Benedict Cumberbatch {Requested} (fluff)

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"Morning, sunshine," Benedict called from the top of the stairs. You smiled and picked up Lucy, who was bouncing around next to you. The three year old wasn't actually allowed to watch Sherlock, but she loved the fact that you were involved with a famous person. Benedict and you had met years before, only to start dating two years ago.

"Morning," you replied. Lucy waved and you took the steep stairs up to the second floor. Martin was sitting on the other set, apparently too involved in his phone to look up. Once you got up the stairs, Lucy practically jumped out of your arms to Benedict, who caught her, laughing. 

"Hello, Lucy. How is Brighton?" he asked, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek.

"Rainy." You patted her blond curls and Ben pointed into the Sherlock set living room. There were cameras and lights around, a few crew members were hanging about, but it didn't seem like all that much was going on.

"They're reviewing tapes out back and deciding if they want another take or not." You walked around the set apartment, Lucy running in front of you. Ben kept his arm at your waist, telling you about how the filming was going. As a Sherlock fan, you refused to let him spoil anything to you, but you loved hearing about the other actors and the set workers. 

Eventually Lucy tired out, pulling at the hem of your dress so you could pick her up. You did, her little head falling onto your shoulder. She was staying with you and Benedict for a few days, while her parents went off on vacation. You didn't mind, she was energetic, but had learned her limits after falling and breaking her finger. 

"I think this one will want a nap now," you smiled. Ben nodded, leading you down and onto the sidewalk. It was a nice day in London for a change and you took in the sun while Ben called a car for the two of you. 

"But Auntie (Y/N)! I don't wanna go," Lucy whined. Her eyelids were drooping, but she wanted to stay. Ben took her out of your arms and walked down the sidewalk a bit. He spoke to her for a little while and then came back. Lucy looked happier. A few of the crew members that were sat outside gave Ben questioning looks, but he shook his head. You wondered what was going on, but didn't think much on it. Benedict slid Lucy back into your arms and gave you a quick kiss as the car rolled up.

"I'll see the two of you tonight," he said, closing the door behind you. 


As it started to get dark you got a little bit worried. Ben was usually back before six, but the clock read seven fifteen.

"Auntie, where's Uncle Ben?" Lucy was standing in the doorway in her pajamas. She was holding her favorite bedtime story.

"I'm sure they just lost track of time, how about I read you to sleep?" She nodded and you walked back to her room for the week, which was the guest room. She fell asleep quickly, even though she'd napped for a few hours earlier in the day. Once you were sure she was asleep, you shut off the light and went back to the kitchen to find dinner for yourself. While you were looking through the fridge, your phone rang.


"(Y/N)?" Martin's voice was slightly panicked and there was the sound of an emergency vehicle in the background.

"Yeah? Has something happened?" 

"Ben just had a nasty fall, could you come to the set? He'll be fine, but he's asking to see you." You told Martin you could be there on impulse, forgetting that you had to bring Lucy. Just before you ran out the door, you heard Lucy sleep talking from the other room. You let out a panicked breath and ran to her room.

"Come on, Luc. We have to go back to the set," you said, pulling a coat around her and pushing some shoes on her feet. She barely woke up as you carried her out to your car and drove to the set. There was no blue and red lights and no ambulance. As you got increasingly confused, Amanda came out the front door of the set.

"Ben's upstairs, he's been asking about you." You followed, carrying a sleeping Lucy in one arm. Ben looked completely unharmed, he was sitting on the couch in his Sherlock outfit. As soon as you go into the living room, Lucy opened her eyes and demanded to be let down. You set her on her feet and she ran over to Ben.

"Have you got it?" he asked, his eyes flickering up to your utterly confused face. Lucy nodded, handing something to Ben, who kissed her on the head. 

"What's going on?" you finally asked. Benedict stood up, walking towards you.

"I was actually planning to do this earlier, when you were here in the morning, but Lucy had forgotten in all her excitement." The crew on the other side of the room was watching expectantly and suddenly you had an inkling of what was going on.

"Really?" you asked. Ben laughed, nodding. A few weeks before, Benedict had talked a lot about the two of you getting married, and if you liked the idea. Of course you hadn't turned him down, although he completely stopped talking about it after that day. 

"When Lucy was dropped off, you were at the shop and she kept babbling about how the two of us should get married so that she could have cousins to play with." You laughed as Ben got down on one knee.

"Not the most romantic thing, but I figure since you love Sherlock so much, why not let him ask you to marry me." You rolled your eyes and replied, "Well, I guess I could settle for the man who plays him." Benedict grinned and stood up, sliding a diamond ring on your finger. He pulled you into a kiss and when you pulled away you whispered.

"I think that was the most unromantic proposal you could have given." You knew Benedict was a romantic, he made every single one of your dates perfect and could always make you feel like you were the only girl he'd ever met. 

"If I made it romantic, it wouldn't be all that special, would it?"


Sorry a hundred times about my awful updating skills. Last weekend was Boston Comic Con and I was preparing for it and didn't get to update.

Requests are still open, feel free to put them in my inbox. If I missed a couple, I'm sorry my phone was screwing me over and I had to redownload all the apps and some of the requests don't get saved properly.

Peace, Love, Spock



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