Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 2

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Isolation cabin? With Luke Hemmings? Out of all persons you were this lucky to be stuck with a snug up guitarist for the next couple of weeks! How the hell were you gonna survive this? Your thoughts were running around in your head as you dragged your bag over your shoulder, walking behind Luke and Mrs. Walden as you guys were heading further into the woods, away from all the other cabins to get to the isolation cabin. Your eyebrows twisted as you noticed a lake starting to form around the trees, a lake you had never seen before. “Have that always been here?” You asked out loud making Mrs. Walden chuckle. “It has Y/N. You’ve just never been in this part of the woods before.” Your mouth formed into a small “o” and you nodded your head at her before they stopped in their track, Luke throwing his bag onto the ground. “We’re gonna live there?” He asked in disbelief – the first words of him being said since you had left the other cabins, pointing towards the brown cabin being placed a little bit higher above the ground, a stair being attached to it. “Is it even allowed in the rules to let a girl and a boy sleep in the same cabin together?” You asked as Mrs. Walden started to walk up the stairs, Luke grabbing his bag from the ground before following her. “As long as there’s not any sexual tension between the two of them. And I can conclude from the two of you that, that’s’ the last thing that could possibly happen.” She said as she grabbed out a key, opening the door to the cabin. It wasn’t like the cabin was different from the others, yet in this one there were only 2 beds instead of 4. “You might have to open the windows it’s been a little closed in here for a while. But remember to close them tonight, there’s gonna be a storm.” Mrs. Walden informed as you and Luke had plopped your bags on each bed, you taking the one to the left whilst he took the one to the right. “Have a nice camp.” She smiled before shutting the door after her, leaving an awkward silence fill the air. You stood for a few seconds, trying to think of things you could do at the moment, so you opened your bag and started packing out. You took out some of the few band posters you had hung up in the other cabin, grabbing some gummy stuff from your bag as well before standing on your bed, ready to hang it on the wall. “You like Blink?” He asked a little bit surprised making you turn around to look at him. “Yeah.” You answered pressing the paper to the wall as you had placed the gum on it, banging it a bit for it to stick. “I do too.” He said, scratching his neck a bit. “Cool.. I guess.” You said unsure jumping down from the bed.  The sound of a window smacking appeared of all the sudden, startling you both as you looked at the window being smacked against the wall repeatedly times because of the now strong wind. “Mrs. Walden was right.” Luke mumbled before walking over to the window, having a bit of difficulty with closing it, but he managed.  You walked over to Luke, standing next to him as you watched the wind catching up, the threes looking as they were close to break free from the roots and fall to the ground.


“How am I gonna intimidate him, for fuck sake I haven’t even had a real boyfriend yet.” You hissed as your heels were trying to prevent the girls from pushing you. “We’ve already planned this Y/N and you said yes. No regrets now.” Willow smiled before her and the girls stopped pushing you making you turn around to give them death glares. “I did not think that you guys actually meant this.” You said baffling with your arms in a protest. “But we are. And we know you wanna win this competition as much as we want. Just press your boobs a little bit together and flirt with your eyes. That’s your weapons.” Emma informed, opening a button on your shirt. Your eyes widen when your cleavage was in vision, the other girls nodding there head at it. You let out a sigh, “Where is he?” You mumbled. Hero pointing behind you making you turn your head around to see Calum sit with his feet dangling down the lake bridge, having what possibly could be a guitar in his hand. “Aren’t they in class or something?” You asked confused looking back at them. “They have a break since Mrs. Jake ended up eating a mushroom that was poisoned. It sounds crazy I know but she got send to the health cabin, so they have a day off now.” Emma explained and the girls started to walk again. “What am I gonna say?” You asked, the confusion never leaving you. “Just tell him a story or something. Do what you wanna do, make something up we don’t care as long as you get his attention.” Hero said as you guys gathered around a tree not far away. “Now you go over to him and seduce him.” Emma said before giving you a light push to your shoulder blades. You gave her a death glare as you looked back at them before looking back at Calum, pushing your chest up before you approached him. As your feet connected with the wooden bridge Calum tensed in his body by the sound of someone approached him so he turned his head quickly, his eyebrows rising in a question manor as he saw you. He didn’t say a thing only looked back at the lake, still playing on his guitar. You hesitated for a moment, looking back at the girls to see them giving you waving hands, wanting you to take a seat next to him. You obeyed, took a seat next to Calum and letting your legs dangle next to him. He stopped the guitar playing, now looking back questionable at you. “What are you doing here Y/L/N?” He asked suspicious. “Nothing really. I just heard you playing. You’re good.” You complimented, making his face soften. “It wasn’t really anything special. Just some few chords.” He shrugged letting the guitar plectrum flow over the strings. “I’m better on the bass.” He admitted. “I know. You’re an amazing bassist.” You smiled and he returned it, before placing the guitar next to him. “Can you like, teach me some stuff on it?” You asked, baffling your eyebrows at him. He let out a small chuckle ruffling a hand through his hair. “I’m not sure..” He mumbled, fiddling with the plectrum in his hand. “Please.” You whined and he looked at you for a second before nodding. “Fine. But don’t tell my bandmates, they’ll kill me if they find out.” He said seriously and you nodded your head. “Yay, I’ll see you around then.” You smiled before standing up, walking back to the camps. The girls gave you a wide eyed look as you gave them a thumbs up, 3 smiles breaking onto their faces as the mission had completed.

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