You watch Pretty Little Liars

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Pretty Little Liars is my all time favourite show, so I felt like I had the urge to make a pref with it x


“Y/N.” Luke whined, poking your cheek slightly with his pointing finger. Not removing your gaze from the TV, you answered with a quietly “No.”. “Give me some attention.” He pouted, flashing his eyelashes, not getting a single glare from you though. Lifting your hand towards his face, you patted his cheek slightly before letting it fall back to its original place. Letting out a groan, Luke repositioned himself, letting his head fall onto your stomach, yourself automatically letting your fingers run through his hair. After a few more minutes Luke got bored again so he thought it would be a pleasant idea to ask questions every third second. “Isn’t she the one that was supposed to die?” He suddenly asked, the questions floating around, making you let our head fall back to the headboard, the sound from the connection letting out a loud bang. “Luke – just – shut – up.” You warned, looking down at him, himself having a massive smirk forming on his lips. “I’m just trying to attend in the show’s progress.” He teased, knowing that it would piss you off. “Don’t.” You snapped, looking up again at the screen. “That Noel guy is awesome.” Luke commented making you groan again. “He’s an idiot.” You informed, making Luke shake his head. “How do you even know you’ve never had a conversation with him?” “How the hell did you even get in here?” You groaned, trying to hold a straight line, but with Luke’s teasing smirk starring up at you, the possibility to not being mad at him fading away. “You’re an idiot.” You confessed making him laugh.


Lying in your bed, you positioned yourself to lie on your stomach, trying to get a better view of the screen – your feet starting to dangle with your pillow. As Hannah was standing in the telephone box, seeing weird shapes through the obscured glass, your heartbeat started to speed up to its highest level, yourself leaning closer and closer to the screen, eyes almost popping out. “Hey baby I’m home.” Calum said as he opened the door, making you let out a terrified scream, putting the duvet over your head, burying it further down into the madras. “Shit did I scare you?” Calum said, worry filling his voice as he took a seat next to you. “No this scene is just really really scary.” You mumbled through your pillow making Calum sigh. “Babe if it’s too scary for you, why are you watching it?” Calum laughed quietly, caressing your back softly. “I have to know who A is.” You said, looking up at him dramatically. “What if I just go on the internet and search for-“ “Don’t you think I’ve been watching teasers and theories on YouTube to 4am at night.” You growled looking back at the screen. “Is that what you’re doing every time you think I’m asleep?” “Duh.” You admitted making him roll his eyes. “This show is eating your brain out. “Maybe I should just turn it off.” He suggested, reaching over for the remove lying next to your stomach, but you were quicker than him, letting yourself fall onto it. “Don’t you even dare.” You warned looking him dead in the eye. “Baby it’s for your own best.” Calum trailed off making you scuff. “No show, no me.”


”Whoa what’s going on in here?” Luke asked as he came in through the door from the kitchen, a bowl with popcorn in his hand. Looking up at Luke you shrugged before turning your attention back to the TV. “He was talking too much.” You laughed, looking over at Michael, himself trying to struggle out from your grip, his mouth filled with his own sock. Spitting the sock out from his mouth, Michael looked over at Luke in fear. “Run before it’s too late.” Michael yelled, making you laugh even more, taking the controller in your hand, pressing pause. “What are you watching?” Luke asked in confusion, seeing the paused screen – a girl with chocolate darken hair sitting in a bed next to a redheaded one. “Pretty Little Liars.” Michael said in fake excitement, making you roll his eyes at him. “And what’s wrong talking whilst-“ “Don’t you even say it Hemmings.” Michael warned the blond haired boy, making Luke let his hands fall op in surrender. “You just don’t talk whilst watching this. Especially if you’re sitting with her.” Michael explained looking over at you, yourself nodding your head. “But if you knew that why did you-“ “I asked her for a blanket.” Michael interrupted again, making you giggle saliency to yourself, reaching out for the black blanket lying behind you, throwing it towards Michaels head. “You just don’t talk whilst watching this.” You smiled, removing yourself from sitting onto Michael’s stomach, himself letting out a deep breath.  “Gosh Y/N I didn’t thought you were so dominant.” Luke mumbled, giving you a wink before he walked out from the living room.


As Aria confessed to Ezra that she loved him too, even though she liked Jake, made your heart beat tens time faster but that was soon interrupted when someone pulled out your left earplug. “Hey sweety, wanna have a conversation with your handsome boyfriend or I are you just gonna sit there, not even caring about world.” Ashton asked really sweetly making the yelling from your throat that was supposed to let out, fade away. “Ash, I really wanna watch this episode.” You trailed off, seeing him scoff. “Let me see.” He mumbled, reaching over to see Aria on the screen, making him let out a groan. “You’ve seen this episode like 4 times.” He scoffed again, letting his head fall back so his curls didn’t get in in front of his eyes. “No I haven’t.” You disagreed making him give you an unbelievable glare. “Yes you do.” He said quietly, now acting offended. Rolling your eyes at him, you saw him turn his gaze away from you now taking a magazine from your purse up, starting to read it. The feeling of guilt started to form in your stomach and it wasn’t long after that you plugged your earplugs out of your ears, rolling it around your phone, before removing yourself from your position, now sticking your head under Ash’s arm, trying to pry the magazine from his hands. “Oh so now you want my attention.” He said sarcastically, making you nuzzle your nose into his T-shirt. “I love you.” You murmured, making him sigh and place the magazine back into your purse. “I love you too.” He smiled letting his fingers run through your hair.  

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