You're Drunk And Another Boy Takes Care Of You

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Vodka was always something you wanted to avoid more than anything. And to be honest you were doing pretty well. Until Michael decided to approach you with what seemed to just be some original cocktail with basic things in that you knew you were well at handling. But after drowning down what seemed like four cups, you knew something was totally wrong about this and Michael could see that on you as well. Celebrating Calum’s birthday here in LA was a blast that would be memorizing for days! But with your amount of alcohol intake, it was hard to even remember what was what since everything just seemed like a black hole. Your head was currently resting against one of the shoulders of whomever of the boys that were sat next to you, stabilizing your mind to make sure that you weren’t falling or anything. ”Is she out?” Ashton asked, not moving, looking over at Michael in front of him who was fumbling with the plastic cup around his lips, letting out a chuckle and nodding his head. ”She literally challenged me to do it! She said I couldn’t drink her under! But I did. Mission completed, even Luke can’t do that.” Ashton laughed but shook his head by the red haired’s stupidity. ”Speaking of Luke, where is he, I haven’t seen him in a long time.” Michael noticed looking around confused before looking over at Ashton. ”He went home remember? He had been suffering from a headache for hours now, it was understanding that he wanted to head home, and the poor boy couldn’t even drink or enjoy the loud music!” ”Ohh!” Michael exclaimed shocked, ”So I guess we have the responsibility of Y/N right?” ”Of course you idiot, she can’t even keep her eyes open!” Ashton said, making you open your eyes by the mention of your name, smiling dazed over at Michael. ”She looks like she’s fine to me!” He pointed out, Ashton looking down at you. ”Her eyes are bloodshot red! I think it’s time I’m taking her home.” Ashton exclaimed, sneaking his arms around your shoulders and legs before lifting you up, Michael waving at the two of you as Ashton lifted you out of the club. Yet the poor boy couldn’t even get the chance to put you down to the ground and calling a cab before you had swung around in your high heels, falling down to the ground in a loud crash. Ashton yelped when he heard your crash, placing his phone back in his pocket before kneeling down in front of you. ”How much did Michael give you, shit.” He mumbled to himself, you just chuckling, mumbling out a whimper when Ashton’s hand connected with the abrasion that had appeared on your knee. ”Typical..” He mumbled to himself, shaking his head as you just mumbled out a wupsi. Without further ado, Ashton lifted you up in his arms again, getting the nearest cab and trying his best to let your head be out of the window in case of throwing up. To his luck, Luke was awake when he bragged into his hotel room. Luke was lying on the bed, watching TV but just as soon as he saw Ashton walk inside with you in bridal style, his eyes went wide before he sprinted up from the bed, approaching you and opening his arms for Ash to place you in his. ”How the hell did this happen?” He exclaimed before placing you where he had been lying before, noticing the blood down your knee. ”High heels plus Michael’s vodka ideas I tell ya.” Ashton exclaimed before heading out to the bathroom to get a washcloth. ”Baby you need to take better care of yourself right?” Luke asked, trying his best to get eye contact with you but it was giving him a hard time considering your eyes were everywhere. ”I was just having fun Lukey! Nothing else.” You slurred, placing a hand to his cheek. Ashton came back with the washcloth and gave it to Luke who started to clean your abrasion, and to your luck with all the alcohol in your veins, you didn’t have any problems with the pain. ”She will be getting the worse hangover tomorrow, I can feel it.” Ashton chuckled as he watched Luke remove the last amount of blood, nodding his head. ”Yet she never learns when she has to stop.” ”I thought she had learned her lesson about not drinking with Michael in any sort of way. But I guess it faded away after the first drink. It was a good thing you were there because I doubt Michael would even be function to take her home if so. Thanks.” ”You’re welcome.” Ashton smiled, placing a hand to Luke’s shoulder. ”But I think I gotta go back, unless we want the same thing to happen to Michael. See ya later.” He announced, Luke nodding his head as Ash headed out, ”Good hangover Y/N.” ”Bye bye Ash.” You waved towards him dazed, Luke looking down at you with a smile as he shook his head at you. ”Baby you gotta take more care of yourself.” He stated, earning a giggle from Luke. ”I was doing great until Michael showed up.” You slurred, letting him take off your heels. ”Yeah and I doubt I'll ever let that thing happen again.” He chuckled, placing a kiss to your knee next to the abrasion.

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