You have a kid, but aren't together

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A puff of flour was thrown towards your chin making your eyes go wide, your mouth opening agape. “You did not.” You dared looking at your 4 year old boy having a cheeky smirk plastered on his face. He let out a small childish giggle before taking a small amount of flour again, puffing it towards your chin. “Where did you teach that?” You questioned before grabbing him by the sides, tickling his small form. He let out some small giggles, squirming on the counter, begging you to stop. “Huh?” You smiled and he shook his head. “If you don’t tell me, we won’t finish these pancakes.” You warned looking daring at him. His face turned into shock and he started to stammer out “Dad.” Repeatedly making you laugh.  “So your dad is behind this? I’ll have a speech for him when he arrives.” You smiled before ruffling his blond locks, taking the spatula from the drawer. “When does he arrive?” William asked, looking up at the clock hanging on the wall behind him. “He said 5 to me.” You said whilst pointing towards the number 5. “So when the big line points at 12 and the small line points at 5, that when dad’s here.” You smiled as he nodded his head. “Do you think he wants a pancake?” William asked as you took out a pan from the cupboard underneath the counter. “I doubt he would say no to that.” You laughed, before walking towards the fridge, opening it before you took out a bag of butter. “Did you pack your bag?” You asked and his eyes widen in shock by the mention, already trying to get down from the counter. “I can conclude that you didn’t.” You said before taking his wiggling body, placing him down on the ground. “I’ll go do it now.” He yelled as he ran down past the hallway to his room. Shaking your head at him, you fired a bit of butter on the pan, letting it melt before you added some pancake dough. A sudden ring from the entrance make your head snap up towards the clock confused before you left the pan, walking out to see who was there. You opened the door and were met by Luke standing with a smile. “You’re early.” You commented, letting him in. “I was faster at recording than what I thought.” He shrugged as you both headed towards the kitchen. “William, dad’s here.” You yelled and it didn’t take more than 4 seconds for William to sprint over to Luke with his bag pack on, running straight into his legs. “Hey kido.” He smiled as he lifted him up to rest on his hip. “Ready to leave?” He asked and William nodded his head repeatedly. “We can eat these on Monday then.” You suggested and he nodded his head as he cuddled into Luke. You walked them to the door, before giving William a small peck on his forehead, him waving at you as they went out of the door. “Oh and Y/N? You look great.” Luke commented, making a blush appear to your cheeks, making you nod your head at him, before waving and shutting the door.


“Run!” Calum yelled from his porch, the rain pouring down in front of him, he laughed at you as you sprinted out of the driver’s door before running over to the back, opening up the other door to get Willow out of her seat. She was covered in a massive purple rain jacket, her rain boots matching. You grabbed her before placing her on your hip, Calum running out in the rain to help you, as you fumbled with the baggage door. “Hiii precious.” He smiled with a shocked expression making Willow look shocked as well as she saw her dad, before she let out a girly giggle reaching his arms for him to grab her. “Weeh.” He said as he grabbed her letting you use both hands to grab her bag. “Let’s get in before we drown.” You joked shutting the back door. You guys sprinted inside Calum’s flat, shutting the door afterwards and even though you had hurried you still managed to drown your t shirt totally. “You gotta love the weather sometimes.” You said sarcastically, grabbing a wash cloth from the counter trying to dry Willow’s bag before placing it on the dinner table. “I’ll go see if I can find you a shirt or something.” Calum mumbled as he struggled to get Willow out of her jacket. As she got out of her boots and the rain coat was removed she didn’t hesitate to sprint down to her room, disappearing. Calum disappeared down the hallway as well. The radio was the only thing playing as you waited in the kitchen, feeling how cold and clammy your t shirt actually was. Calum came in from the hallway soon after with a t shirt in his hands. “Catch.” He laughed throwing it towards you. Removing the shirt you were wearing, you placed it on the counter before pulling Calum’s shirt on your body. “Smexy.” He joked making you laugh and give him a little twirl. The sound of the weather man in the radio appeared so you turned around listening closer to what he was saying. The mention of the weather not being safe and it would be a better protection to stay inside was mentioned and you knotted your eyebrows. “The wind as already created problems in the roads, 3 massive trees already overturned. Not only is the wind strong but a cloudburst is starting to develop. Keep yourself safe and watch out for bricks from roofs flying around.” “I don’t really want you to go out there on your own when it’s not safe.” Calum mentioned from behind you as you had run over to the window, wind, rain and thunder taking its power over the dark city. “What do you want me to do?” You asked turning around, seeing his brown orbs staring into yours. “You could stay. I’ll go grab a blanket and a pillow.” He suggested already pointing towards the couch. You looked back out at the window again before looking back at him. “Okay.” You said unsure nodding your head, making him smile. “Good. I’ll go get it.” 

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