Little Me | High School AU | Part 4

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W A R N I N G: T R I G G E R I N G


“And this is the kitchen.” Luke explained, barely letting you see it, as he pulled onto your arm slightly, heading towards his room. “Luke” Liz yelled after him, making him picking up his pace. Closing the door to his room you wandered around, looking at the different band posters. Later on you both sat on his bed, reading the script for each other. A knock on Luke’s door made you both snap your head up towards the voice. ”Oh, sorry am I interrupting something?” Liz apologized, making Luke groan. “Mom!” He whined, making her raise her hands in surrender. “My bad. You two have fun.” She winked, making Luke throw one of his pillows towards the now closet door. “Your mom is nice.” You commented making Luke blush. “Yeah, but she’s kind of embarrassing sometimes.” He mumbled, making you laugh. “That’s okay. My mom is the exact same way.” You giggled making him smile and relax. “Your laugh is cute.” He commented quietly, making your cheeks get a pink flush. “Thank you.” You mumbled, the shy girl taking over your state. “Hey don’t be shy.” Luke laughed, making you shrug your shoulders. “Sorry.” “By the way, football jerk?” Luke mentioned, making you laugh. “You are.” “Am not.” “Prove it.” You smiled, making him raise an eyebrow. “How.” “Tell me what Juliet’s cousin’s name is.” You challenged, making him scoff. “Tybalt Capulet. Played by Johan Smith.” Luke fired back, making a goofy expression appear on your face.  “How I knew? Yes the football jerk have been reading.” Luke smirked, crossing his arms. “I’m impressed.” You snickered, making him smile. “There’s actually a scene that we haven’t been practicing.” Luke announced making you confused. “Which part.” You groaned, browsing through your script.” “Page 43 – 3 line.” Luke said, without even looking, smiling at your confused face expression. As you found the page, your finger scanning through the lines, you lifted your head from the paper took look at him. “The kiss.” You mumbled, the pink blush coming back to your cheeks again. “Yeah.” He trailed off, looking at you hopefully. Looking at him again, his blue orbs burring into yours, you both leaned forward in unison, capturing your lips together in a small sweet kiss. “Lucas.” Liz sang outside from the door, making Luke snap back in fear, looking up at the door. “Not again mom.” He whined, letting his head fall back in frustration. Opening the door to his room, Liz stood in the doorway with a plate of cookies in her hand. “Can I offer you anything?” She asked polity, her smile growing even bigger seeing your hands intertwined. “Just place it on the dresser, please.” Luke answered, giving her a cold look, not amused about her presence. “Okay then.” She smiled at you, placing the plate on the dresser before leaving the room again. “She’s in love with you.” Luke mumbled, making you laugh. “She’s the only woman in the house. I think she’s happy for some female attention.” He continued, making you cuddle into his chest lightly.    


”Do you really think this plan will work?” Luke asked confused, handing Maranda the bucket he was holding. “Of course.” She smiled looking up at him. “My plans always works.” Letting out a sigh, Luke kneeled beside her, watching her fill the bucket with water. “How is she going the slip on this?” Luke gestured to the now full bucket, as him and Maranda stood up. “As far as I know she’s a bit of a girl with a lack of confidence. I say we let Calum say something bad about her, and then boom she’ll slip on the floor, as she comes in through the door, hearing Cal’s words.” “And how are you gonna get Cal, say something bad about her?” Luke asked, crossing his arms, not even the slightest convinced. “Watch me.” She smirked, making Luke raise an eyebrow. | So what are you doing after school tomorrow”, Calum asked, as you both were walking down the path of the changing rooms. “Homework I think.” You said, giving him an apologizing look. “I could help you with that.” He offered, making you smile up at him. “That would be really nice. Oh shit.” You remembered, pulling slightly on the pockets of your jacket. “I forgot my phone in the changing room. I’ll be right back.” You said, turning around, sprinting down the hallway. “Psst, Cal.” Looking around in confusion, Cal saw Luke and Maranda standing in the doorway, waving their hands for him to motion. “What are you guys doing?” Cal asked, seeing all the water around the entrance of the door, looking at them both in confusion. “Luke dropped the bucket.” Maranda lied, pushing the bucket into Calums hands, making his eyes furrow in confusion. “Guys what is going on?” He asked, making Luke chip out a “nothing”. “Okay.” Calum trailed of unsure, confused about the whole scene. Maranda now heard your footsteps out from the hallway. “So what do you think about Janice Hoks?” She asked, making both boys look weird at her. “I’m not related to her in anyway.” Calum answered unsure. “What about her football skills?” She questioned, making Cal laugh. “Please. What football skills?” Calum joked, making Maranda fake laugh. “So you’re saying that Y/N is a terrible football player?” She asked, making sure to not audio your name loud. “Yeah.” Cal shrugged, making Maranda clap her hands in excitement. Of course she knew you were standing outside the hallway listening to everything he said. “Where is Y/N?” Coach Hanson asked, making the 3 teenagers turn their heads towards the confused coach. “I’m here.” You fake smiled, appearing from the door, but as you stepped inside the room, you slipped on the floor, your whole body making a loud crash. “Y/N.” Both Calum and Hanson screamed, making other students gather around the whole scene as well. Looking up from your spot, you noticed Calum standing with the bucket in his hands. “Like you hadn’t done enough.” You snapped; hurt clear in your eyes.  

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