Steve & Bucky {Requested}

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"Hey, what's going on in there?" You knocked again and Bucky came to the door. Your grandfather had told you to go check on the neighbors upstairs. They'd been arguing nonstop and your pappy was worried it would get to violent for little Steve. You rolled your eyes when he said that. You knew better than most that Bucky would never lay a hand on Steve unless it was to clean off blood.

"(Y/N)." Steve's footsteps came running down the hall and both of them stood in the door, polar opposites. Steve, skinny and short with blue eyes, pale skin, and blond hair. Next to him Bucky, tall and muscular with brown eyes, dark hair, and tanned skin. Both were sweet and flirted with you every time they saw you in the halls.

"Pappy said you two have been fighting," you said, looking pointedly at Steve. He liked to pick fights and Bucky always had to finish them.

"Uh, yeah, sorry for being too loud. We don't mean to bother anyone."

"You been," you replied, stepping back from the door, "Keep it down please." Both boys nodded and you turned on your heel.

"Actually," Bucky called after you. You turned in time to see Steve elbow him.

"We could use your help with the problem." You took a step down the hall and heard your little brother crying downstairs.

"Could I be back later?" you asked, turning back and dashing downstairs. You brother was only a toddler and he needed someone to watch him all the time. He was a trouble maker, that one.

"Yeah, we'll be home most of the night," Steve called lamely after you.


"Hey, Buck. It's (Y/N). You told me to come back." The door opened and Steve was standing inside with a letter in his hand. He was very close to pouting. 

"Uhm, Buck is getting deployed later this week. He said you should come back when he's home before he heads to Jersey." Your eyebrows knitted and you took the letter from him. 

James Buchanan Barnes, you have been selected to arrive at the New Jersey training center for the allies on...

You didn't need to read the whole letter to know what it said. You'd read your fathers before he left. 

"Stevie, I'm so sorry. Do you need a place to stay?" The blond shook his head.

"I got a job at the corner store. I'll be working there for a while to pay for rent in this place." You frowned and patted him on the back. 

"It'll be alright." You kissed him on the cheek and stepped back into the hall.

"If you need anything." He nodded and shut the door. 

You heard Bucky come back after a few hours and decided to head up before going to sleep. You brother was safely tucked in his bed with your Pappy's watchful eye in the room. 

"Boys, it's me." The door opened and neither of them said anything, leading you into their kitchen. You'd been there dozens of times, but this time it felt different. Everything was heavy. 

"At least you two aren't fighting about whatever anymore," you tried. A smile played on Bucky's face. 

"Actually I think that letter solved our problem, didn't it Stevie." The blond rolled his eyes. 

"We were fighting over you, but with me ducking out soon, Stevie has free reign," Bucky said, sitting heavily in his seat. You stifled a laugh.


"You know that Harvey is my boyfriend right?" Both of them gaped. Harvey was training to be a doctor at the college. He was supposed to be deployed months before, but they suspended his deployment till he could be more helpful as a doctor. He only came by to visit you every once in a while, and most of the time Bucky and Steve steered clear when he was over. He had a mean glare at anyone who had an eye on you. 

"Damnit," Steve swore quietly, and both of you laughed. 


"Hey what's going on in there?" You'd been getting complains from the neighbors of your newest (and oldest ironically) tenants. Your family had owned the building since before either world war and you were sure to keep all of your long term residents, even if it meant kicking some out. The door opened and James Buchanan Barnes was looking down at you. 

"(Y/N)." You heard footsteps and Steve Rogers appeared behind his friend. 

"I've been getting complains." Three months before you'd found two super soldiers standing on your doorstep holding the papers for the room upstairs, which had been empty for years. When Captain America, Steve, had gone into the ice, all of the apartment's contents had been put into storage by James' sister. 

"Uhm, yeah, come in. Sorry about that." You walked in and went past them. Their apartment looked like a movie, the only new things inside were the appliances otherwise the wallpaper, furniture, books, and photos were all from the forties. You sat down at the table and the boys both looked at you for a minute before joining you. 

"Sorry about the noise," Steve started.

"We've been in a bit of a fight over... well." Bucky got up and came back with some old photos. He leafed through some and slid one over to you. It was a picture of a woman that looked just like you with a little boy. 

"That's my great aunt and grandfather." 

"Yeah, a long time ago, when we were here at this exact table and we talked about this exact problem with her." You raised an eyebrow and nodded for them to continue. 

"Well, we both wanted to take your great aunt dancing." It clicked in your mind what they were saying and you giggled. 


"Sorry, this is funny because I've heard this exact story. I have a boyfriend. The doctor that comes in to check up on Mrs. Felp, we've been together for three years." Steve threw a balled up napkin at Bucky. 

"I told you."


Haha, I really like parallels and this was the perfect time to use them. Sorry it wasn't very lovey dovey, I wasn't feeling it. In other news, does anyone know how to do calculus because I obviously don't. Please comment, vote, and share.

Peace, Love, Spock



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