Amnesia | The breakup | Part 2

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So this is like a flashback thingy :3


”You know, that talking thing sounds really good right now.” Ashton lifted his head from his pillow, squeezing his eyes because of the sudden light from the hallway, Luke standing in the doorframe leaning against it with his duvet in his hands. “Come sit then.” Ashton welcomed as he was sitting straight in the bed now, moving a bit for Luke to join. As Luke sat down, he pulled his duvet up to his chin cuddling into it. “How about we start from the beginning? You haven’t really told us anything about you guys so it’s hard for us to help you.” Ashton said and Luke nodded his head in agreement before letting out a sigh.

Luke smashed the door closed as he came in through it, throwing his jacket onto the floor, not really caring about hanging it up as he went into the living room, seeing you sit with your chin against the couch cushion, staring up at him. Luke showed no expression on his face as he went over to the kitchen, before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and afterwards went over to the other couch, placing himself onto it. You pulled the blanket closer to your body as you stared at Luke almost emptying his bottle. “How was recording?” You asked quietly making him give you a rather tired glare as he threw the bottle onto the coffee table. “Fine.” He said as he didn’t care, leaning back and closed his eyes. You sat up straight, “I was thinking we could watch some movies tonight.” You suggested making Luke squeak one eye open. “Not today Y/N. I’m too tired for that.” He mumbled as he raised himself from the couch, heading towards the stairs. “But we never do anything together anymore.” You said making him stop in track at one of the steps. “What do you mean by that?” He asked, making you sit on your knees on the couch so you could see him better. “I mean that we barely see each other anymore. You’re never home, we don’t have any quality time together anymore, and you won’t even kiss me hello!” You pointed out with aggression in your tone. Luke rolled his eyes at you as he went down the stairs, heading towards you before giving you a light peck on the forehead. “Satisfied?” He asked as you were a small child. “No I’m fucking not satisfied.” You said in disbelief by his action, raising yourself from the couch. “Y/N can we please not fight today, I’m not in the mood.” Luke almost moaned, rubbing his temples with his fingers. “Luke this is what I’m referring to. We’re not a couple anymore. We’re just 2 people who constant pick on each other and live in the same apartment.” “Y/N don’t be ridiculous.” Luke mumbled turning his back to you as he went up the stairs again. “Luke you’re leaving for a tour in 3 weeks. How are you gonna fit me in there?” You yelled after him, making him stop in track yet again. “I’ll slip you in between breaks or something.” He shrugged, his voice raspy. “Luke I’m so much more worth that.” You said more quietly, heartbroken by his cold state. “You’re an fucking arse.” You yelled all of the sudden, anger taking over you. “Oh so I’m the ass here? At least I’m not clingy as fuck.” He said with a loud voice back making you roll your eyes at him. “I just want time with my boyfriend is that so hard to let it happen?” “Yes it actually is.” Luke shouted with wide eyes. “Fine, if it has to be like that, I don’t think this relationship should continue.” You yelled. “Fine. I don’t need you in my life then.” Luke yelled without realizing his words. It made the both of you shut your mouths as you stared at each other, none of you wanting to say anything. You nodded your head as you gave him one last glare before grabbing your coat heading towards the door. It was when the smack of the door appeared that Luke realized what in the world had just happened.

When Luke was done talking, he exhaled for a bit, his thumb gazing the stuffed penguin that he still had in his hand. “Man..” Ashton mumbled feeling so bad for Luke. “You know, I’ll do anything to help you get better.” He reassured making Luke give him a puppy look. “Can you get my girlfriend back, since I’m an fulltime ass who hasn’t got the balls to call her?” He asked almost timidly making Ashton chuckle. “I’ll see what I can do. We’ll sort it out mate. We always does.” Ashton reassured. “I hope so.” Luke mumbled, grabbing onto the stuffed penguin tighter in his fist.  

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