Alan Ashby {Requested} (fluff/sad)

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For alifrazer


Your headphones were blasting Thanks For Nothing by The Downtown Fiction while you walked to the venue. The rest of the girls were already there and you grabbed two pairs of drumsticks backstage. You quickly pushed your phone off to the side and tucked the sticks into your pocket. 

"Ready?" Kalli, your lead singer, asked. It was rhetorical question and the rest of you shook your heads, grinning. 

"Alright, let's do it," the bassist, Jamie, said, jogging out on stage. Your few fans started screeching, which was enough for adrenaline to start pumping. Like before every concert you pulled out your wallet and looked at your picture of Alan and then ran out, waving to the small amount of people and sliding behind your drums.

Twelve songs and two encores later you ran off the stage and practically collapsed. Your four band mates pig piled on you and you fought to breath, laughing until you were crying. 

"Bar down the street?" Zara asked, grabbing a coat. All of you nodded, following suit and walking out into the cold air. The five of you huddled together through the dark to the sports bar across the empty street. It was freezing in Chicago, as it usually was in the winter, but it particularly cold that night. The bar was warm and people who'd been at the concert were huddled inside. They all swarmed towards the five of you and you gave quite a few hugs and autographed stuff until you finally got some drinks. Your few fans pushed some tables together, insisting that you sat together. Kalli sat on one side of you and a guy sat on the other side, just a little too close. After about an hour you got a call and you got up, going outside so you could hear. 

"Hey, sweetcheeks," Alan's voice said. You smiled to yourself, pulling your jacket closer around you.


"How was it?" 

"So much fun! We're at the bar across the street just chilling with some of our fans. Of course, I'd rather be at home with you," you replied. You chatted for a little while, asking about your cat and how his band was. 

"Alright, I gotta go. Lyla is waving me down," you said.

"Okay. Bye. I love you." 

"Love you too. See you in a day." 

"Yup, Sir Meows-a-lot says he loves you too." You laughed and hung up. The door opened as you turned around and the guy who'd been sitting next to you walked out. 

"Uh, your band is sick. My friend told me about you a few months back and yeah," he said. He was definitely way to close to you this time. Before you could do anything he leaned forward and kissed you. You were quick to push him away. He didn't seem happy about it, but you rushed inside. Pretty sure that no one had seen, you told the girls you were going back to the hotel and left. 

You woke up to someone poking you.

"(Y/N), Alan's on the phone," Maya said, handing you the phone.

"Good morning," you groaned. 

"Hah, good morning? No, not a good morning." Alan sounded angry and you sat up, trying to wake up some more. 

"What's wrong? Did Sir Meows-a-lot eat more socks? We have to stop leaving those on the -" 

"No! I saw the pictures of you kissing that guy and leaving for the hotel right after! Do you even care?" he yelled. 

"Wait! That! No, I didn't kiss him!"

"Sure you didn't." 

"Alan!" you exclaimed. Your phone beeped, signaling that he hung up and you rubbed your face. 

"You okay?" Kalli asked. You groaned and shook your head, burrowing under the covers. 

"Hey, what happened?" she asked. You heard the rest of the girls clear the room and Kalli got under the covers with you. 

"That... dick! The guy from last night! He kissed me and I shoved him away. That's why I left early! I didn't want to be near him! Alan saw the pictures and..." your voice cracked. Kalli hugged you and let you cry. 

"We'll be home tonight and you can explain it all to him then." 

"He's not going to listen!" you sobbed. 

"You don't know that." You did. Alan had the lowest possible listening tollerancy you knew of. You moped for the rest of the day and when you got back to your apartment you found that all of Alan's stuff was gone. There was a note on the coffee table.

Sorry I wasn't good enough for you.

You tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail and you called Austin.


"Is Alan there?" you asked. There was some whispering on the other line and then Austin answered.

"He says he doesn't want to talk to you or listen to you excuses." He didn't sound sorry, just angry. 

"Please!" you begged. He hung up and you called Kalli.

"He's not listening..." you sighed. 

"Hang tight, honey. I'm going to the studio right now," she said. You tried to tell her to stop, but she refused and hung up. Two hours later the front door opened.

"(Y/N)?" Alan called. You cuddled your cat closer and turned away when he walked into the bedroom. He sat on the other side of the bed and didn't say anything. He wasn't facing you, but you heard his box of stuff hit the ground.

"I'm sorry I over reacted." You didn't reply and he walked around the bed to sit in front of you.

It took a day and a half, plus a pizza, for you to give up on the silent treatment. He asked why you'd been so pissed and you told him. He was always signing girls and it pissed you off that when a fan did something you didn't want he could have such a drastic approach, especially without an explanation. He made it up to you with lots of cuddles and Supernatural re-runs, but it was worth it.


Woooop Woooop Whooop Yeah thats it. Requests are shut until I can get through the list of them that I have currently. Sorry guys. ALSO PSA  I might update Thursdays or Saturdays because I have skiing on Friday nights so it all depends. Usual Vote, Comment, share.

Peace, Love, Spock

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