You Watch Old Cartoon Network TV Shows Together

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I used to (Still am) so freaking in love with old Cartoon Network TV shows, I literally can’t get enough of them even though I’m 18 soon! 

Luke (Johnny Bravo):

"Seriously, there’s nothing on the TV.." Luke sighed to himself as he zapped through the channels on his plasma TV, you in the background, standing in the kitchen and cooking dinner. "It’s Tuesday, can’t imagine that there isn’t a single program that’s catching your attention." You yelled, taking the fad of lasagna before putting it into the oven and putting on a timer, placing your knits on the counter and walking into the living room to see what Luke was doing. "I swear to god there’s nothing on!" He exclaimed, zapping through but all of the sudden he ended on the Cartoon channel making your eyes go wide and shock the boy with a squeal, jumping over the rack of couch and taking a seat next to him, ripping out the remove from his hands. "How can you say there’s nothing on the TV!" You exclaimed, looking up at him with wide eyes before zapping back to the Cartoon channel. "What do you, oh-" He mumbled as he saw Johnny Bravo on the screen, a small smile coming to his lips by your childish mind. "I loved this more than anything when I was younger." You said looking up him with a smile, leaning you head into his chest afterwards which made him wrap an arm around you. "I used to too." He mumbled into your hair before placing a kiss into it, the two of you watching the program. You looked up between Luke and the TV for some seconds, a smile creeping on your lips. "What?" He questioned, not taking his eyes from the screen. "You kind of remind me of him." Your statement made Luke look down at you and send you a ridiculous glance, a giggle coming from your lips. "You know.. The blond quiffed hair.. You even wear a black t shirt like him." Luke looked down at himself for some seconds before shaking his head at you. "All you needed was some ray-ban sunglasses and a little bit of workout in the gym and then you could be twins." "Hey." He exclaimed by your cheeky comment, grabbing a pillow from the couch and hitting you in the side with it. "Don’t be so mean to me." He said which made you laugh even more. "I’m just kidding you know that." You smiled, leaning your head into his chest. "You look pretty…I look pretty…why don’t we go home and stare at each other?" Your eyes went wide, moving your head away from his chest, "You did not just quote him, did you?" "Wanna see me comb my hair, really fast?" "Stop!" You exclaimed, making Luke start to laugh really loudly, ""Maybe we have same similarities, but just a little bit." "A little?" You repeated, cocking one eyebrow which made Luke shake his head at you, "Just shut up." He chuckled, placing a kiss on your nose.

Calum (Courage The Cowardly Dog):

”I know what we should watch.” You mumbled, roaming around on Netflix as it was a quiet Sunday night in you and Calum’s bedroom, the two of you had been watching things all day. Calum’s eyebrow quivered when he noticed your search and the episode you chose, his eyes going wide. ”No way! We’re not going to watch that!” Calum exclaimed, almost ripping the remote out of your grip, ”Why not?” You whined in a tiring manor, looking at Calum in a pouting way, at some points he actually enjoyed watching cartoons with you so this was just odd to you. ”If so, I’m leaving.” He stated with no emotion on his face which made you furrow your eyebrows in confuse, watching as Calum stared down at you. ”Give me a very good explanation to why we should not watch one of my favourite childhood TV shows ever and I’ll consider whether or not we should watch it depending on how good your speech is.” Calum let out a sigh by your stubborn attitude, giving you the remote to your confuse. ”I know this episode too much for my liking.” He almost let out a chuckle by how ridiculous he was, letting you press play. ”Just tell me Calum for god sak-” ”I’m freaking terrified okay!” He exclaimed loudly all of the sudden, startling you and making your eyes go wide. ”By courage the cowardly dog?” You asked in disbelief, a smile forming on your lips. ”Don’t give me that look okay, that show is beyond terrifying!” ”Please..” You mumbled, pressing play and starting the show but Calum weren’t finished. ”Were you never scared of this shit? The flying big white face, the creepy reddish cat or the freaking King Ramses!” ”It’s fiction Calum!” You shook your head by his fear, laughing out loud as he looked at you with wide eyes. ”I’m not freaking joking with you babe, I tell ya, Mali used to scare the crap out of me with this show.” You crossed your arms as you looked at Calum funny, letting the show play in the background. ”And why’s that?” Calum started to chuckle as well by his weird fear, shaking his head a little bit. ”She used to walk around behind my door when I used to go to bed, mumbling out those creepy sentences like ’Return the slab, or suffer my curse’ and I was literally so scared I got nightmares and could almost cry myself to sleep. Clearly the scariest show ever as a kid and it still gives me goosebumps.” Calum lifted his arm up for you to show and to your surprise; he started to form goosebumps around the skin. ”Well I don’t care, I only see it as a thing to get over. And we’re gonna do that now so lean back and enjoy the show.” You requested with a smile, earning a hesitated sigh from Calum before he leaned back to your delight, ready for his own safety and to get away from this fear.

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