, but when you turned around Tommy caught you.

"You'll be fine." You shook your head and groaned, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. His laugh traveled through his shoulders, causing your forehead to bounce against his collarbone. Your dad called from downstairs, saying Tommy needed to head home.

"You'll be fine tomorrow, promise," he said, sticking out his pinky. You shook his with yours and he kissed you on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow morning."



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Peace, Love, Spock

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