You're playing another boy's love interest and he gets jealous

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You Have To Play One Of The Other Boys' Love Interest In A Music Video And He Gets Jealous


The day had started out mainly chaos. The actor that should play Ashton’s love interest had cancelled; - sickness had hit her which made the director go in panic until Luke had suggested that you could take her role since you did acting as well. But oh boy how he regretted that afterwards. “Wow this does actually look like a classroom.” Calum commented as him and Luke was wandering around on the scene that had been made for their new music video, the room resembling a typical classroom at a high school. Luke didn’t answer, just wandered around in his own thoughts with his hands down in his pockets. “You okay?” Calum asked with a raised eyebrow and Luke nodded his head silently. “We should go take our seats, Ashton and Y/N will be ready anytime now.” He mumbled and Calum nodded his head at him suspiciously, following the blond haired boy away from the scene and over to their chairs. They took a seat, waiting for the filming to happen as the director was running through the script trying to find the right page. The sound of the door closing appeared and you and Ashton approached the scene, Ashton wearing glasses and a more likely nerdy costume, you having casual normal clothes. “Are you ready?” The director asked and the both of you nodded your heads before walking into the “classroom”. “Okay Y/N, mainly I want you to be as seductive as you can be, pushing Ashton up against one of the tables, making him sit. “God it.” You said with a thumb up. The music started to End Up Here, Ashton’s line approaching as you pushed him lightly on the chest, his lines starting as he mimicked, letting your hand travel from the back of his neck down to his chest. Luke tensed in his chair by your actions, his hands grabbing harshly to the armrests, his veins showing from his neck. “Now intertwine your fingers.” The director yelled, Luke sending him a glare as his jaw clenched seeing you now holding hands with his best friend. “Okay that’s a wrap.” The director finished making you and Ashton pull away from each other. “Good acting.” Ashton commented giving you a light push on the shoulder. “Well it is my job, thanks.” You smiled but it faded as you saw Luke. “Oh no.” You said as Luke stood up from his chair walking up to you guys. Ashton’s eyes widened as Luke approached the scene, Luke wrapped an arm securely around your waist, pulling you into his side. “I think you’ve had enough time with my girlfriend now thank you.” He snapped making Ashton rise his arms in surrender. “It’s only acting mate, nothing is real here.” Ashton reassured but Luke only scoffed at his words. “Luke, take off your jealousy coat, nothing’s real here and you know it.” Luke softened more at your words, looking down at you with an apologizing look. “Okay. But no more holding hands.” “You got it.” Ashton laughed walking down from the stage. “Jeez, what am I working with here.” You said shaking your head as you and Luke went down the stage as well, him giving you a kiss in the hair.


“Clifford dry off that cocky smile.” Calum snapped, looking over at Michael with tense eyebrows. “What’s going on?” Ashton chipped in wanting to join the conversation. “Calum’s mad.” Michael laughed, enjoying the evils stares from Cal. “Why?” Luke asked confused joining as well. “Because I may or may not get the chance to kiss Y/N soon.” Michael said in a teasing tone making Calum grumble, crossing his arms. “Since when?” Luke asked confused. “Since the director decided to change the script 20 minutes before Showtime.” Calum mumbled, giving the director a death glare as he was talking to you. He stopped talking and you headed towards the scene as the director looked over at the boys. ”Michael, scene now.” The director yelled and Michael stood up from his chair delight, running over to the scene, “I’m coming.” He clapped his hands together, knowing it would piss Calum off even more. “Okay, this is the last scene, Michael you’ll go knock on Y/N’s door, Y/N you will open it, you’ll stare at each other for a bit before you reach out for her, putting your hands on her cheeks before kissing her okay?” The director explained, you nodding as Michael looked back at Calum, giving him a wink. Calum sat straighter in his chair as Michael and you took positions. “Remember its only acting.” Ashton whispered in his air, placing a hand on Calum’s shoulder. The Kiwi boy only shrugged, his jaw clenching more as the music started, the song coming to a close end. “And now Y/N open the door.” The director yelled, Michael mimicking the lyrics to Close As Strangers, as the two of you looked at each other, Michael giving you a shy smile. The sound came to its end making Michael walk forward, placing his hands on your cheeks, and letting his thumb brush your cheekbone. “Just a simple kiss Michael, no tongue.” He instructed from his chair, “There better be no tongue.” Calum groaned, Luke trying to muffle his giggles because of Calum’s behavior. Michael leaned forward as the song finished, capturing your lips with his in small sweet kiss before pulling away, giving you a smile. As the director had yelled cut you removed yourself completely from Michael, him giving you a wink before you went over from the scene and over to a rather looking grumpy Calum as he stood up from his chair. “Hey where are you going?” You asked confused seeing him roll his eyes at you. “Out.” He answered shortly ready to turn around and walk away from you. You grabbed his arm before he could disappear and he gave you a bored look. “Are you jealous?” You asked, a smirk appearing on your lips. Calum knotted his eyebrows at you before grumbling out a faint “No.”. You let out a small laugh before standing on your toes, placing your fingers on his cheeks before pulling him down, capturing your lips with his as his hands found your hips. “Don’t be jealous babe. Mikey doesn’t kiss far as good as you.” You said brushing your lips over his making a smirk now appear on Calum’s lips. “I heard that.” Michael yelled, making you look back at him, sticking your tongue out.

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