Dean Winchester {Requested} (fluff)

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Dedictated to sara_papa16


"Sam!" someone yelled. You weren't sure who, but a man came into your field of vision, crouching so you could look at him. 

"Sammy!" he yelled over his shoulder. You tried to say something, but you couldn't move.

"Sam! She's alive Sammy!" A set of boots came into your vision and the you were picked up. Searing pain shot through your whole body and your limbs started feeling static. Black entered your vision and then you couldn't feel anything except heat and pain before dark. 

You groaned and opened your eyes to see candy apple green ones. Your senses were filled with the smell of leather, blood, and dirt. 

"Hold on. We're getting you to the hospital. Just hang in there, girl," a gruff voice said. You closed your eyes with the image of a pretty face, all scruff and eyes. You could still hear though. Another voice talked to the pretty boy, you couldn't see the person though, but they sounded like brothers. 

"What are we going to tell them? We can't say sister or cousin, Dean," the new voice said. 

"Say she's my girlfriend," pretty boy answered, his hand pressed hard against your stomach. Everything hurt. The movement seemed like we were in a car and then you heard pretty boy exclaim, "Pothole!" Before a jump and the black returned. 

The next time you woke up you were in a very white and chemical smelling room. A nurse rushed in shortly after you opened your eyes. 

"Hello, my name is Sarah. Do you remember yours?" Given the fact that those other boys weren't actually aware of your name you lied and shook your head. 

"A little amnesia should be expected. Your memory will come back soon. You were in an accident. Do you remember what happened?" 

"I was... I was out with my boyfriend, Dean, and his brother, Sam. I can't remember what happened." 

"Very good. I'm just going to bring them in okay?" You nodded and the nurse left. You watched her through the glass and the two tall boys sitting in the hall walked over. 

"(Y/N)!" Dean said with relief. You smiled weakly and he came over to lightly hold your hand. You put up the act until the nurse walked out and closed the door before Dean dropped your hand and Sam started explaining. 

"Um, we came to know your name because of your ID. You were attacked by a..." Sam trailed off, clearly embarrassed by what he was about to say, "Jefferson Starship." 

"Are they hard to kill and bad?" you asked weakly. Dean smirked ay his brother and nodded. 

"It'slike she was made for me," Dean said, before finishing the explanation, "It tried to kill you and sliced open your stomach. Luckily you were on your back so you retained enough blood to live and the only organ that got damaged was your appendix. The doctors took that out safely and then stitched you up. You are currently playing my girlfriend." You nodded a little bit and then started on your own interrogation.

"So who are you two?" you asked, taking Dean's hand back in yours as the nurse walked by. You were going to let go when she passed, but Dean kept his hold. You smiled a little bit at your hands and then looked back up for an answer. 

"I'm Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean. We're hunters of the unnatural." 

"Like vampires and demons and stuff right? I got that far. I'm aware of their existence. A Pastor Jim Murphey helped out with a pagan god thing a few years ago." 

"Yeah he's a good guy. Anyway this 'mother' called Eve... the mother... tried to make a new species of monster. Dean found them so he decided to call them Jefferson Starships." You nodded and leaned your head bac, trying to ignore the pounding in your head.

"Dean, can I talk to you out there?" The boys left, your hand falling back onto the sheets. You took the chance to look down your hospital gown to see what the stitches looked like. They ran from just the right of your belly-button down your thigh. The skin would pinch and then heal, you knew all too well what the scar tissue of organ loss was like. You looked back up through the window to the boys arguing in the hall before they came to a somewhat hesitant decision and Sam walked away. Dean ran a hand through his hair and then walked back into the room. 

"Um, we decided it would be best if I stayed to make sure no more Jefferson Starships come after you."

"Both of you huh?" you nagged, lightly shoving him. He laughed a little bit and shrugged.

"We don't always get along Sam and I." 

"I noticed that," you smirked, closing your eyes. 

"I can go if you want me to. I can hang out in the hall." 

"No, don't. The amount of white and the fluorescent lights are hurting my eyes." 

"Okay, I'll stay," he answered. 

"Wipe that smirk off your face Winchester." 

"How could you tell?" he asked, the smile still present in his voice. 

"You sound... lighter." 

"Do I?" he asked. You opened your eyes for a second and met th candy apple green ones. 

"Yes, you do." You and Dean talked for a while after that and before you two knew it, visiting time was over. 

"Uh, see you around, (Y/N)," Dean said. 

"You're leaving tonight aren't you?" you sighed. A cute boy who wasn't a complete douche, with pretty eyes. Of course he was leaving. He looked at your sadly, his fists clenching and he turned around and left. As bummed out as you were, you called the nurse to shut off the lights and tried to go to sleep. You ended up staring at the wall for hours until you picked up your phone and searched: Dean Winchester.

The first set of results were for a man who murdered a couple hundred people in banks, but the rest of the were for a book series written by Edlund Carver. You were forced to stay in the hospital for a few weeks due to a possible infection and by that time you'd finished reading the books. 

The day finally arrived for you to get released from the hospital and you'd made a way for you to find the Winchester brothers, through Bobby Singer, but instead when you walked outside you were met with a far better sight. There was a black '67 Chevy Impala sitting in the parking lot. Dean was sitting on the hood looking bored. 

"Hey, Winchester!" you called. He glanced up and a hint of a smile played across his face. 

"So, you heading my way?" 


Okay i did this one first despite all the rest of my requests because all of them were smut and i need a certain writng capability to write smut and its not right after i read Twist and Shout for like the six millionth time so I wrote this one first and then there shall be lucifer or seb stan smut. I hope you enjoyed this one. 

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Peace, Love, Spock

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