You're Best Friends And Sleep In The Same Bed

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It was wiggles and loud movements from the bed that woke up Luke slowly. He was confused, the TV in front of him still turned on with old cartoons flashing on the screen, clearly indicating that it was past 4am at this point. He had barely registered the second he had fallen asleep during your movie night and it wasn't until he found the source of movements that he realized that so did you. You were a wiggling mess, your eyebrows furrowed while small drops of sweat running down from your dampen hair. It didn't take him long to notice your struggle to survive the nightmare and he didn't hesitate a breath to sit on your bed in the hotel room and leaned over. "Y/N?" He questioned softly and caressed your cheek, trying to get some sort of contact but nothing. You were clearly too far away in your own sleep to even register his sounds. Instead of keeping on repeating your name he shook your shoulders softly, not too violently to make sure he wouldn't startle you the second you would wake up. Fluttering your eyes open confused with a gasp leaving your lips shocked, you breathed heavily while looking at him. "Hey." He cooed quietly and sat down on your bed, letting you lean your head against his bare chest. "It was just a nightmare nothing to worry about." "It felt real." You stated shocked, your whole body shaking with adrenaline and anxiety. He nodded his head understanding while caressing your hair to calm you down, his whole body vibrating because of yours. "It wasn't I assure I'm right here okay. And even if something was after you I wouldn't allow it." And even if you had seemed to calm down Luke didn't dare to move away from you. Moving his back slowly against your pillow he let you rest on his chest, the sheets now covering you both and making sure that you wouldn't be cold. Sure he could have headed back to his own bed to go back to sleep but he'd rather stay with you and make sure nothing would happen. And you didn't seem to bug about it, nudging your nose against his chest while settling down comfortable, his heart skipping a beat by the action.


"You sure you will share the bed?" Michael asked with an amused smile on his face, watching you and Calum fool around to strip down your clothes. "Of course we do." Calum stated with confidence, his lips parted while he was taking off his shirt. Michael quivered an eyebrow by the Kiwi boy's words and looked at you for approval but you nodded your head agreeing, your eyes dazed and fighting the urge not to close. "Because we only ordered this hotel room for you because it had two singled beds?" "The bed is needless." Calum stated while pointing at it lazily, and Michael watched him with wide eyes as he fell backwards and landed on top of the mattress behind him. "Calum you can't sleep already." You giggled drunkenly and jumped onto his stomach, legs resting on each side of his waist while your hair fell in front of your face to look down at him. "I'm not." He huffed by the sudden weight on him and placed his hands on your hips. "I'm just resting my eyes. You should too." Hooking his arms around your waist he took you off guard and pulled you down, your back resting against his chest. "But I don't want to sleep." You mumbled with your face against the pillow, feeling Calum's body vibrate with chuckles. "Me neither but Mr. Crumpypants over there says we have to." Michael rolled his eyes by Calum's statement and approached you by the bed. "In case you didn't notice Mr. Smartypants; you have soundcheck tomorrow at eleven that needs to be done otherwise someone will get very angry at you." This time it was Calum's turn to roll his eyes, waving a hand at Michael in indication of him to leave your hotel room. "We'll be fine. Just turn the lights off." Obeying to his request Michael turned off the lights and headed out of the door carefully, hearing you guys mumble drunken words and settling down finally ready to sleep. It was gonna be a forceful hangover and confused gazes exchanged in the morning but for now you guys didn't mind, rather wanting to sleep in each other's arms with smiles embracing your drunkenly tired faces.


"Noo." You whined the second he moved away from the sheets and was ready to stand up from the bed. "Please don't leave." You begged almost silently, your eyes so red you could barely look through them without pain. Michael cracked a soft smile by your words and went back to sit next to you, feeling your whole body vibrate with tears ready to trigger out of your eyes again. "Please no Y/N, no more cries." He whispered and caressed your hair, "I just used a good two hours on trying to make you stop. He isn't worth it. He never was." A silent sob escaped your lips by Michael's words and you had to hold in everything you had to not cry again. Like Mikey said. He wasn't worth it and he never should have in your life. You felt so grateful of having Michael here with you now. The time was striking past 2am but Michael didn't seem to might, not a slight complain coming past his lips. "I just thought about sleeping on the couch." He whispered and leaned his head against the pillow. "I'm not gonna leave your house tonight. Not when you're in this miserable state." You sighed softly by his words, feeling a bundle of butterflies erupt in your stomach. "It's really sweet of you but I don't mind sharing my bed. I think it's better for me with you here." Michael nodded his head understanding and stood up slightly to dress down, not wanting to sleep in tight black skinny jeans and his denim jacket. Moving the sheets for him to join he smiled at you softly and leaned his head against the pillow next to you, both resting on your sides to look at each other. "Thank you. You breathed, "Not just for helping me get over his lame breakup." He furrowed his eyebrows curious by your words and rested his hand under his cheek. "But also for always making sure to put a smile on my face every single day." A huge smile plastered on his face so much his cheeks almost hurt and he caressed your cheeks slightly while looking at you with soft eyes. "You're so sweet Y/N. Get some rest. You need it."


"What?" Ashton questioned the second he walked into your bedroom with his sheets in his hands, a cheeky smile on his beautiful face features. "You thought I was gonna sleep on your couch like the last time?" Turning off the TV in front of you a nervous smile appeared on your face the second he placed his sheets and pillow next to yours. "No I just- I thought it would be better." You mumbled slightly while moving so there was space for him as well. He shrugged his shoulder while smiling, taking a seat down on your bed and spread the sheets around him. "It's not like I'm gonna roll onto you or anything." He grinned and leaned his cheek against the pillow and you nodded your head slightly and turned on the lights behind you on your nightstand. Doing like he did you rested on your side with your cheek pressed against the pillow, facing Ashton and noticing how his girls were falling in front of his face. "It's nice having you home." You breathed after a minute of silence, feeling a buzz going through your body the second his arm brushed yours to get more comfortable. "I'm happy to be home. See my family, have some time to relax. Spend time with you." The last part made blush spread on your cheeks and you almost had to burry your face into your pillow so he wouldn't notice. "What?" He questioned again and looked at you with his shinny hazel eyes. "You thought I forgot about you? You're one of the things I miss the most about being far from home all the time. To hear your giggle and see your smiley face the second we meet. It lights up my day even if it's okay facetime. Though it's ten times better in real life." Butterflies erupted in your stomach by his words and even if you wanted to admit all the feelings you had developed recently you couldn't. Being away from Ashton taught you a few things on your feelings for him. And now they had definitely increased and been confirmed the second he was back in Sydney. But oh boy how you wish he knew what was going on in your head every time he would smile at you.

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