Loki {Requested} (fluff)

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Dedicated to @timelordofcamelot10


"Loki?" You called, glancing over the back of the couch to see if your boyfriend had come from the bedroom. 

"Yes, darling?" You jumped at the voice next to you. 

"Stop going that, we talked about this." He shrugged and wrapped his arms around you. He was wearing some of your brother's old sweatpants and a green t-shirt with his name it. 

"What movie should we watch?" you asked, setting your head on his shoulder. He rubbed the tip of his nose on your collar bone and shrugged.

"Maybe one of those romance moving pictures." You smiled at his unknowingness and kissed him on the cheek before getting up and putting in The Notebook. You cuddled under quilts and y the end of the movie you were sobbing. Loki looked confused and sad. 

"Why would they create something that makes you cry and hurt so much?" he asked, he sounded almost horrified. You glanced up at him with tear-filled eyes and laughed a little bit.

"Because it's a good kind of hurt," you explained, wiping your eyes.

"Please stop. It's making me sad," he said. His eyes were wide and set on you. He was slightly pouting and you couldn't help but kiss him. His initial shock was a adorable, but he quickly realized what was going on and kissed back, his hand caressing your cheek softly. His thumbs ran along your cheekbones and his index finger ran down your nose. The screen had faded to black and the only light in the room was the fire in the fireplace, which you didn't remember setting. 

The night didn't progress, it was just you and your Norse god sharing kisses and blankets. It was nice for a change, to have him lying with you with no plan or previous engagement. Nothing was in the way of you two and for a moment you thought you might've been dreaming.

"(Y/N), I think I may be in love with," Loki said quietly, as if he didn't want you to hear it. 

"I might just be in love with you too," you informed, kissing him again. For the rest of the night you just cuddled under what seemed like a million blankets and just talked a little bit. 

You began drifting off to sleep somewhere around three am, Loki's arms wrapped around you. The last thing you focused on was Loki whispering, "I wish this was real."


You woke up alone, the screen re-replaying The Notebook. Loki was nowhere to be found and you remembered what he'd said last night, then you remembered that he was far away from you. Thor had him tucked away from his families, which meant far away from you too.

You followed through with your day, sadly dragging yourself through till you got home. You unlocked your apartment and went to set down your umbrella to find Jane's coat and Mjolnir on the coat rack. Jane was sitting on your counter drinking coffee and Thor was on your couch with a very Thor-like expression on his face. The second you walked in he bombed you with questions.

"Loki went missing lat night. Did he come here? Have you heard from him? Did anything odd happen today?" 

"He was 'here' so to speak, last night; but at the end of the night, when he thought I was asleep, I guess, he said 'I wish this was real'. I fell asleep after that and woke up alone," I confessed, glancing at the blankets that were neatly folded in the proper basket.

"So he might have been here, but you don't know if he was real?" Jane asked.

"No. And I'm done having the conversation with you two. Get out of my apartment." You hostility had no effect on Thor, who stood up, hulking above you, and asked, "What did he say to you?" 

"He didn't at any different. We watched a movie and I fell asleep," You lied. Thor didn't believe it for a second.

"What did he say to you that you do not  want anyone to know. I can see he said something that disturbed you."

"It was less disturbing than out of place. He said... well he told me he loved me. Then... that's it. After that conversation we didn't talk."

"That means he was here," Thor decided firmly.

"What? How do you know that?" You asked, blocking the door. Thor's face softened a fraction.

"He would never send a messenger to tell you that. He would never ghost t say that either. He would have come here and told you that himself," Thor explained.

"We need to find him, (Y/N). We think he might be in trouble," Jane said.

"Then find him, but on one condition." Thor nodded.

"He comes here. He doesn't get sent away again because I need him as mush as Jane needs you and you need Jane. He comes back here or I'm not helping with anything, and you both know I could be all the money behind this." They looked at each other then back at you and nodded. You moved from the door and they left, leaving you to smile and think. He came to tell you he loved you. You went about the rest of the day with a smirk on your face, imagining the possibilities for when your trickster came back.


Hey guys! I hoped you liked this one. POsting will become more frequent on the week days from now on and not as frequent during the weekend, due to all my softball.

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Peace, love, Spock

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