He Has To Ask Another Boy For A Condom

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Luke's eyes were closed in pleasure as his body was moving back and forth to the rhythm of your hand driving up and down his hardened member. His lips were connected with your neck, though it was a tough time for him to focus on two things on the same time and he knew that if you continued your action for too long, he would cum in his pants. He moved his mouth away from your neck to your disappointment but he just wiggled his eyebrows at you and headed towards his suitcase and started to roam around. But after looking for at least 2 minutes and emptying out the whole content, he groaned and looked back at you. "We've used them all." He mumbled and headed back to the bed. "Ask one of the other boys then, I don't care." You exclaimed and looked at him with wide eyes. "I will be right back." Luke grumbled and placed his lips against yours very harshly that almost knocked the breath out of you. When he moved his lips away from yours, they lingered while you watched him head out of the door with a smack, only in his boxers. Though at this point, Luke couldn't care, besides this would be a fast visit and it was past midnight so he most probably wouldn't see any other guests. Luke's face was buried in the screen of his phone while typed a message to Michael and he barely got the chance to press send before Michael was out of his hotel room and looking at Luke with a smirk. "So what kind of flavor do you want?" He asked with a smug look on his face, taking a look up and down Luke's almost nude body. Luke rolled his eyes by Michael's question and crossed his arms. "I'm not even sure we use the same size." He laughed afterwards and hinted down at Luke's prominent boner showing clear from his black boxers. "Just give me one, okay?" He asked irritated which only seemed to Michael smirk even more. "Alright." He rumbled through his pocket and took up a normal condom. "On one condition though." He said and moved the condom away from Luke's waiting hand. "I have to join you guys." Luke's eyes burned up with fire and looked at Michael rather daring. "Ain't gonna fucking happen." He grumbled, Michael making a rather shocked expression, though he couldn't sneak another comment as the sound of someone walking down the hallway appeared. Panic hit Luke when the realization of him not wearing anything else but boxers appeared and he hurried over to the cleaning trolley resting on the wall before them and he hit behind it. It made Michael start to crack up laughing and it didn't help on it at all when he saw it was you coming up to them. "What is taking so long?" You asked, sounding pretty tired and looked at Luke with an odd expression. "What are you doing?" Your eyes focused on Luke while he stood up from the ground again and headed towards you. "I just thought you were somebody else." He mumbled and you wrapped a blanket around him that you had brought along. "Michael is just being a complete tease." He added and you looked at Michael for a second before snatching the condom out of his hand. "Thank you." You smiled sweetly and looked up at Luke with wide eyes. "Good luck getting the boner back up again." Michael yelled at you when you started to head back towards your own hotel room. "It's a good thing I'm so magical I can just stare at it for 2 seconds and bam it's back again." You said and stuck your tongue back at Michael who cracked up laughing once again.


If there was one thing that never happened to Calum, it would be to forget buying condoms. It was plain simple in your relationship, Calum would never ever forget his condoms no matter where he went. They would always rest nicely in his suitcase in the right corner where a small zip was for smaller things. He even had one in his wallet for safety firsts, and one in his gym bag. But somehow, you guys had managed to use them all. And living on the bus with the boys where you guys were using the nights on driving there was no option for Cal to head towards the nearest drugstore to buy some new. It was clear on Calum's face that there was something completely wrong when he started to roam through the hole in the bunk where he had his iPhone as well, and his face showed clear confuse. "What's wrong?" You asked and moved your head up to look where his hand was. "There's none left." He asked in fear and looked down at you with an apologizing expression. "You're kidding." You exclaimed and moved your head to rest against Calum's shoulder, seeing the condom back being empty. "It's been 4 weeks, how can we've managed to use them all?" You mumbled confused and looked up at Cal who shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea." He answered and looked one last time in the box. "And there's no drugstore near us?" You asked and Calum rolled his eyes at you when you looked outside the window. "Of course not Y/N, we're on the wheel right now." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You could ask one of the boys." You suggested and looked back at him with a small smile. Calum stopped mid action with his hand still resting in his hair and he furrowed his eyebrows at you. "Like who?" "I think I saw Luke with some earlier. It was clear in his pants." You said and it made Calum even more confused. "I'm not gonna ask Luke for condoms." He stated and ignored you when you started to create puppy eyes in front of him. "No I'm not fucking asking Luke." He repeated himself. "There is no fucking need to ask Luke, he can hear every single thing you guys are saying from the other side of the bunk part of the bus." Luke grumbled all of the sudden which made you and Calum stare at each other wide, Calum trying to hold a laugh inside. He moved his hand up to remove his certain and was met by Luke resting in his bunk with his palm against his cheek and looking at him bored. "It's amazing how you guys can be so nosy when it comes to talking but when you're sexual together you're quieter than mice." Luke commented and a pink blush came to your cheeks and you buried your face into Calum's chest, trying to hold in giggles as well. Luke gave Calum a sassy look before he jumped out of his bunk and headed towards place on the floor where he had thrown his pants earlier. He grabbed them and put his hand down in the pocket to grab the white plastic covered condom. He threw it towards Calum who barely caught it before lifting his eyebrow. "No I can't stay in here.." He concluded to himself and headed towards the back area of the bus where Ashton and Michael were watching TV shows. "Well that was easier than I expected." Cal said after some silence and you looked up at him with a roll of your eyes. He smiled down at you before flipping you around with wiggles eyebrows and placed a wet kiss to your lips.

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