You're Hired To Date Him By Management, But You Actually Hate Each Other P.3

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"You're acting was great tonight." Looking up from being occupied with packing up his suitcase, Luke looked at you sitting on the bed next to it, still in your black tight dress and your hair all curly and puffy. "What?" Luke asked completely off, his face showing blank as he looked back at you. "You know. At the award show. Your acting was really great considering all the questions you received." "It was nothing." Luke said emotionless, zipping up his suitcase and lifting it up so it was standing, pulling up the rack of it so he could place his sports bag on top of it. "Well I thought it was." You said a bit offended, confused by his sudden attitude. After you and Luke had been fake dating for so long, the sneaky comments and bitchy attitudes had cooled off completely almost at the point of you guys forgetting that you hate each other. But now it seemed like all the hate had come back into Luke and burning in his veins. Even the looks he gave you screamed pure hate. A small mumble came from Luke as a response before he disappeared into the hotel bathroom, the sound of him packing his stuff together filling your ears. You rolled your eyes before letting your feet dangle down against the mattress before standing up, your feet still in pain from the high heels you had been walking in for hours. "Is something wrong?" You asked in a harsh tone, almost startling Luke while he was packing his bathroom stuff. Luke didn't answer, just looked up from his stuff before looking over at you. "No, nothing at all." He mumbled, shaking his head, looking himself at the mirror in front of him and continuing on packing. "You're lying." You stated, walking closer to him and crossing your arms. "And how do you know?" He asked, looking at you with his eyebrows furrowing. "I've been fake dating you for months now Luke, don't you expect me to learn stuff from you even though you don't express it?" Again there was no answer from him, just a silence as he looked back at his belongings. You took a look in the mirror and your eyes landed on Luke's form. It did not take long for him to feel your stares even though you weren't exactly looking at him which made him look up in the mirror again and meeting your eyes. "For god sake Y/N." He sighed, throwing the last of his stuff into his bag before crossing his arms and looking at you. "Tonight was too far. Too far for me to act and too much for me to accept." "What do you mean?" You asked confused, looking at him wide eyed. "I did nothing but lying tonight! This isn't me. Not all at, I never lie and I feel so guilty and terrible about it! All the things we said to the press, the host of the show and just the other celebrities in general! I just don't think I can live on the same lie anymore. I feel like it's time of my live I never get back." An uncomfortable silence covered the whole bathroom as you and Luke just stared at each other now, your mouth opening and closing but no words came out. "Well uhm.." You said after a minute, looking down at your feet before looking up at Luke who was now blushing. "I'm just gonna go to bed now. I'll wake you up at 5am when we have to go to the airport to get home." He mumbled walking past you and into the bedroom. The things Luke said was probably not as he expected. Feelings were mixed in the poor boy's mind and he didn't know what to do. He didn't wanted to be harsh to you but that it was something he couldn't run away from. Some of the things he had said to the press were a lie but some of the things were true. He was actually at the point of enjoying hanging out with you and it was scaring him how you guys had went from hating each other to all of the sudden are one of the most famous couples in Hollywood. Your fake relationship was getting more serious than what he was expecting and he had no idea what to do about it.


Calum's head was rocking up and down to the beat of whatever kind of Remix music that was blasting through the speakers of the club they were visiting, Luke standing to his right and the both of them having cups of alcohol in his hand. Since you guys finally had a day off, you guys needed to go out and party, just so you could get a bit away from each other. After fake dating for quite a while now, Calum needed some kind of break but the boys didn't want to be rude so of course you had to come along and currently you were dancing along to the music with Michael. Calum's tongue licked a bit of the taste of alcohol around the cup he was holding, his eyes looking around at the crowd, trying to find a girl that had a bit interest. But none and it was messing up Calum's mind, every single girl had walked away just as soon as he had approached them. "Have I lost my skills?" Cal asked confused, his glass swinging around in his hand as he moved around to look at Luke fully, his eyes just as red as Luke from the alcohol. "You're a taken man, Calum. You forgot?" Luke asked, the smirk starting to creep on his lips by Calum's eyes that were now wide. "Oh man, that's right. Is that why every girl is rejecting me tonight?" "Ahum." Luke answered, nodding his head along to Calum's realization. "How do I spend my night then?" He asked confused taking a sip from his cup. "You could go flirt with your girlfriend." Luke answered, doing the same with his cup. "Please.. Me flirting with Y/N? I would rather kick myself out of a window." Cal mumbled in disbelief, yet his eyes traced over towards your slim body dancing with Michael, his eyes landing on your firm ass. "You look like someone who is considering it." Luke said with a smirk now, his eyebrows wiggling. "I'm not." Calum said with a foggy glance, looking at Luke with his mouth open. "You sure about that?" Calum looked at Luke lost in drunkenness for some seconds before looking back at you. "I'm not." Calum answered again in the same tone as before, his drink about to fall out from his hand. "She does look kind of hot." He said a bit after in consideration, glancing you up and down. "She is." Luke confirmed, nodding his head by Calum's words. "What if I get rejected?" "Are you an idiot or just really really drunk, she's your fake girlfriend of course she can't reject you." Luke pointed which made Cal giggle by himself goofy. "You're right man." Cal said, pushing his drink clumsy into Luke's chest and heading towards you. In one movement, Calum had removed you from Michael so you could stand in front of Calum instead. "Dude what the fuck?" You exclaimed as you looked Calum up and down, your face showing clear confuse. "Hey beautiful." He mumbled, starting to dance to the beat of your music and you couldn't prevent yourself from dancing along with him. "You know, have I ever told you how sexy you actually are? Especially when you hate on me?" Cal asked in a drunken manor, yet his charm was affecting you. "Are you trying to seduce me?" You asked confused, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting him place his hands on your hips. "If so, is it working?" Calum said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. He moved down to press a small kiss to your neck which made you let out a small giggle, shaking your head at him. "How drunk are you retard?" "Enough to impress you so I can take you home." "I'm going home with you no matter what silly." You giggled, cocking your head as you looked at him with a confused smirk. "I knew that." Calum smirked, shaking his head by his foolish side. "I'm just thinking about what's going to happen after we get home." Without another word said, Calum moved forward and placed his lips against yours in a heated kiss. If this had been done in a sober condition, you would have pushed him up against the wall and fire a fist to his cheek but with the alcohol this was a total different situation. It was nice and Calum knew what he was doing.

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