Tom Hiddleston (fluff) Valentine's Day Special

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I do realize I have prompts to fill and they will be filled but they are all smuts and I wanted to give y'all something cute for Valentine's Day (especially if you are spending it alone like me)


You grabbed one of the poles on the Underground and unlocked your phone as the train began to move, carrying you home. You checked your texts, rereading the message Tom had sent you in the morning telling you how much he loved you and missed you. Then you opened twitter and were assaulted with tweets at you from Tom's fans. Most of them went along the lines of: "Is he back in London to see you?" or "What special things is he doing for Valentine's day?". You grinned the rest of the ride to your stop. 

"Special plans with your boyfriend?" An old lady asked. She was in the same carriage as you every afternoon. 

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow!" You got off the train, walking up onto the London streets and into your apartment building. When you stepped into the apartment you could tell Tom had been home, his jacket thrown over the back of a kitchen chair. You went into the bedroom and found a dress with a note

I'll see you tonight at our first date. Seven. Wear the dress. - Tomxxx

You checked your watch, knowing you had time to shower and get ready. 

You walked into the restaurant where you had your first date at seven sharp and a waitress escorted you to a back table. Tom stood when you walked around the corner and he hugged you.

"I missed you, (Y/N)." 

"I missed you too," you sighed, breathing in his aftershave. He'd been gone weeks and of course he came home on Valentine's day. Tom pulled your chair out for you and you sat down, smoothing out your red dress. 

"You like the dress?" 

"Very much," you replied, resting your elbows on the table and nudging Tom's ankle with your foot. He smiled and took one of your hands. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He hid it from your view till he could pull it all the way out and then removed one hand. 

Your mouth fell open and then you started to laugh. It was a Cadbury chocolate bar and you shook your head, taking the bar from him. 

"Thank you for the gift, but I'm pretty sure this is the half-eaten chocolate bar I left in the fridge." He winked and you laughed again.

"I've already ordered for us, so just relax and enjoy your chocolate bar." You rolled your eyes and leaned over far enough to kiss Tom. He pulled back a bit and kissed your nose. 

Dinner went on smoothly, bruschetta and oysters as appetizers,  pasta for two, and then chocolate cake for desert. You sipped at champagne while Tom pulled out his wallet. 

"You're so out of my league. Good for me." It was Tom's turn to laugh, a bright smile that you'd missed when he was away gracing his features. 

"I am quite sure you are out of my league, darling." He paid, just watching you as you sipped your drink and admired his face. 

"We probably look insane, just sitting here in silence and staring at each other," you whispered. He smiled, knowing if the two of you were anything you were insane. When the waiter returned Tom tucked his card back into his pocket, elbow knocking over his cup. The glass didn't break, but it sent champagne over the edge of the tablecloth and into your lap. Your mouth fell open when the cold liquid soaked through your dress and Tom was quick to pick up the glass and then pull you to your feet, holding napkins. After a short fiasco of the waiter coming over with more napkins and Tom awkwardly trying to pat your dress, the two of you left the restaurant with red faces from laughing and embarrassment. 

But you hadn't quite escaped the embarrassment yet, as you walked into a hoard of reporters outside the front doors. Tom put an arm around you, steering you through the crowd to where his car was waiting.

"Don't these people have things to do for Valentine's day? Like get a life?" You muttered into Tom's ear. He laughed and got you into the passenger's seat, getting around to the other side and peeling away from the curb. 

"Well, at least it was romantic up until I spilled the champagne on you," Tom said, taking your hand as he maneuvered through the streets. You kissed his wedding ring, leaving a little red mark.

"That's alright, I'm happy enough as it is." 


I hope you liked it and I PROMISE I will start to churn out the requests I'm currently holding! Have a great Valentine's Day!

Peace, Love, Hearts



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