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It was like the smell of horror hit your nose just as soon as you walked inside the almost empty quiet house of Michael's. Nobody was in sight when you walked into the living room, and you were met by the biggest mess you had seen to date. Massive piles of beers were gathered around on the couches, tables and on the floor, empty bags of chips were random places and there must have been at least three massive stains on the floor from red wine. Normally when Luke would head over to Michael's for a beer it wouldn't end up like this, though sometimes the actual animals would hit the boys and parties like this would occur. Or more likely the leftovers of it because everyone had left now since it wasn't more than 9am. Ignoring the fact that you were wearing shoes you headed towards the stairs and walked up towards Michael's bedroom and as you expected the boys were inside. "Thank fucking god." Ashton exclaimed just as soon as he saw you in the doorframe and you took a look around at the room when you noticed Luke was hovering over a bucket. "Luke come on, Y/N is finally here." Ashton shook Luke yet didn't get much of a respond other than Luke standing up still with the bucket below his mouth. "How much did he drink?" You asked shocked and looked at him with wide eyes, approaching him. "Stop." Ashton warned and moved his hand up to express himself and you stopped in track confused. "He threw up on the floor earlier." Your eyes adverted down to the floor where a massive dark gray stain on Michael's otherwise light gray carpet, and that made sense to why Michael's whole room smelled like puke. "Here, let me help you get him out to your car." Ash mumbled with a sigh and wrapped his arm around Luke, you getting his other arm and wrapped it around your shoulder and you looked over at Michael who seemed to almost be passed out in his bed next to a sleeping Calum. "Just keep the bucket." Michael mumbled with closed eyes and you nodded your head and walked out of the door with Luke and Ash, trying to get Luke down the stairs without falling. "One shot became twenty, you know those moments." Ashton said with a laugh when he buckled up Luke in your car and you giggled softly and ran a hand through Luke's hair before turning on the car. "Thanks for the help Ash. I think he appreciates having such a great friend like you." Ashton nodded his head as a thank you by your words before smacking the door shut, and he waved as you drove out of the parking lot, and headed towards the road. A small groan came from Luke and you glanced shortly towards him with a small smile, seeing him slowly open his eyes. "You're sooo gonna get a painful hangover." Luke laughed very quietly and nodded his head agreeing. "It's already here." You chuckled by his words and moved your hand towards his thigh, letting him intertwine your fingers wit the hand that wasn't holding the bucket and he smiled by the affection, happy to have you to pick him up every time he would end up in a drunkard.


Your hangovers really stood out from others. Whether it was the fact that you could drown at least 10 shots in the matter of 15 minutes or the fact that you lost at least 3 games of beer pong, you had no idea but one thing was for sure. This hangover stood out from the others and it was so bad you could barely sit up in the bed. It was even a surprise to you how you had managed to get home by yourself because you were feeling so bad it was a shock that everything had went fine last night. A small trip to the city with the girls had turned into a full on party at one of the three clubs you guys visited. Calum had expected you to come home at 2am as you informed, but after getting weird uncomprehending messages from you until 5am, he understood that you wouldn't be home soon, and you weren't even home when he woke up at 8am to get to work at the studio. Though when he arrived home at 4pm, it was clear from your shoes and jacket thrown in the middle of the living room that you came home right after he went to the studio. Hurrying upstairs to your bedroom he was met by the whole bedroom isolated from the sun, the only thing lighten up the room was the TV that was almost mute. Calum's eyes glanced over at the bed where the massive piles of two duvets were covering your almost nude body and he had to hold in the laugh that was ready to spill from his lips. Quietly he moved forward and took a seat on the bed, and moved some of the duvet away to see your face. "Hey drunkie." He said with a chuckle and you rolled your eyes by his words and moaned into the pillow. "How are you feeling?" "What does it look like?" You mumbled yet still managed to smile up at him. "My very hungover girlfriend." Calum responded and moved the duvet so he could rest next to you and he placed a bag onto the floor and wrapped his arm around you. "Have you been throwing up?" You nodded your head against his chest and sighed, closing your eyes and tried to control the thoughts of your organs almost flying out of your mouth. "So your body isn't really inviting for food right now?" You looked up at him confused, and shrugged your shoulders. If there was one thing that always worked when you were hungover, it was to sleep. It meant that you could sleep all day to try to get the nausea away and avoid food but sometimes it actually worked to eat. It was a fifty fifty because whether the body would feel better or it would feel worse. "Because I expected you to be hungover so I bought a share box on the way home." He said with a chuckle and your eyes widened by the McDonalds nuggets box in front of you. "I fucking love you." You whispered and kissed him shortly on the lips before digging into the box, the two of you sharing it while watching the movie that had been playing on Netflix for the last hour.

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