BSM: You're Dating Another Member

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I found Luke's version in an old folder on my laptop that is from 2013 so this was a really fucking old preference that I never got the chance to finish! Weeeh so here it is


"God I just wish we could stay like this forever." You mumbled into Calum's chest, stretching your toes while talking and dragging out the last vocals in the word forever. "Me too. But I know your big brother is sitting in his hotel room, waiting for the door to open." Calum responded, pressing a kiss to your temple. "No he doesn't." You argued with a laugh before yawning, cuddling into Calum's chest. "Yes he does, he never allows us to cuddle without interrupting." You rolled your eyes by Calum's words, letting the silence overwhelm you but it was prevented by the sound of your phone vibrating. "Luke texted you." He mumbled grabbing your phone from the nightstand as it was illuminating, unlocking your phone to read the text. "What does it say?" You mumbled in his T shirt, looking up at it with tired eyes yet a dazed smile on your face. "That he's coming down in a few minutes to pick you up." He sighed locking your phone again. "Why does he have to pick me up, I'm not 7 I know how to walk down the hallway to his hotel room." You groaned but removed yourself from his cuddling form, sitting up straighter in bed. "No, no no you're not leaving me now." Calum said softly and sat up as well before he placed his hands on your upper arms, pushing you down on the bed lightly. "Think about it. Think what we can catch up on minutes." "You're risky, huh?" You whispered ghosting your lips over his, and he winked down at you before placing his lips on top of yours, deepening the kiss and making it much more passionate. Though the intimate moment was interrupted fast when the sound of the door to the hotel room barked open and Calum rose up from you in such a shock he fell down from the bed and landed on his butt on the floor. "I was not touching her inappropriately!" He exclaimed with wide eyes and Luke stopped in track by the sight of Calum on the floor and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Dude what the fuck are you doing?" He asked in a raspy voice, lifting an eyebrow and you held your hand in front of your lips to prevent the giggle escaping. "Come on Y/N, we're heading back to my room now." Luke requested and you rolled your eyes by his behavior while Calum stood up from the floor. "Can't she stay for just a few more minutes?" Calum asked but Luke only rolled his eyes at him. "It's late and she's too young for this." He responded and crossed his arms. "Luke, what the fuck I'm your twin!" You argued and his jaw clenched, "By 12 minutes Y/N which means I'm the old one here who has to take care of you." Luke stated and Calum sat down on the bed as well. "Come on Luke. I'll bring her down in a few minutes okay?" Luke looked between the two of you for seconds before he sighed, rolled his eyes and started to back away. "Fine, but if she's not at my hotel room before midnight I'm gonna kick your ass Hood!" He warned and Calum nodded his head reassuring, smiling when Luke walked out of the door. "Well that was easy." You commented and a squeal escaped your lips when Calum was on top of you again, his hands resting on either side of your head. "So... Where were we?"


"Come on!" Ashton laughed from the other end of the stage, looking over his shoulder to see you hurry up the stairs and starting to sprint towards him. Your feet were echoing in the whole empty whole by every step you took in the run, Ashton grabbing his drumsticks and rolled them around his finger out of habit. He took a seat at the drum chair and placed his foot on top of the pedal to the bass drum, pressing down a few times to test it out. He grabbed the drumsticks and started to make a small beat, drumming around in an amazing pace that made your eyes go wide and you stopped right in front of him speechless. "What?" Ashton stopped in track to look at you, the smirk growing on his lips and he giggled by your wide eyes. "You're such a showoff you know that right?" You asked and cocked your head to the left, Ashton laughing by your words and shrugged his shoulder. "I just love doing what I'm doing." He commented with a wink, moving back so there was more space in front of the drum kit and he clapped himself on the lap. "Come sit." You smiled down at him while moving in between his body and his drums, taking a seat on top of him and allowed him to wrap his arm around you. "Here." He chuckled and placed the drum sticks in your hands before he wrapped his huge ones around yours and made sure that you placed your feet on top of his. "So what you do is you hit the hi hat like this." Ashton showed while moving your hand, hitting on the hi hat, "Along with pressing down on the bass drum." He added and did like he instructed, you moving your head back and forth to catch up with him. "And in the end you add the snare drum." He finished, working between the drums with you and when he stopped and made you do it yourself a squeal of excitement came from you in surprise. "Look! I'm making my own drum beat." You said amazed, afraid that you would fuck it up and Ashton clapped his hands together proud. "See I told you back at the hotel room. You just need a few instructions and then it's easy like butter cake!" You looked over your shoulder to smile at him and stopped playing. "It's because I have you as my teacher." You pressed your foreheads together and a warm smile appeared on Ashton's face. "You're a lucky girl to have me, huh?" He whispered, moving his lips up to kiss your nose and wrap his arms tight around your waist, embracing you into his warm chest. But the otherwise cute moment was prevented by the sound of someone clearing his throat in the speakers aloud in the whole arena. "Mr. Fletcher Irwin. I think your time with my little sister is up now. Please remove her safety from your lap and escort yourself out of the stage." Calum's voice echoed in the whole arena, you and Ashton looking around confused until your eyes landed on Calum sitting by the John's sound equipment, a microphone in his hand. "Calum you fuck." Ashton laughed while shaking his head, pushing you up from his lap. "I'll see you later babycheeks." He whispered and placed a soft kiss to your forehead, but hurrying away from you when Calum cleared his throat again in the microphone with a smirk plastered on his face features.

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