He's Your Teacher | Part 5

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“Hey Adam, can I speak to you for a second?” Y/BF/N asked as he saw him on the hallway. ”So I heard you and Y/N have been chatting?” Her sudden question made his smile fade and a curious expression with a raised eyebrow appeared on his face. “Sorry, what?” He asked shaking himself out of thought with his head. “What?” She asked, raising an eyebrow as well. “You didn’t talk to her?” Y/BF/N crossed her arms as she spoke, titling her head to the side. “I haven’t shared eye contact with her for months?” He confessed, a smirk starting to play on his lips.

"You’re serious? She spoke quietly, looking at him daring. "Of course I am. Seems like she’s been lying and playing you like a fool." He snickered shutting his locker. "She would never do that!" Y/BF/N defended building up an anger. "Then why did she say she was with me when she clearly weren’t?" He said quietly crossing his arms and eyeing her up and down. Y/BF/N stood still looking at him with no emotion, his words echoing in her brain as she tried to register what the possible reason could be then. "It was nice talking to you Y/BF/N." He gave her a smirk before he shoved his gym bag over his shoulder and heading towards the gym leaving her speechless at the hallway.

His thoughts were running around in curiosity as he asked by himself on the hallway but a faint sound of a male moan made his body stop in track, his eyes going wide but with knitted eyebrows afterwards. The faint sound appeared again and his ears registered it came from the classroom across from him.

Adam hesitated but walked towards the door and opening it quietly and slightly afraid of scaring whoever was in there. His jaw hung down to his knees as he noticed you sitting on Mr. Hemmings’ lap, one hand inside his flannel and the other one going around his hair as his was on your breast, a small groan leaving his lips as you pulled into the back of his hair in the neck. Adam stood frozen, didn’t bugging to move but he panic as you pulled back, hiding from the door and leaning against the wall in the hallway.

 ”I have to go now.” You laughed making a pout form on Luke’s lips, his desire for more kisses burning in his veins. “Fine. Get up early I wanna see you before class again tomorrow.” He smiled standing up from the chair and taking his bag. “We’ll see.” You teased sticking your tongue out at him and grabbing your stuff. “I’ll see you, “, you grabbed the base of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, “Tomorrow.” You whispered as you pulled back brushing your lips against his. A smile appeared on his lips as he watched you walking out of class.

Dragging your feet down the hallway, the echoing sound of footsteps that weren’t yours made you stop in track to look back, a jolt running through your body as Adam stood closer than you expected, your heart starting to pound faster than usual. “Jesus you scared the grab out of me.” You breathed turning around fully to watch him better, his statement quiet but a smirk was playing on his lips.

”I see you and Mr. Hemmings share a few more things than just math examples.”

He cocked his head as he spoke, enjoying watching you as you started to stammer not knowing what to answer or do. “You saw us?” You managed to get out. “Oh I did. That was the reason why you lied to Y/BF/N and used me as a cover up.” “Please don’t tell anyone.” You pleaded, looking at him guilty as your bottom lip was trembling.

"I won’t. On one condition. We’ll get back together."

He took you aback by the mention, an anger building in your body. “I- I can’t do that.” “Fine. Hey Mr. Flour I need to talk to you for a second.” He suddenly yelled towards a teacher walking towards her and a panic spread through your body, your feet dragging yourself towards him and grabbing his hand pulling him back, intertwining your fingers. “What?” He asked looking over at you and Adam. “I just wanted to wish you a pleasant day.” Adam expressed and walked past him with you.

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