Michael Fassbender {Requested} (fluff)

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You knew exactly what you were going to say to Michael, but you just had to find the right time to do it. However that time had not come around yet. Michael had a whole plan from the moment you woke up to the time you got into bed. He had woken you up mid-morning with flowers and coffee, then you two left the house for brunch. As you drove to the diner you were tempted to just open your mouth and tell him exactly what you needed to, but he was so happy already you decided to save it for a different moment in the day. When you pulled into the restaurant Michael parked and jumped out of the car and opened your door.

"You don't need to be this sweet, what am I supposed to do to make up for it?" you laughed. He locked the car and kissed your head before taking your hand.

"Just be your beautiful self, darling." You sighed with a joking roll of your eyes.

"It's not just my anniversary, Michael."

"I know, but I missed our last one, so I felt the need to make up for it."

"Hmm, are we going to make up for missed birthdays too? That's something I would love."

"Don't get ahead of yourself." You punched his arm and he opened the door, both of you stepping inside. You were immediately seated and a waiter brought water for the both of you.

"Pancakes or waffles?"

"Both," Michael shot back, "I get pancakes and you get waffles." You shrugged and took a sip of your water. The two of you had the habit of silent meals, not because you didn't have anything to talk about, but because you talked at all other times of the day. The silence fell over your table and while you waited for the waiter to come back you opened your mouth, but Michael started before you got the chance.

"After this I got us tickets to the museum and then we can walk in the park and then dinner at home, I have plans for what to make, and then bed." He wiggled his eyebrows with his signature "shark" smile and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Sounds perfect, but I just have something I have to tell you." He looked to you with a serious face, eyes at attention and then the waiter walked over.

"What would you like to eat?"

"She'll have waffles with bacon and I'll have pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs." The waiter nodded and took down the order.

"Anything else to drink?"

"Actually could we get two glasses of champagne?" you asked. Michael looked shocked, but the waiter nodded and disappeared back to the kitchen.

"What warranted champagne?"

"I'm pregnant." You waited for a final reaction as Michael's expression went from excited, to shocked, to scared, back to excited, and finally to happiness.

"You are!" You nodded and Michael got up, pulling you to your feet in front of everyone else in the restaurant to kiss you. The waiter walked out just in time with the glasses of champagne.

"Congratulations?" he asked hesitantly. Michael nodded and took the glasses. When you two sat back down Michael could not stop talking about which rooms would be for the baby and what color he would paint them and who they would have to tell first. You just smiled and listened, having already thought about all of the things he was spouting about. By the time the meal was done Michael had exhausted the topic and he paid, walking out with you under his arm.

"I guess that makes us even doesn't it? I do the presents for the day and you do the present for the rest of our lives." You couldn't help but smile at that.

"I suppose."


Im sorry this took so long, to be honest I had the time to write it but i didn't know what i was going to write. So here it is. I have two more requests on my docket and then I'll hopefully be able to open up requests before school starts


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