You Have A Kid But Aren't Together | Part 3

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“Who’s he?” Drew asked quietly, making you tear your eyes away from Luke’s looking back at the younger boy’s confused expression. The sound of Luke smacking the door almost startled you as him and William was heading towards you guys. “That’s uhm.. My ex fiancé and son.” You swallowed; grimacing as you spoke, knowing that his reaction wouldn’t turn out good. This was clearly not the time to admit that you had almost been married and actually had a family with someone else. Drew was gobsmocked to say at least, staring at Luke as he approached you guys, but he didn’t say a thing, just went straight pass through you to walk inside your house with William. “Wait, what?!” Drew exclaimed almost loudly, looking wide eyed at you. “You.” He said pointing towards you, “Was engaged to him?” He pointed towards Luke now inside the house. “And have a son?!” He now yelled making you flinch by his reaction. “When did you plan on telling me this?” He asked furiously. “I uhm...” You stammered trying to find the right words. “Y/N this is sick. I’m out of here.” He said not letting you get the chance to speak up. You were about to say something but no words came out as he went down the porch and left your house. “You look great.” Your best friend commented as Luke approached the kitchen with William. “You too Luke.” She added with a wink but Luke only cocked an eyebrow at her, holding a straight line. “You ok?” She asked, Luke placed William on the counter along with his stuff. “Who was the guy outside?” William asked being faster than his father. “That’s uh..” She stammered not really knowing if she should spill out the details or not. “No one.” You answered before her as you came in through the kitchen. “Who’s the rose for?” You asked suddenly noticing the red flower in Williams’s hand. “It’s for you.” He smiled reaching out for you to take it. “From you?” You asked grabbing it from him. “No, actually, it’s from dad.” He answered making you turn around to look at Luke, seeing him look down at the ground as he was having his hand on the back of his now very red neck. “Is there any special occasion?” You asked confused, referring to the boys matching flannels. “Yea, there actually is uhm- could we talk outside Y/N. Alone?” Luke almost mumbled, looking up at you. You nodded your head at him unsure, walking outside with him on the balcony. “So who was the fetus?” He asked as he closed the door, putting a pressure on “was”. “First of all he’s not a fetus.” “Since when did you date younger guys?” Luke interrupted you. “I don’t know.” You exclaimed shrugging your shoulders. “And I don’t do that.. Anymore.” You admitted, making Luke cock a smirk. “You know, there are so many other people who could give you much better than him.” Luke said making you cock an eyebrow. “Are you referring to yourself?” You asked, “Maybe.” He said moving a bit closer to you. “I’ve already tried you before Luke. You can’t just pull a new number and get back in line. You were the one who cut off our relationship.” You said sternly getting tired of his all over smirk. “All what I’m asking for is for a second chance. To prove you anything I haven’t.” He almost pleaded now, grabbing both of your hands. “Don’t just do it for me. Do it for you. Do it for William.” He said gesturing towards the window where William was staring through the class window. “I don’t wanna get hurt again.” You whispered. “You won’t. I promise.” He whispered, before letting go of one of your hands to grab something in his pocket. Your eyes widen as you saw the same little red package you had seen years ago, Luke fumbling a bit with it before opening it. “You still have it?” You asked in disbelief, taking the package out of his hand. “Wouldn’t dare to throw it out. I knew from the day that you guys left that I had – and would get you back. You know I’ll never give up in my life for you Y/N.” You didn’t say a thing just took the old engagement ring out of the sponge thing, placing it on your ring finger. “It still fits.” You mumbled looking up at him. “So what do you say? Move in with me again and maybe start some weeding plans?” He asked hopefully. “I think we can work it out.” You started to smile before pulling Luke in for a kiss, him wrapping his arms around your waist as he let out a satisfied smile.

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