Matt Smith

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This is going to be a different one. Its going to be post-apocalyptic. If you wanna know what I was thinking of while I was writing this, play the link.


"Matt!" you shriek.

"I'm coming! I WAIT FOR ME OUT THERE!" he yelled back. You can see the zombies getting closer to the house, their bodies decomposing and bleeding green goo.

"Matt, I can see them! Forget it! She'll have to deal with it!" you yell again. The six year old, malnourished girl in pink on your hip hid her face in your dirty clothes. Matt reappeared on the balcony, triumphantly holding up a teddy bear that was missing fur and was soaking wet. Your companion clambered onto the roof, giving the little girl her toy. The decaying monsters that had been on the street were now at the door, trying and succeeding at getting into the building. You'd been in London on a family trip when the horrors began and one of the people you happened to find on your grotesque journey through a place you'd never been, was Matt Smith. You'd been traveling around for almost two months now and a way out seemed impossible. The whole of the Eurasian continent had gotten the disease and Africa, as well as the Americas didn't want to get involved. The USA tried once, but the pilots got the disease and had to drop their helicopter into the water. So far you'd only met a few people who weren't diseased yet, but after a while you found that traveling in a small pack was easiest.

"What's you're name?" I asked softly, distracting the little girl in your arms from the zombies that were trying to get up where you three were.


"Well, Kayla, everythings going to be fine. Matt and I have been doing this for months now." It wasn't technically a lie. 2 months was months... I guess. 

"(Y/N), c'mon!" Matt's already used the plank to cross over to the other side of the street. This is how you survived for so long. Matt was skinny, light and agile. You moved like a cat, always had, always would. Having a little girl around wouldn't slow you down, although it might make you two more human. 

"Kayla, runn across the plank, quick as you can without falling. Matt'll catch you at the other end, I promise." You set her down and she takes off across the wooden aspen plank. Her dark hair chased behind her and when she reached the other side Matt caught her in his arms. It was almost surreal. They looked like a father and daughter, waiting for you. For the mother in the picture. A little grin plays across your lips and you begin to make your way to them. Your new family. Matt's smiling too, as well as Kayla, and then it stops. The love stops. The happiness stops. Matt's smile fades. Kayla screams. Matt drops Kayla and tears across the plank to you, but they're dragging you away.


"Leave, Matt!" you shriek, noticing more stiffs making their way to the plank. You can see the pain in Matt's eyes. He looks at you one last time, his lips parted a tiny bit, his green eyes tearing up. 

"Go! Leave! Save her!" you scream again. He nods a little bit. He knows he has to. It's no use if they both die too. 

"I love you." It was quiet, so quiet that you couldn't hear it, but the way he looked at you. You smile a little, a gesture to show you loved him back. Loved. The plank breaks and you loose sight as the 'zombies' drag you down the stairs. Your head knocks around, your feet stuck in the monster's grasp. You don't feel pain. You just think of your new family. You think of the first dsy you met Matt, the way he slammed through the glass window and broke one of the stiff's skulls open.  The way he smiled at you over the fire you made. His little smirk every time we got away. Everything about him. You smiled, widely and then you lashed out. Your hand found a metal pipe on the ground and you whipped your arm around. It made contact with something and it made a sickening noise. Matt was gone, Kayla was safe. You needed to be with them. You had to be with them. And you fought. Your hair whipping around you, your fists whipping into faces. The decaying skin broke under the force and made way to the gross goo under it, but you didn't stop. The zombies were slow, weren't good enough at fighting. It was an advantage, but they had an advantage in numbers. You knew how to avoid that. Once you're limbs had cleared a path to the stairs you ran up them like hell was chasing you. When you got onto the roof you ran, full speed, all you could imagine was Matt. His face smiling at you. Adrenaline pumped you right over the edge of the apartment building, across a four lane street, and dropped you onto a rooftop garden. 

Then it was gone, the adrenaline, the rush, everything stopped and you felt weak. All your muscles went limp. The first thought you had was I must have a concussion. The second one was Oh shit, I'mma fall. Strong arms snagged you out of the grass and your eyes met with Matt's. A smile played across your lips again. 

"Hello," he whispered, and his lips crashed into yours. As cliche as it sounds, you fainted.


When you came to Kayla was sitting next you, watching the fire that glowed in front of you. The sparks went up into the night sky. The stiffs hated the light at night. It was safe for her to be alone, btu it wasn't safe for Matt to be alone.

"He'll be back," Kayla's quiet voice said, "This building used to be a hospital. He thinks there could still be medicine down there. He also said you would need this." She pushed a bucket into your lap and just as you were about to thank her your gut heaved and all the food that you'd eaten in the last couple days sloshed into the bucket.

"EWE!" Kayla squealed. You spit once and put the bucket next to you, wiping your spit with the back of your hands.

"That was yucky," she said, scrunching her nose up. You laughed and got up, tipping the contents of the bucket over the edge of the building. You turned around and sat by the fire, pulling the tiny girl into your lap, huddling you both under the only blanket you had. A bit later Matt came up to. He shook his head and sat next to you, putting the blanket over his shoulders and an arm around your waist.

"Are you two... together?" Kayla asked, looking back at us. Matt looked down at you and then back at Kayla.

"I don't know, but if you will stay with us I think that could happen." 

"Are the zambies gonna get us?"

"I don't think so, sweetheart. Not ever." 

"Are you sure?" He nodded. Her face split into a grin and she jumped up from your lap.

"i'm going to tell you a story then. It's about a princess who gets rescued by two ninjas." You lean your head against Matt's shoulder and you watch as Kayla proceeds to tell a story, jumping around the fire and making funny voices, for you and Matt... sorry the two ninjas. You wished the world could freeze like that, and you fell asleep, happy at the thought of your new family.


Hope you liked that! I'm sorry to nz-taika for not putting the one you requested up! I really wanted to write this one though! I promise your's will be next!

For everyone: The girl on the side is Kayla. Idk I'm just really into the name Kayla right now, shoot me. Um hope you liked it! As usual Vote, Comment, Share

Peace Love Spock

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