Just Saying - 5 Seconds of Summer

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This may be a little bit confusing for my masterlist now, but a while ago, I wrote the song preference Heartbreak Girl, but that was before Just Saying was out.. So when I heard that, I had a clear revelation that those songs were combined together somehow, so I felt the need to combine them together as preferences, so read part two of this here:

- Warning, Calum involves violence languade, not much but it’s there


He says he loves you
But it’s all an act
He’s seeing someone else right behind your back
You know I’d never do that (he would never do that)
Just saying

Luke’s head hovered over the rest of the massive crowd around the not so suitable flat for a frat party, a red cup in his hand moving between his chin and his mouth in drunkenness, his eyes flicking between the crowd, trying to find at least one of the guys that were here as well that he knew. To be honest, he had no idea why in the world he was there. But with Oliver and Calum being determined to join this frat party, there was no backing down for Ashton or him. Of course, they had asked Michael, but the boy seemed to prefer being alone and just using his spare time apart from the constant 24/7 working with the band to just be with himself and enjoy the silence company. And of course at times, he would join parties, but today was one of the normal ones where he would refuse. Luke let out a giggle for himself, drowning the last amount of liquid in his cup and throwing it behind him, if there was something that actually seemed clear to him, it was definitely that he was getting wasted, and the alcohol from earlier was starting to booze into his blood. He stood up, feeling the pushing in his bladder and ready to go to the toilet when something stopped him. At first, Luke squeezed his eyes in thought, doubting whether he was seeing visions, or thinking someone was someone else. But no, what Luke was currently staring at was your boyfriend with a tall brunette, the two of them holding each other very closely and sharing mouth drool. Luke’s mouth literally felt down to his jaw, staring at the ”couple” For another five minutes before he decided to take action. Marching towards the entrance of the flat and forgetting about his drunkenness and need for a pee, he tumbled around in confuse with the power of the alcohol in his blood, trying to balance around as he almost knocked himself into Cal on the way. ”Hey, hey, what’s going on?” Calum laughed, watching as Luke went right past through him afterwards with no words spoken. ”Gotta call Y/N.” He exclaimed, tumbling around to grab the nearest object he could hold himself up to, Calum holding a hand in front of his mouth trying to prevent the giggle that was ready to spill out, yet just shook his head at the blond haired boy before he disappeared back into the big crowd. Luke stumbled towards the stairs in the entrance, grabbing the rack of it before placing himself down on the steps, taking his phone out of his pocket. He could barely register anything in his mind as he unlocked the screen and dialed your number, and barely hearing when you had said hello for the probably fifth time. ”Y/N?” He suddenly squalled into the phone when he acknowledged your voice, you just mumbling out a hi. ”Did I wake you up?” He asked in fear, 2 fingers coming up to his lips to bite his nails. ”Well.. kinda, but it doesn’t matter couldn’t sleep anyways.” You mumbled, and Luke’s eyebrows furrowed. ”Is it because Y/BF/N isn’t there?” He asked without realizing, you furrowing your eyebrows. ”How do you know?” You questioned odd, Luke’s eyes adverting out to the crowd again, his eyes now glued to Y/BF/N and the brunette still making out. ”I uhm..” He hesitated in his voice. ”I’m sure he’s home any minute though.. It sickens me being home alone at night and he knows it.” You said, and Luke nodded his head. ”Yeah..” Luke sighed, biting his lip torn, not knowing whether it was a good idea to tell anything now or just shrug it off. ”I uh- I gotta go now.. Sleep well.” Luke mumbled softly, hearing you yawn on the other end of the phone. ”I will Lukey. Nighty-night.” You mumbled and hung up the phone, Luke standing up from the stairs, clearly feeling more sober now. He looked almost sick in his face now, pale and with a dazed look as he was still staring at Y/BF/N. If it wasn’t for the crowded people, he would’ve beaten the shit out of him now until he turned blue.

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